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It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word

OpenAI an­nounced this week that it has raised $6.6 bil­lion in new fund­ing and that the com­pany is now val­ued at $157 bil­lion over­all. This is quite a feat for an or­ga­ni­za­tion that re­port­edly burns through $7 bil­lion a year—far more cash than it brings in—but it makes sense when you re­al­ize that OpenAI’s pri­mary prod­uct is­n’t tech­nol­ogy. It’s sto­ries.

Case in point: Last week, CEO Sam Altman pub­lished an on­line man­i­festo ti­tled The Intelligence Age.” In it, he de­clares that the AI rev­o­lu­tion is on the verge of un­leash­ing bound­less pros­per­ity and rad­i­cally im­prov­ing hu­man life. We’ll soon be able to work with AI that helps us ac­com­plish much more than we ever could with­out AI,” he writes. Altman ex­pects that his tech­nol­ogy will fix the cli­mate, help hu­mankind es­tab­lish space colonies, and dis­cover all of physics. He pre­dicts that we may have an all-pow­er­ful su­per­in­tel­li­gence in a few thou­sand days.” All we have to do is feed his tech­nol­ogy enough en­ergy, enough data, and enough chips.

Maybe some­day Altman’s ideas about AI will prove out, but for now, his ap­proach is text­book Silicon Valley myth­mak­ing. In these nar­ra­tives, hu­mankind is for­ever on the cusp of a tech­no­log­i­cal break­through that will trans­form so­ci­ety for the bet­ter. The hard tech­ni­cal prob­lems have ba­si­cally been solved—all that’s left now are the de­tails, which will surely be worked out through mar­ket com­pe­ti­tion and old-fash­ioned en­tre­pre­neur­ship. Spend bil­lions now; make tril­lions later! This was the story of the dot-com boom in the 1990s, and of nan­otech­nol­ogy in the 2000s. It was the story of cryp­tocur­rency and ro­bot­ics in the 2010s. The tech­nolo­gies never quite work out like the Altmans of the world promise, but the sto­ries keep reg­u­la­tors and reg­u­lar peo­ple side­lined while the en­tre­pre­neurs, en­gi­neers, and in­vestors build em­pires. (The Atlantic re­cently en­tered a cor­po­rate part­ner­ship with OpenAI.)

Despite the rhetoric, Altman’s prod­ucts cur­rently feel less like a glimpse of the fu­ture and more like the mun­dane, buggy pre­sent. ChatGPT and DALL-E were cut­ting-edge tech­nol­ogy in 2022. People tried the chat­bot and im­age gen­er­a­tor for the first time and were as­ton­ished. Altman and his ilk spent the fol­low­ing year speak­ing in stage whis­pers about the awe­some tech­no­log­i­cal force that had just been un­leashed upon the world. Prominent AI fig­ures were among the thou­sands of peo­ple who signed an open let­ter in March 2023 to urge a six-month pause in the de­vel­op­ment of large lan­guage mod­els ( LLMs) so that hu­man­ity would have time to ad­dress the so­cial con­se­quences of the im­pend­ing rev­o­lu­tion. Those six months came and went. OpenAI and its com­peti­tors have re­leased other mod­els since then, and al­though tech wonks have dug into their pur­ported ad­vance­ments, for most peo­ple, the tech­nol­ogy ap­pears to have plateaued. GPT-4 now looks less like the pre­cur­sor to an all-pow­er­ful su­per­in­tel­li­gence and more like … well, any other chat­bot.

The tech­nol­ogy it­self seems much smaller once the nov­elty wears off. You can use a large lan­guage model to com­pose an email or a story—but not a par­tic­u­larly orig­i­nal one. The tools still hal­lu­ci­nate (meaning they con­fi­dently as­sert false in­for­ma­tion). They still fail in em­bar­rass­ing and un­ex­pected ways. Meanwhile, the web is fill­ing up with use­less AI slop,” LLM-generated trash that costs prac­ti­cally noth­ing to pro­duce and gen­er­ates pen­nies of ad­ver­tis­ing rev­enue for the cre­ator. We’re in a race to the bot­tom that every­one saw com­ing and no one is happy with. Meanwhile, the search for prod­uct-mar­ket fit at a scale that would jus­tify all the in­flated tech-com­pany val­u­a­tions keeps com­ing up short. Even OpenAI’s lat­est re­lease, o1, was ac­com­pa­nied by a caveat from Altman that it still seems more im­pres­sive on first use than it does af­ter you spend more time with it.”

In Altman’s ren­der­ing, this mo­ment in time is just a way­point, the doorstep of the next leap in pros­per­ity.” He still ar­gues that the deep-learn­ing tech­nique that pow­ers ChatGPT will ef­fec­tively be able to solve any prob­lem, at any scale, so long as it has enough en­ergy, enough com­pu­ta­tional power, and enough data. Many com­puter sci­en­tists are skep­ti­cal of this claim, main­tain­ing that mul­ti­ple sig­nif­i­cant sci­en­tific break­throughs stand be­tween us and ar­ti­fi­cial gen­eral in­tel­li­gence. But Altman pro­jects con­fi­dence that his com­pany has it all well in hand, that sci­ence fic­tion will soon be­come re­al­ity. He may need $7 tril­lion or so to re­al­ize his ul­ti­mate vi­sion—not to men­tion un­proven fu­sion-en­ergy tech­nol­ogy—but that’s peanuts when com­pared with all the ad­vances he is promis­ing.

There’s just one tiny prob­lem, though: Altman is no physi­cist. He is a se­r­ial en­tre­pre­neur, and quite clearly a tal­ented one. He is one of Silicon Valley’s most revered tal­ent scouts. If you look at Altman’s break­through suc­cesses, they all pretty much re­volve around con­nect­ing early start-ups with piles of in­vestor cash, not any par­tic­u­lar tech­ni­cal in­no­va­tion.

It’s re­mark­able how sim­i­lar Altman’s rhetoric sounds to that of his fel­low bil­lion­aire techno-op­ti­mists. The pro­ject of techno-op­ti­mism, for decades now, has been to in­sist that if we just have faith in tech­no­log­i­cal progress and free the in­ven­tors and in­vestors from pesky reg­u­la­tions such as copy­right law and de­cep­tive mar­ket­ing, then the mar­ket­place will work its magic and every­one will be bet­ter off. Altman has made nice with law­mak­ers, in­sist­ing that ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence re­quires re­spon­si­ble reg­u­la­tion. But the com­pa­ny’s re­sponse to pro­posed reg­u­la­tion seems to be no, not like that.” Lord, grant us reg­u­la­tory clar­ity—but not just yet.

At a high enough level of ab­strac­tion, Altman’s en­tire job is to keep us all fix­ated on an imag­ined AI fu­ture so we don’t get too caught up in the un­der­whelm­ing de­tails of the pre­sent. Why fo­cus on how AI is be­ing used to ha­rass and ex­ploit chil­dren when you can imag­ine the ways it will make your life eas­ier? It’s much more pleas­ant fan­ta­siz­ing about a benev­o­lent fu­ture AI, one that fixes the prob­lems wrought by cli­mate change, than dwelling upon the phe­nom­e­nal en­ergy and wa­ter con­sump­tion of ac­tu­ally ex­ist­ing AI to­day.

Remember, these tech­nolo­gies al­ready have a track record. The world can and should eval­u­ate them, and the peo­ple build­ing them, based on their re­sults and their ef­fects, not solely on their sup­posed po­ten­tial.


Read the original on www.theatlantic.com »

2 357 shares, 18 trendiness

Cloudflare beats patent troll so badly it basically gives up

Cloudflare on Thursday cel­e­brated a vic­tory over Sable Networks, which the for­mer de­scribed as a patent troll.”

That’s a term for an in­di­vid­ual or or­ga­ni­za­tion that ex­ists solely to makes patent in­fringe­ment claims in the hope of win­ning a set­tle­ment from de­fen­dants con­cerned about costly patent lit­i­ga­tion.

Sable sued Cloudflare back in March 2021,” wrote Emily Terrell and Patrick Nemeroff, re­spec­tively Cloudflare’s se­nior coun­sel for lit­i­ga­tion and se­nior as­so­ci­ate gen­eral coun­sel, in a write-up Wednesday.

Sable is a patent troll. It does­n’t make, de­velop, in­no­vate, or sell any­thing. Sable IP is merely a shell en­tity formed to mon­e­tize (make money from) an an­cient patent port­fo­lio ac­quired by Sable Networks from Caspian Networks in 2006.”

Patent trolls have vexed the tech­nol­ogy in­dus­try for years, some­times even draw­ing reg­u­la­tory re­sponses as hap­pened over a decade ago when op­por­tunis­tic lit­i­gants fo­cused on patents per­ti­nent to the emerg­ing smart­phone mar­ket. The Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion re­sponded by is­su­ing a set of ex­ec­u­tive ac­tions to curb abuses.

Lately, these patent prof­i­teers have tar­geted the open source com­mu­nity. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Linux Foundation last month strength­ened ties with United Patents, a com­pany fo­cused on de­fend­ing against preda­tory patent claims.

Five other com­pa­nies that we know of sued by Sable — Cisco, Fortinet, Check Point, SonicWall, and Juniper Networks — set­tled out of court. Splunk, mean­while, fought back and man­aged last year to con­vince Sable to dis­miss its claim against the op­er­a­tion prior to its takeover by, fun­nily enough, Cisco.

Internet ser­vices gi­ant Cloudflare has notched up an even greater vic­tory. Facing an ini­tial in­fringe­ment law­suit re­gard­ing around a hun­dred claims re­lated to four patents, the cor­po­ra­tion ended up hav­ing to deal with just a sin­gle patent vi­o­la­tion claim.

In February, Cloudflare pre­vailed when a Texas jury found it did not in­fringe Sable’s micro-flow la­bel switch­ing” patent.

The biz both con­vinced the jury that it did not use the micro-flow” tech­nol­ogy de­scribed in the US patent 7,012,919 and that the patent was in­valid be­cause of prior art.

The ex­is­tence of two ear­lier US patents, 6,584,071 and 6,680,933 for router tech­nol­ogy de­vel­oped by Nortel Networks and Lucent in the 1990s con­vinced the jury that Sable’s 919 patent should never have been granted.

The mat­ter also saw Sable pledge not to pur­sue fur­ther ac­tions of this sort.

In the end, Sable agreed to pay Cloudflare $225,000, grant Cloudflare a roy­alty-free li­cense to its en­tire patent port­fo­lio, and to ded­i­cate its patents to the pub­lic, en­sur­ing that Sable can never again as­sert them against an­other com­pany,” said Terrell and Nemeroff.

The agree­ment means that Sable will tell the US Patent and Trademark Office that it is aban­don­ing its patent rights and no fur­ther claims based on those patents will be pos­si­ble.

The Register called Sable’s listed phone num­ber, and it is no longer in ser­vice. The com­pa­ny’s web­site is un­re­spon­sive and an at­tor­ney for the firm did not im­me­di­ately re­spond to a re­quest for com­ment.

Terrell and Nemeroff said that prior art sub­mis­sions for the Sable case re­lated to Project Jengo, a crowd-sourced patent in­val­i­da­tion ini­tia­tive, will be ac­cepted un­til November 2, 2024. At some point there­after, Cloudflare, which has al­ready given out $70,000 in awards for the case, will se­lect fi­nal award win­ners.

We’re proud of our work fight­ing patent trolls and be­lieve that the out­come in this case sends a strong mes­sage that Cloudflare will fight back against mer­it­less patent cases and we will win,” a spokesper­son for Cloudflare told The Register. ®


Read the original on www.theregister.com »

3 265 shares, 17 trendiness

Search for Charts by Data Visualization Functions

What do you want to show?

Here you can find a list of charts cat­e­gorised by their data vi­su­al­iza­tion func­tions or by what you want a chart to com­mu­ni­cate to an au­di­ence. While the al­lo­ca­tion of each chart into spe­cific func­tions is­n’t a per­fect sys­tem, it still works as a use­ful guide for se­lect­ing chart based on your analy­sis or com­mu­ni­ca­tion needs.


Read the original on datavizcatalogue.com »

4 263 shares, 13 trendiness

We only learnt of our son’s secret online life after he died at 20

It is the sum­mer of 1989 and a Norwegian cou­ple re­turn from hos­pi­tal cradling their new­born son. Their names are Robert and Trude Steen, this is their first child and they have named him Mats. The early weeks pass in the deliri­ous, hor­mone-flooded fug of new par­ent­hood, Robert doc­u­ment­ing his son’s wrig­gles and cries on his cam­corder with a new-found pa­ter­nal pride that has left him dumb­founded. And as the months pass, the cam­era keeps rolling. Mats grows. He sprouts bright blond Nordic hair. He drags him­self to his feet and be­gins to tod­dle. His fa­ther films him wad­dling across their liv­ing room in a Tom and Jerry T-shirt. He was, Robert re­mem­bers, the most beau­ti­ful, per­fect child”.

From about the age of two, though, some­thing changes. Robert and Trude can­not put their fin­ger on it at first, but a con­cern for their child be­gins to gnaw at them. He strug­gles to get back to his feet when he falls. Playground ob­sta­cles be­come in­sur­mount­able. Robert films Mats as he stum­bles and plonks to his bot­tom. But he just sits on the ground in his dun­ga­rees, cry­ing and help­less. As a par­ent, you know when some­thing is wrong with your child,” Trude says. They just did­n’t know what.

For two years they worry, watch­ing purse-lipped as their son’s phys­i­cal de­vel­op­ment slows then stalls. They push and per­suade doc­tors to take their fears se­ri­ously. There are tests and ex­am­i­na­tions and then, fi­nally, they re­ceive the news. It was 1pm on May 18, 1993,” Robert says. I re­mem­ber the hos­pi­tal of­fice where we were given the mes­sage. I re­mem­ber every­thing.”

Mats aged five or six

Their son, the doc­tor ex­plains, has a con­di­tion known as Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy. It is a ge­netic dis­or­der that causes pro­gres­sive mus­cle wastage and will, over time, de­prive Mats of all his re­main­ing strength and mo­bil­ity. Walking will be­come harder and harder for him. In a few years he will need a wheel­chair and then, even­tu­ally, a team of round-the-clock car­ers as his con­di­tion grad­u­ally ren­ders him phys­i­cally help­less. There will be feed­ing tubes and ma­chines to help him clear his lungs, be­cause swal­low­ing and cough­ing will be be­yond him. He may, his par­ents are told, live to be 20. Our world broke apart,” Trude says gen­tly. The mes­sage was dev­as­tat­ing, bru­tal. It was the day we un­der­stood it would­n’t go away. It would rule our lives and, inthe end, also take Mats away from us.”

Amid the shock and hor­ror, there is also the quiet aban­don­ment of the fu­ture they had hoped for their son: of ski­ing and foot­ball, of uni­ver­sity, a suc­cess­ful ca­reer and per­haps one day a fam­ily of his own. Instead, they learn to fo­cus on each day as it comes and to find and pro­vide what hap­pi­ness they can in each mo­ment. Mats grows into an in­tel­li­gent school­boy with a droll sense of hu­mour. By the age of eight he is in a wheel­chair, but he bonds with his school­mates in Oslo and shares in the com­mu­nal pas­sion for video games. He loves his lit­tle sis­ter, Mia, and their pet dog. Everyone ar­gues over who gets to be on Mats’ team dur­ing fam­ily quiz nights.

His teenage years are harder. His friends, in­evitably, are drawn into a world of house par­ties and late-night cin­ema trips and early ro­man­tic re­la­tion­ships. It is a world Mats can­not en­ter. No friends came knock­ing at the door any more,” Robert says, with­out bit­ter­ness. So Mats spends more and more time alone, play­ing video games. He dis­cov­ers an on­line role-play­ing game called World of Warcraft, in which thou­sands of play­ers can ex­plore a vast, three-di­men­sional, Dungeons & Dragons-style fan­tasy world and work to­gether to com­plete quests and de­feat mon­sters. He sinks hour af­ter hour into the game and his par­ents al­low him to: he is al­ready de­nied so many of life’s plea­sures, it would seem churl­ish to deny him this.

At 18, he grad­u­ates from high school with ex­cel­lent grades but is un­em­ploy­able. He moves into an an­nexe, is looked af­ter by a ro­tat­ing team of car­ers and spends much of his time deeply ab­sorbed in World of Warcraft, his right hand rest­ing awk­wardly on a cus­tom-built key­board, his head lolling to one side as he nav­i­gates an epic world. Robert and Trude some­times sit with him while he plays, but af­ter half an hour they find their at­ten­tion drift­ing. It was bor­ing, just sit­ting there watch­ing some­thing on screen,” Robert ad­mits. We did­n’t know what was go­ing on.”

The years pass. Mats’ 20th birth­day comes and goes. He be­gins to write a blog about his life and con­di­tion as his body seems to be­come smaller and more frag­ile by the day. In November 2014, he is ad­mit­ted to hos­pi­tal with res­pi­ra­tory prob­lems. It is not the first time this has hap­pened and, though these episode­sare fraught, he has al­ways re­turned home af­ter sev­eral days of in­ten­sive care. This time, how­ever, the Steens are roused by a tele­phone call not long af­ter they have gone to bed for the night.

It was the hos­pi­tal,” Robert says. They said, We think you should get in your car and hurry here now.’ So we threw our­selves in the car. We had never dri­ven so fast through Oslo, but it was at night, so the streets were quiet.” Robert and Trude flew into the hos­pi­tal at 12.14am, des­per­ate to see their child. We were ex­actly 14 min­utes late. He had died at mid­night.” The feel­ing, he says, was complete empti­ness. What had filled our lives, for bet­ter or worse, phys­i­cally, men­tally, prac­ti­cally, was now over. It had come to an end.”

Their grief is deep­ened by the knowl­edge that their son had lived a small, dis­creet life of lit­tle real con­se­quence. He had made no mark on the world or on the lives of any­one out­side his im­me­di­ate fam­ily. Mats had never known ro­man­tic love or last­ing friend­ship, or the feel­ing of hav­ing made a mean­ing­ful con­tri­bu­tion to so­ci­ety. They log in to his blog so they can post a mes­sage let­ting his fol­low­ers know that he has died. And then they sit to­gether on the sofa, un­able to sleep, un­able to do any­thing.

Then some­thing rouses them. It is an email from a stranger, ex­press­ing their sor­row at Mats’ death. It is quickly fol­lowed by an­other email from an­other stranger, eu­lo­gis­ing their son. The mes­sages con­tinue, a trickle be­com­ing a flood as peo­ple con­vey their con­do­lences and write para­graph af­ter para­graph about Mats. He had a warm heart, peo­ple write. He was funny and imag­i­na­tive, a good lis­tener and gen­er­ous. You should be proud of him, every­one stresses. A pri­mary school teacher from Denmark writes that af­ter hear­ing of Mats’ death, she broke down in class and had to re­turn home. A 65-year-old psy­chol­o­gist from England says some­thing sim­i­lar. Mats was a real friend to me,” writes an­other stranger. He was an in­cur­able ro­man­tic and had con­sid­er­able suc­cess with women.” Someone else writes to them de­scrib­ing Mats’ em­pa­thy. I don’t think,” they say, he was aware of how big an im­pact he had on a lot of peo­ple.”

Robert and Trude can­not make sense of this. Who are these peo­ple? Are they crazy or what?” Robert asks, frown­ing. Slowly, though, with each new email, the truth be­gins to re­veal it­self.

Their son had lived by an­other name. To his fam­ily he had sim­ply been Mats. But within World of Warcraft he had ex­isted for years as a charis­matic ad­ven­turer named Ibelin”, a strap­ping swash­buck­ler with auburn hair tied back in a pony­tail and a butch goa­tee beard. And it was as this dig­i­tal al­ter ego that Mats had thrived in a way his fam­ily had never ap­pre­ci­ated. They had mis­un­der­stood what World of Warcraft re­ally was. It had seemed to them like a fre­netic ac­tion game of mon­ster-bash­ing and point-scor­ing. To Mats and the many peo­ple he played with — the peo­ple now email­ing Robert and Trude — it was some­thing far more pro­found: an im­mer­sive world built on so­cial in­ter­ac­tions, friend­ships and shared sto­ry­telling. Robert smiles. This win­dow started to open up to us that let us see he had an­other life be­sides his phys­i­cal life. And that it had been so rich, so big and so full of con­tent­ment.”

The story of Mats’ dou­ble life, and of the emo­tional im­pact its dis­cov­ery has had on his par­ents, is told in a new doc­u­men­tary called The Remarkable Life of Ibelin. It is a mov­ing and of­ten deeply philo­soph­i­cal work that tack­les ques­tions around the na­ture of re­al­ity and re­la­tion­ships in an in­creas­ingly on­line world. In some ways it is also in­cred­i­bly am­bi­tious. How do you show the in­ter­nal world of a ter­mi­nally ill young man who has now been dead for ten years? How do you recre­ate the words and deeds that made such an im­pact on oth­ers but which took place within an old on­line role-play­ing game? These were per­haps the two great­est chal­lenges fac­ing the Norwegian di­rec­tor Benjamin Ree.

I’ve spent the past four years try­ing to find out what kind of per­son Mats was,” says Ree, who is bearded, cheer­ful and, as he later dis­cov­ered, was born within a few days of his sub­ject. I al­most feel like I’ve done a doc­tor­ate de­gree in him, in try­ing to un­der­stand him bet­ter.”

In mak­ing Ibelin, how­ever, Ree dis­cov­ered he had a num­ber of unique re­sources at his dis­posal. Mats had been a mem­ber of a World of Warcraft guild”, a sort of for­mal club or fra­ter­nity that play­ers can join, of­ten by in­vi­ta­tion only. Mats’ guild was called Starlight and had its own on­line fo­rum on which he was a pro­lific poster, in­ter­act­ing with other guild mem­bers and swap­ping thou­sands of mes­sages. The guild also kept a dig­i­tal log of their mem­bers’ every ac­tion within the game it­self: the tran­scripted text of every typed con­ver­sa­tion their char­ac­ter had, every ac­tion and emote they com­manded their avatar to carry out — laugh­ing, curt­sey­ing, cry­ing, danc­ing, eat­ing, drink­ing, hug­ging — and the time­stamped co­or­di­nates of every lo­ca­tion they vis­ited.

Mats spent al­most 20,000 hours in that world. He ba­si­cally grew up in World of Warcraft,” Ree says. And what I saw in all the logs and fo­rums and tran­scrip­tions was that com­ing of age in­side a game had a lot of sim­i­lar­i­ties to com­ing of age in the real world.”

What makes Ree’s film so af­fect­ing is the way in which view­ers are able to feel as though we are be­side Mats as he goes through this com­ing-of-age process. Using an­i­ma­tion in the style of World of Warcraft graph­ics, we fol­low Ibelin as he runs through a fan­tasy land­scape of moun­tain peaks and deep forests. He sits be­side a pond and is ap­proached by a beau­ti­ful dark-haired young woman named Rumour, who be­gins to tease him play­fully be­fore snatch­ing his hat and run­ning off into the for­est. Mats is 17 at this point and, like all teenage boys, he can­not quite work out that the woman is flirt­ing with him. But he even­tu­ally twigs that he is sup­posed to give chase and the pair strike up a con­ver­sa­tion. The young woman is, in fact, con­trolled by a teenage girl from the Netherlands. She is named Lisette and, like her avatar, she has long dark hair. Over the fol­low­ing weeks and months Ibelin and Rumour, con­trolled by Mats and Lisette, fall into the kind of in­tense but ro­man­ti­cally am­bigu­ous re­la­tion­ship that will be ag­o­nis­ingly fa­mil­iar to any­one who has ever been a teenager. At one point, Rumour gives Ibelin a peck on the cheek. It was just a vir­tual kiss,” Mats re­mem­bers years later on his blog. But boy, I could al­most feel it.”


Lisette and Mats swap ad­dresses and send each other to­kens: mix CDs and, in Lisette’s case, sketches of Rumour and Ibelin em­brac­ing. But Mats will not video-chat with her or at­tend any of the real-life Starlight meet-ups that take place. He does not want her — or any­one else — to know of his con­di­tion. In World of Warcraft every­one is phys­i­cally per­fect, so it is a play­er’s abil­ity to pro­ject their per­son­al­ity and charisma that makes them at­trac­tive and pop­u­lar. And Ibelin is at­trac­tive and pop­u­lar. Why risk that by re­veal­ing his true na­ture? In this other world, a girl would­n’t see a wheel­chair or any­thing dif­fer­ent,” Mats will later re­flect. They would see my soul, heart and mind, con­ve­niently placed in some strong body.”

But though Mats’ true iden­tity re­mains hid­den, what’s strik­ing is how much he is able to af­fect the lives of the peo­ple he games with. Lisette’s par­ents con­fis­cate her com­puter when her school grades dip, and don’t be­lieve her when she tells them she will be cut off from so many of her friends with­out it. Isolated and lonely, she falls into a se­vere de­pres­sion. I could­n’t think of rea­sons to get out of bed,” she says. Mats in­ter­venes. He writes a heart­felt but mea­sured let­ter to her par­ents, in­tro­duc­ing him­self as an on­line friend of their daugh­ter’s, ex­press­ing his ad­mi­ra­tion for Lisette, ex­plain­ing how im­por­tant World of Warcraft is to her and urg­ing them all to work to­gether to find a so­lu­tion that will al­low her some ac­cess to her com­puter.

Lisette’s par­ents are taken aback. But they re­assess and Rumour re­turns, and she and Ibelin are re­united in the game once more. He helps Lisette un­pack and un­der­stand her trou­bles. Ibelin was a re­ally big sup­port pil­lar. He was a friend I could be open with about all the things that were go­ing on,” she says. It’s one of the things that got me out of the de­pres­sion I was in.”

She is not the only per­son he helps. A man named Kristian plays the game as a blue-haired gnome and is over­come with feel­ings of worth­less­ness. Over time he ad­mits all this to Ibelin. I told him every­thing,” Kristian says. I told him how ter­ri­ble I had felt. Perhaps it does­n’t seem like much, but it meant the world to me.”

Having spo­ken to dozens of the peo­ple he knew on­line, Ree says it’s clear that Mats was a very good lis­tener. Which might seem a strange thing to say when they did­n’t ac­tu­ally talk, be­cause every­thing was writ­ten down,” he says. But he would re­mem­ber every­thing that his friends told him. He would ask them ques­tions about it months later. Even to­wards the end of his life, when he was as sick as it’s pos­si­ble to get, you could see how he would pri­ori­tise his friends and find the en­ergy to be there for them. It’s quite ex­tra­or­di­nary.”

Perhaps most mov­ing of all is when Mats learns that one of his Starlight friends is, in real life, mother to an autis­tic teenage son named Mikkel. He is un­able to leave their apart­ment, she tells him. He is un­able to show her any phys­i­cal af­fec­tion. She feels like a ter­ri­ble mother. Mats lis­tens and then sug­gests that she in­vite her son into the game it­self. The son agrees to this and the three of them be­gin to spend time to­gether within the game, with Mats gen­tly en­cour­ag­ing Mikkel to take so­cial risks, to in­tro­duce him­self to other avatars or at least re­spond when spo­ken to. Under Mats’ guid­ance, Mikkel be­gins to find a mea­sure of con­fi­dence. One day, Mikkel gives his moth­er’s char­ac­ter a vir­tual hug, a wa­ter­shed mo­ment for them both. It was the first time in my life that I could feel love, and started to un­der­stand love,” Mikkel says in Ibelin. The heav­ens opened up,” his mother says. This was what I had been wait­ing for.” Today, Mikkel is able to hug his mother in real life. He is able to leave the house. I went from the most neg­a­tive per­son in the world to a per­son who could tol­er­ate peo­ple,” he says, laugh­ing.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is not a ha­giog­ra­phy, how­ever. In sift­ing through Mats’ life, Ree also un­cov­ers con­flict. If you’ve ever been part of an on­line com­mu­nity, you will know that ri­val­ries and dis­agree­ments fes­ter eas­ily. Empathetic as he was, Mats could also be scathing, sar­cas­tic and tem­pera­men­tal. He finds him­self es­tranged from Lisette, who dis­cov­ers that Ibelin has been ro­manc­ing other women within the game. He falls out with the mother of Mikkel, who be­gins to sus­pect that he may be suf­fer­ing from a chronic ill­ness in real life. We see that Mats gets in a lot of trou­ble be­cause he keeps it a se­cret,” Ree says. The in­ner demons build up and he gets into a lot of prob­lems be­cause he is­n’t hon­est about his ill­ness.” It is only to­wards the end of his life, when he fi­nally opens up about his con­di­tion to every­one in World of Warcraft and starts writ­ing his blog, that he is able to mend all his bridges.

But the fact that he broke them in the first place makes him all the more re­lat­able, Ree says. Who has­n’t made mis­takes as a young guy? Pissed peo­ple off, been a prick, lost friends and then had to get them back again?” He grins. There were a lot of sim­i­lar­i­ties with me grow­ing up, ac­tu­ally.”

In the days im­me­di­ately fol­low­ing Mats’ death, Robert and Trude found the vol­ume of in­for­ma­tion they re­ceived from strangers about their son both won­drous and sur­real. They had sim­ply not known. I knew he was car­ing and kind,” Trude says. But I never saw the ex­tent to which he helped and sup­ported so many peo­ple.”

Robert nods. It’s when I re­alised that the emo­tions and re­la­tion­ships we cre­ate on­line can be stronger than we re­alise.”

A del­e­ga­tion from the Starlight guild at­tend his fu­neral, in­clud­ing Lisette. During the ser­vice, his cof­fin is draped with their ban­ner, a sil­ver star set against mid­night blue. Robert de­liv­ers a eu­logy for his son in which he speaks of the sor­row he and Trude had felt, be­liev­ing that his short life had been one void of mean­ing, friend­ship, love and be­long­ing. But, he con­tin­ues, over the past few days they have come to un­der­stand that this was not the case, and that he had ex­pe­ri­enced all these things. You proved us wrong. You proved us so wrong,” he says from the lectern, be­fore ex­plain­ing how they had come to learn of Ibelin’s ex­ploits. Mats was, at times, ac­cused of be­ing a wom­an­iser,” he tells the fu­neral con­gre­ga­tion, tight-throated and smil­ing. And I must ad­mit, be­ing a fa­ther, I’m a bit proud of that.”

Ten years on, Robert and Trude are still dis­cov­er­ing things about Mats. This, along with work­ing on the doc­u­men­tary, has helped pre­vent him from fad­ing in their hearts and minds. We’ve still not got to the bot­tom of every­thing he did,” Robert says. In a way, he still lives. He’s 35 and we’re still learn­ing about his life. He’s very pre­sent. He’s very close to us.”


Every year, the mem­bers of the Starlight guild meet at a cer­tain spot within World of Warcraft to com­mem­o­rate Ibelin. They stand shoul­der to shoul­der, flaw­less elves, gal­lant knights and mighty sor­cer­ers. But re­ally they are just nor­mal peo­ple with nor­mal prob­lems. Many of them had their lives im­proved, in some way or an­other, by a kind and funny Norwegian boy who died too soon but still left a mark on the world. His fa­ther draws a breath and smiles help­lessly. The tears that I have in my eyes now are not sad tears,” he says. They are happy tears.”

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin is on Netflix from October 25


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6 193 shares, 8 trendiness

I stayed.

My in­sight into cor­po­rate le­gal dis­putes is as mean­ing­ful as my opin­ion on Quantum Mechanics. What I do know is that, when given the chance this week to leave my job with half a year’s salary paid in ad­vance, I chose to stay at Automattic.

Listen, I’m strug­gling with med­ical debts and fi­nan­cial oblig­a­tions in­curred by the clos­ing of my con­fer­ence and pub­lish­ing busi­nesses. Six months’ salary in ad­vance would have wiped the slate clean. From a fidu­ciary point of view, if noth­ing else, I had to at least con­sider my CEOs of­fer to walk out the door with a big bag of dol­lars.

But even as I made my­self think about what six months’ salary in a lump sum could do to help my fam­ily and calm my cred­i­tors, I knew in my soul there was no way I’d leave this com­pany. Not by my own choice, any­way.

I re­spect the courage and con­vic­tion of my de­parted col­leagues. I al­ready miss them, and most only quit yes­ter­day. I feel their de­par­ture as a per­sonal loss, and my grief is real. The sad­ness is like a cold fog on a dark, wet night.

The next weeks will be chal­leng­ing. My re­main­ing cowork­ers and I will work twice as hard to cover tem­po­rary em­ployee short­falls and re­cruit new team­mates, while also nav­i­gat­ing the com­plex per­sonal feel­ings these two weeks of sud­den, sur­pris­ing change have brought on. Who needs the ag­gra­va­tion, right? But I stayed.

I stayed be­cause I be­lieve in the work we do. I be­lieve in the open web and own­ing your own con­tent. I’ve de­voted nearly three decades of work to this cause, and when I chose to move in-house, I knew there was only one house that would suit me. In nearly six years at Automattic, I’ve been able to do work that mat­tered to me and helped oth­ers, and I know that the best is yet to come.

I also know that the Maker-Taker prob­lem is an is­sue in open source, just as I know that a friend you buy lunch for every day, and who earns as much money as you do, is sup­posed to re­turn the fa­vor now and then. If a friend takes ad­van­tage, you’re sup­posed to say or do some­thing about it. Addressing these im­bal­ances is rarely pretty. Doing it in pub­lic takes its own kind of courage. Now it’s for the lawyers to sort out.

On May 1, 1992, a man who’d been hor­ri­bly beaten by the L. A. po­lice called for calm in five heart­felt, mem­o­rable words: Can’t we all get along?” We could­n’t then, and we aren’t, now, but my job at Automattic is about help­ing peo­ple, and that re­mains my fo­cus at the con­clu­sion of this strange and stress­ful week. I’m grate­ful that mak­ing the tough busi­ness de­ci­sions is­n’t my re­spon­si­bil­ity. In that light, my de­ci­sion to stay at Automattic was easy.


Read the original on zeldman.com »

7 152 shares, 9 trendiness

An Intuitive Explanation of Black–Scholes

I ex­plain the Black–Scholes for­mula us­ing only ba­sic prob­a­bil­ity the­ory and cal­cu­lus, with a fo­cus on the big pic­ture and in­tu­ition over tech­ni­cal de­tails.

The Black–Scholes for­mula is the crown jewel of quan­ti­ta­tive fi­nance. The for­mula gives the fair price of a European-style op­tion, and its suc­cess can ul­ti­mately be mea­sured by its im­pact on op­tion mar­kets. Before the for­mu­la’s pub­li­ca­tion in 1973 (Black & Scholes, 1973; Merton, 1973), op­tion mar­kets were rel­a­tively small and illiq­uid, and op­tions were not traded in stan­dard­ized con­tracts. But af­ter the for­mu­la’s pub­li­ca­tion, op­tion mar­kets grew rapidly. The first ex­change to list stan­dard­ized stock op­tions, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, was founded the same year that Black–Scholes was pub­lished. And to­day, op­tions are a highly liq­uid, ma­ture, and global as­set class, with many dif­fer­ent tenors, ex­er­cise rights, and un­der­ly­ing as­sets.

The fi­nan­cial and math­e­mat­i­cal the­ory un­der­pin­ning Black–Scholes is rich, and one could eas­ily spend months learn­ing the foun­da­tional ideas: con­tin­u­ous-time mar­tin­gales, Brownian mo­tion, sto­chas­tic in­te­gra­tion, val­u­a­tion through repli­ca­tion, and risk-neu­tral­ity to name just a few key con­cepts. But prop­erly con­tex­tu­al­ized, the for­mula can be sur­pris­ingly in­evitable. It can al­most feel like a law of na­ture rather than a fi­nan­cial model. My goal here is to jus­tify this claim.

To be­gin, let’s setup the prob­lem and then state the for­mula. Recall that a call op­tion () is a con­tract that gives the holder the right but not oblig­a­tion to buy the un­der­ly­ing as­set () at an agreed-upon strike price (). A put op­tion () is the right but not oblig­a­tion to sell the un­der­ly­ing short, but since calls and puts are fun­gi­ble through put–call

par­ity, we will only con­cern our­selves with call op­tions in this post. If we can price one, we can price the other. We say the holder ex­er­cises

the op­tion if they choose to buy or sell the un­der­ly­ing. A European-style

op­tion can only be ex­er­cised at a fixed time in the fu­ture, called ex­piry ().

Clearly, the pay­off at ex­piry of a European-style op­tion is just a piece­wise lin­ear ramp func­tion,

where de­notes the value of the stock at ex­piry (black line, Figure

). The sin­gle most im­por­tant char­ac­ter­is­tic of an op­tion is this asym­met­ric pay­off. For a call op­tion, our down­side is lim­ited, but our up­side is un­lim­ited. In fi­nance, this kind of asym­met­ric be­hav­ior is called convexity”.

Given this, we might guess that the price of the call be­fore ex­piry, so where , should look like a smooth ap­prox­i­ma­tion of the ramp func­tion (colored lines, Figure ), at least to a first ap­prox­i­ma­tion. Why? Imagine we hold a call be­fore ex­piry, but the un­der­ly­ing is cur­rently less than the strike . Our po­si­tion is not worth­less pre­cisely be­cause it’s still pos­si­ble that the stock price will rise be­fore ex­piry. So we should still be able to sell the con­tract for more than zero. The closer the stock is to the strike , the more we should be able to re-sell our op­tion for. Put dif­fer­ently, and this is the key point here, the price of the op­tion will change non­lin­early with the price of the stock, and as time passes, the smooth ap­prox­i­ma­tion should look more and more like the pay­off func­tion, be­cause the op­tion is los­ing its op­tion­al­ity.

This ten­sion be­tween time de­cay and con­vex­ity is the cen­tral dy­namic of an op­tion, and the Black–Scholes for­mula en­cap­su­lates this ten­sion beau­ti­fully. According to the Black–Scholes model, the fair price of a European-style call op­tion is the fol­low­ing:

Here, is the cu­mu­la­tive dis­tri­b­u­tion func­tion (CDF) of the stan­dard nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion, is the stan­dard de­vi­a­tion or volatil­ity of the un­der­ly­ing as­set, and is the risk-free in­ter­est rate. Black–Scholes as­sumes that the volatil­ity and risk-free rate are both con­stant.

At a high level, this for­mula is just the weighted dif­fer­ence be­tween the stock and strike prices. But the terms and are not ob­vi­ously in­ter­pretable. So can we make head­way here? Can we say some­thing more pre­cise with­out quickly get­ting bogged down in math­e­mat­i­cal de­tails? Let’s try.

Understanding how to de­rive Equation from first prin­ci­ples re­quires a com­plex set of math­e­mat­i­cal and fi­nan­cial ideas. Perhaps the trick­i­est part for most peo­ple is the use of sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus (Itô, 1944; Itô, 1951; Bru & Yor, 2002). Stochastic cal­cu­lus is re­quired be­cause we as­sume the un­der­ly­ing stock price fol­lows this sto­chas­tic dif­fer­en­tial equa­tion (SDE), which is a geo­met­ric Brownian


Here, is the drift of the stock, and is the volatil­ity of the stock. This is the same vari­able in as Equation . Finally, is an in­fin­i­tes­i­mal change in a Brownian mo­tion.

The im­por­tant but sub­tle point here is that Equation is math­e­mat­i­cally im­pre­cise to most peo­ple, even those with strong tech­ni­cal back­grounds. In stan­dard cal­cu­lus, we can­not take the de­riv­a­tive of a ran­dom func­tion. Informally, it breaks the re­quired as­sump­tion that the func­tion is smooth enough and can there­fore be lo­cally ap­prox­i­mated by a tan­gent line. Thus, the no­ta­tion has no mean­ing in stan­dard cal­cu­lus. So it ap­pears that to even un­der­stand the gen­er­a­tive model above, one must un­der­stand sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus.

As an aside, it’s worth men­tion­ing that this tech­ni­cal dif­fi­culty is made even more sub­tle in the orig­i­nal pa­per (Black & Scholes, 1973) be­cause it’s only a tech­ni­cal de­tail. The main con­tent of the pa­per is the de­riva­tion of the fa­mous Black–Scholes par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tion (PDE), and this is done by rea­son­ing about the dy­nam­ics of an op­tion. But since an op­tion’s price is a func­tion of its un­der­ly­ing stock’s price, de­scrib­ing its dy­nam­ics via a PDE re­quires par­tial de­riv­a­tive such as

And of course, com­put­ing this term re­quires sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus since is a ran­dom func­tion. So with­out sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus, any de­riva­tion of the Black–Scholes PDE is high-level at best. My ap­proach in this post is to cir­cum­vent the PDE en­tirely and to just make sense of Equation di­rectly. The PDE is beau­ti­ful—and per­haps I’ll write a sep­a­rate post about it in the fu­ture—but we can still make progress by just think­ing about the gen­er­a­tive model of the stock price in sim­ple, prob­a­bilis­tic terms.

So let’s side-step the chal­lenge of sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus im­plicit in Equation

. The key point is this: a dif­fer­en­tial equa­tion is an equa­tion that ex­presses the re­la­tion­ship be­tween a func­tion and its de­riv­a­tives. And a so­lu­tion here is the closed-form ex­pres­sion of

such that we could plug and its de­riv­a­tive(s) into Equation and it would hold. A stan­dard re­sult is that the so­lu­tion to the SDE in Equation is the fol­low­ing de­f­i­n­i­tion of :

If you want more de­tail, read about solv­ing the SDE of geo­met­ric Brownian mo­tion. But the main idea for us is that the Black–Scholes mod­el­ing as­sump­tion can be ex­pressed in a form that does not re­quire sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus. Equation

can be re­framed as the as­sump­tion that stock prices are log­nor­mally

dis­trib­uted or, put dif­fer­ently, that log re­turns are nor­mally dis­trib­uted:

So as a ped­a­gog­i­cal trick, let’s just as­sume Equations and rather than Equation

. This is our new start­ing point.

For some in­tu­ition for the leap be­tween the two, re­call that the de­riv­a­tive of

is , and this looks a bit like the left-hand side of Equation . So think of the left-hand side of Equation as a log re­turn. And think of the right-hand side of Equation as a nor­mally dis­trib­uted ran­dom vari­able, since it is an in­cre­men­tal (additive) change in Brownian mo­tion plus a con­stant drift. The ex­tra term, , can only be prop­erly un­der­stood with sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus—it’s from the qua­dratic vari­a­tion of Brownian mo­tion—, but it pro­vides no real in­tu­ition for us here, and we will take it as a given.

Let’s look at some ex­am­ples. In Figure , I have plot­ted the stock price over vary­ing drifts and volatil­i­ties

. This looks like ran­dom noise with drift be­cause that’s pre­cisely what it is. The nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion is as ran­dom as it gets, in the sense that the Central

Limit Theorem states that the ap­pro­pri­ately scaled sum of in­de­pen­dent ran­dom vari­ables con­verges to the nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion. Things that aren’t ini­tially nor­mal can still be­come nor­mal over time.

Now if is nor­mally dis­trib­uted, then is log­nor­mally dis­trib­uted. So as time passes, the stock price is al­ways log­nor­mally dis­trib­uted with a vari­ance that in­creases lin­early with time and thus a volatil­ity that in­creases with the square root of

time. To vi­su­al­ize this as­sump­tion, I’ve plot­ted the ap­pro­pri­ate log­nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion at var­i­ous time slices along with a many em­pir­i­cal sam­ples (Figure ). In my mind, this fig­ure cap­tures the geo­met­ric essence of Equations and . Black–Scholes as­sumes that the stock price is un­pre­dictable mod­ulo the drift, and that infinitesimal change in Brownian mo­tion”, math­e­mat­i­cally vague for the unini­ti­ated, amounts to an un­cer­tainty about the stock price that grows with the square root of time.

Of course, we could make the same fig­ure but us­ing log re­turns. In that case, the lines in­di­cat­ing the log­nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tions in Figure

would change to in­di­cate nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tions. In ei­ther case, the gen­er­a­tive model of Black–Scholes is that prices and there­fore re­turns are un­pre­dictable.

Now pause. We’re go­ing to make a sub­tle but crit­i­cal tweak to our as­sump­tions so far. We’re go­ing to re­place the stock-spe­cific drift with the risk-free in­ter­est rate . Concretely, rather than as­sum­ing Equation , we’re go­ing to as­sume a stock’s log re­turns fol­low this nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion:

We haven’t dis­cussed in de­tail yet, but this is just the an ide­al­ized num­ber rep­re­sent­ing the time-value of money. To a first or­der, think of as the in­ter­est rate from a very se­cure or re­li­able as­set, such as a short-term US gov­ern­ment bond. It is the risk-free rate and thus the lower-bound on what you can earn with­out risk.

Of course, dif­fer­ent stocks might be mod­eled with dif­fer­ent drifts. The drift of a blue-chip com­pany might not be the same as the drift of a penny stock. So in essence, this as­sump­tion is a claim that Black–Scholes is mak­ing: the drift of the stock does­n’t mat­ter when pric­ing an op­tion! This is a sur­pris­ing and deep claim. Let’s un­der­stand it.

In the orig­i­nal pa­per, Black and Scholes as­sume that the mar­ket has no ar­bi­trage. Here, an arbitrage” is an op­por­tu­nity to make a risk-free profit start­ing at zero wealth. In other words, Black–Scholes as­sumes the mar­ket is per­fectly ef­fi­cient, and the for­mula (Equation ) rep­re­sents the fair price of the op­tion in this ide­al­ized world.

Now when I first learned this stuff, I found this as­sump­tion con­fus­ing, be­cause I thought it was anal­o­gous to as­sum­ing no fric­tion” in a high-school physics prob­lem. In physics, we might sim­plify the world by as­sum­ing that a box slides on plane with­out fric­tion. This makes cal­cu­la­tions eas­ier for stu­dents, but the con­se­quence is that pre­dic­tions are sys­tem­at­i­cally wrong. At some point, we have to add fric­tion back into our model to make it re­al­is­tic.

But fric­tion is a poor anal­ogy here, and I pro­pose a dif­fer­ent one: as­sum­ing no ar­bi­trage is anal­o­gous to as­sum­ing no wind or air re­sistence when mod­el­ing pro­jec­tile mo­tion. This as­sump­tion also sim­pli­fies cal­cu­la­tions, but re­ally it helps us un­der­stand the essence of the phe­nom­e­non: the par­a­bolic arc of pro­jec­tile mo­tion. Later, we can add air re­sis­tance or wind de­pend­ing on our par­tic­u­lar cir­cum­stances, but the un­der­ly­ing par­a­bolic arc is a kind of pla­tonic ideal. It is the sig­nal with­out the noise.

This is the sense in which Black–Scholes as­sumes no ar­bi­trage. The as­sump­tion is not an im­plau­si­ble claim that real fi­nan­cial mar­kets are per­fectly ef­fi­cient. Rather, as­sum­ing no ar­bi­trage is as­sum­ing a per­fectly co­her­ent, noise-free sys­tem where prices are con­sis­tent and make sense rel­a­tive to each other. So this is­n’t about sim­pli­fy­ing cal­cu­la­tions. It’s about find­ing the pla­tonic price. And thus it’s not an as­sump­tion that we re­move in the fu­ture to get a more re­al­is­tic price. Quite the op­po­site! Adding ar­bi­trage would make the prob­lem im­pos­si­ble to solve be­cause prices would then be in­con­sis­tent. There would be no uni­ver­sally agreed-upon mar­ket price.

Now that we un­der­stand this, let’s re­trace the main line of ar­gu­ment of the orig­i­nal pa­per (Black & Scholes, 1973), but let’s do so in a sim­pler con­text. Imagine we sold a hy­po­thet­i­cal de­riv­a­tive con­tract: a re­deemable cer­tifi­cate on a stock, which can be ex­er­cised only at time . An in­vestor pays us , the fair price of the re­deemable at in­cep­tion, and in re­turn we give them a cer­tifi­cate that is re­deemable for the value of the stock at time

. Our goal is to solve for , the fair price of the re­deemable at any given mo­ment in time.

As deal­ers, the risk to us is that the price of the stock goes up. So what could we do? Well, the mo­ment we sell a re­deemable, we could buy the un­der­ly­ing stock. Now we are per­fectly hedged. We don’t care if the stock goes up or down in value, be­cause we own the stock. Whenever a cus­tomer comes to re­deem the value of the stock, we sim­ply sell the ap­pro­pri­ate share, and we’re done. We nei­ther make nor lose money on av­er­age, and thus the price is fair.

The key in­sight of Black–Scholes is to re­al­ize that our per­fectly hedged port­fo­lio, short a re­deemable and long a stock, is risk-less. And thus, it must grow or drift at the risk-free rate! Formally, we can say that the value of our port­fo­lio at ex­piry is

This is re­mark­able be­cause is ran­dom! But the left-hand side is not an ex­pec­ta­tion, be­cause we are al­ways hedged! Do you see the trick? This is the big idea of the orig­i­nal pa­per. We’ve neu­tral­ized the ran­dom­ness in by as­sum­ing we can per­fectly hedge it out!

Now a ter­mi­nal con­di­tion is that our re­deemable is worth the value of the stock at ex­piry, so . This is fair in the sense that nei­ther we nor the in­vestor makes more money than the other. Under this con­di­tion, we can write Equation as

But if our port­fo­lio is per­fectly hedged and risk­less, then clearly must be a risk­less de­riv­a­tive. And so it must drift at the risk-free rate, giv­ing us

And of course, we can re­place big with lit­tle , in gen­eral. Doesn’t this make sense? The fair price of the re­deemable is sim­ply the price of the stock at con­tract in­cep­tion, ad­justed for the time-value of money! Again, de­spite be­ing a ran­dom process, we have no ex­pec­ta­tions. We have neu­tral­ized ran­dom­ness through per­fect hedg­ing in a world with­out ar­bi­trage.

Now let’s ex­tend this line of rea­son­ing to op­tions. The chal­lenge here is that an op­tion has con­vex­ity. Its price changes non­lin­early with changes in the un­der­ly­ing. So un­like with the re­deemable, we would not want to buy ex­actly one share of stock for one op­tion con­tract. Instead, at each mo­ment, we want pre­cisely the amount of stock such that, if the stock price moved an in­fin­i­tes­i­mally small amount, our hedge would move an in­fin­i­tes­i­mally small amount that per­fectly matched the price of the op­tion. This sounds like a de­riv­a­tive from cal­cu­lus be­cause it is! The amount we want to hedge at an in­stant in time is sim­ply the de­riv­a­tive of the call price with re­spect to the stock price, called the delta:

So if the stock changes by one dol­lar, our op­tion price changes by ap­prox­i­mately


Now imag­ine a world with­out ar­bi­trage or trans­ac­tion fees and with con­ti­nous trad­ing. In this world, we (an op­tions dealer) can al­ways be per­fectly delta hedged. Our port­fo­lio is al­ways just

In the orig­i­nal pa­per, the au­thors re­peat the ar­gu­ment made above for re­deemables but in the con­text of op­tions. The cal­cu­la­tions be­come more com­pli­cated be­cause work­ing with re­quires sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus, since

is a ran­dom vari­able. But the ar­gu­ment is es­sen­tially the same. We as­sume a world with­out ar­bi­trage and then just model the dy­nam­ics of a per­fectly hedged and thus risk-less port­fo­lio. We use these dy­nam­ics (Black–Scholes PDE) and a ter­mi­nal con­di­tion to solve for the fair price .

That’s the orig­i­nal ar­gu­ment. It’s an ar­gu­ment about no ar­bi­trage and per­fect hedg­ing. But Black–Scholes feels like a law of na­ture be­cause it’s the so­lu­tion to a noise-free sys­tem and be­cause it can be de­rived in many ways. Another way to de­rive Black–Scholes is by mod­el­ing a port­fo­lio which per­fectly repli­cates the price of a call at each mo­ment. This idea of val­u­a­tion through repli­ca­tion is far-reach­ing in fi­nance. To quote Emanuel Derman (Derman, 2002):

If you want to know the value of a se­cu­rity, use the price of an­other se­cu­rity that’s as sim­i­lar to it as pos­si­ble. All the rest is mod­el­ing.

The dis­crete-time ver­sion of this ar­gu­ment is the bi­no­mial op­tions-pric­ing

model. Yet an­other way is to con­nect the idea of no ar­bi­trage to the idea of risk-neu­tral­ity. This re­la­tion­ship is called the fun­da­men­tal the­o­rem of as­set

pric­ing, and it’s the re­la­tion­ship we want to ex­plore here.

Let’s un­der­stand this con­nec­tion be­tween the orig­i­nal ar­gu­ment of no ar­bi­trage and the mod­ern ar­gu­ment of risk-neu­tral pric­ing. Consider this: in a Black–Scholes world, do we care about the drift of the un­der­ly­ing stock? As with a re­deemable, we are al­ways per­fectly and con­tin­u­ously delta hedged. We have no price ex­po­sure. In this world, all op­tions deal­ers would per­fectly hedge. And all op­tions in­vestors would be­come risk-neu­tral, be­cause it would not pay to take risk. So one trick that makes our logic and cal­cu­la­tions eas­ier is to just as­sume the drift of the stock is ! This is equiv­a­lent to as­sum­ing the world has no ar­bi­trage. And what’s the fair price of an op­tion in this world? It’s a time-dis­counted ex­pected value:

Here, the sub­script is called the risk-neu­tral mea­sure, and this no­ta­tion is used to make it ex­plicit that the ex­pec­ta­tion is com­puted in this imag­i­nary world, not in the real risky world. In this imag­i­nary world, is a mar­tin­gale, which is a sto­chas­tic process with an ex­pected value that is al­ways equal to the cur­rent value. Intuitively and im­por­tantly, mar­tin­gales have no drift. So in Equation , the only drift is from the dis­count fac­tor . The stock it­self is a drift-less mar­tin­gale.

So in one telling, we as­sume the world has no risk, and thus we can work with­out ex­pec­ta­tions. Random processes can be forced to be­come non-ran­dom. In an­other telling, we as­sume the world is risk-neu­tral, and ran­dom processes be­come mar­tin­gales. In both tellings, the only mean­ing­ful drift is the risk-free rate.

There is a lot of the­ory one could get into here. For ex­am­ple, the Girsanov

the­o­rem is a re­sult from prob­a­bil­ity the­ory on how a sto­chas­tic process changes un­der a change in mea­sure (here, from the true physical” mea­sure to the risk-neu­tral mea­sure). And you might read things like, Under the risk-neu­tral mea­sure, the stock price af­ter dis­count­ing by the risk-free rate fol­lows a mar­tin­gale”. You can eas­ily get lost in the tech­ni­cal de­tails. But in my mind, at a high-level, the con­cept is fairly sim­ple, if a bit non-ob­vi­ous. In a world in which all in­vestors and traders can per­fectly hedge their risk, there is no risk pre­mia; every­one is forced to be­come risk neu­tral. And thus, the price of every­thing is its risk-neu­tral ex­pected value, or its value if there was no pre­mia to risk.

And again, this sim­pli­fy­ing as­sump­tion is not like as­sum­ing no fric­tion”. We do not need to re-add ar­bi­trage or drift in or­der to com­pute a more re­al­is­tic op­tion price later. Instead, this as­sump­tion strips out all the noise, and

rep­re­sents a pla­tonic price in a co­her­ent and con­sis­tent mar­ket.

Armed with this un­der­stand­ing, let’s re­visit the gen­er­a­tive model for a stock. In a risk-neu­tral world, the drift of every stock is the same: it’s just the risk-free rate . This is the line of rea­son­ing which con­verts Equation to Equation .

We’re now ready to try to di­rectly make sense of Equation . At this point, we’ll need to a bit of te­dious al­ge­bra, but noth­ing in this sec­tion re­quires more than ba­sic prob­a­bil­ity. And the con­cep­tual work is mostly done. As promised, I’ve tried to side-step as much sto­chas­tic cal­cu­lus as pos­si­ble in or­der to get to this point.

Let’s also re­peat our mod­el­ing as­sump­tion (Equation ) but in terms of and :

As a fi­nal pre­lim­i­nary, two ob­ser­va­tions for no­ta­tional clar­ity. First, note that at time , the price

is non-ran­dom. So we can push that into the mean if we would like, giv­ing us:

Second, here I’ve used no­ta­tion and to match what I have com­monly seen in the lit­er­a­ture. But I think it’s ex­tremely use­ful to rewrite as

Now at a high-level, my claim is that we can think of

as de­com­pos­able into two terms, one rep­re­sent­ing what we make (stock price) and one rep­re­sent­ing what we pay (strike price), both con­tin­gent on the call end­ing in-the-money (). This idea is not orig­i­nal to me; it is from (Nielsen, 1992). We have:


C_1 &= \text{contigent value of stock} &&=


S_T & \text{if $S_T \gt K$,}

0 & \text{else,}


C_2 &= \text{contigent value of strike} &&=


-K & \text{if $S_T \gt K$,}

0 & \text{else.}


\end{aligned} \tag{18}

Furthermore, both of these terms will have a clear, sim­ple, prob­a­bilis­tic in­ter­pre­ta­tion that will di­rectly map onto Equation . Let’s see this.

First, what is ? This is an ex­pec­ta­tion, and the value of the claim is zero when the call is out-of-the-money (when ). By de­f­i­n­i­tion:

And it is easy to see that is equal to

Here, de­notes the -score of the log move from to , i.e.

So in words, we can see that is just the prob­a­bil­ity that the call ends up in-the-money, or the prob­a­bil­ity that . All those ex­tra vari­ables em­bed­ded in just rep­re­sent nor­mal­iz­ing the log move from to

, such that we can rep­re­sent the equa­tion us­ing the CDF of the stan­dard nor­mal rather than the CDF of . We could, if we wanted to, rep­re­sent all of this us­ing the CDF of the un-stan­dard­ized log­nor­mal dis­tri­b­u­tion. But it’s cleaner and con­ven­tional to work in a stan­dard­ized space.

To sum­ma­rize, we have shown:

This rep­re­sents the ex­pected value we must pay to ex­er­cise a call op­tion, con­tin­gent on the op­tion be­ing ex­er­cised. Of course, this is an ex­pected value, but the Black–Scholes price is the price in to­day’s terms. So we need a dis­count fac­tor, giv­ing us:

Now for , we again have an ex­pec­ta­tion where the con­tin­gent value is zero when the op­tion ends out-of-the-money. This is a bit more com­pli­cated than the de­riva­tion for , since is ran­dom while is fixed. By the law of

to­tal ex­pec­ta­tion, we have:


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What P vs NP is actually about

We re­cently made a Polylog video about the P vs NP prob­lem. As usual, our goal was to pre­sent an un­der­rated topic in a broadly un­der­stand­able way, while be­ing slightly im­pre­cise and leav­ing out the messy tech­ni­cal de­tails. This post is where I ex­plain those de­tails so that I can sleep well at night.

EDIT: At the bot­tom, I added replies to some more com­mon ques­tions peo­ple asked in the YouTube chat.

The main point of the video

The main point of the video was to pre­sent P vs NP from a some­what un­usual per­spec­tive. The most com­mon way to frame the ques­tion is: If you can ef­fi­ciently ver­ify a so­lu­tion to some prob­lem, does that mean you can ef­fi­ciently solve it?” Our video ex­plored a dif­fer­ent fram­ing: If you can ef­fi­ciently com­pute a func­tion , is there an ef­fi­cient way to com­pute ?” If you for­mal­ize both of these ques­tions, they’re math­e­mat­i­cally equiv­a­lent, and they’re also equiv­a­lent to the ques­tion Can we ef­fi­ciently solve the Satisfiability prob­lem?” (as proven in a later sec­tion)

I think that the fram­ing with in­vert­ing a func­tion is quite un­der­rated. It’s ex­tremely clean from a math­e­mat­i­cal per­spec­tive and high­lights the fun­da­men­tal na­ture of the ques­tion. We can also eas­ily view the more com­mon ver­i­fier-for­mu­la­tion of P vs NP as a spe­cial case of this one, once we re­al­ize that in­vert­ing a checker al­go­rithm and running it back­ward from YES solves the prob­lem that the checker ver­i­fies.

If we man­aged to con­vey some of these ideas to you, then the video suc­ceeded! However, a deep un­der­stand­ing re­quires grap­pling with all the nitty-gritty de­tails, which I’ll go through in this post. I’ll also touch on some ad­di­tional top­ics, like a fun con­nec­tion be­tween P vs NP and deep learn­ing.

The main hero of the video, sat­is­fi­a­bil­ity, comes in sev­eral fla­vors:

Satisfiability (SAT): In the most ba­sic ver­sion of the prob­lem, we are given a log­i­cal for­mula (without quan­ti­fiers) and must find an as­sign­ment to its vari­ables that makes it true; or de­ter­mine that no such as­sign­ment ex­ists. This is the clean­est for­mu­la­tion of the sat­is­fi­a­bil­ity prob­lem if you’re fa­mil­iar with log­i­cal for­mu­las. We did­n’t opt for this choice since it raises ques­tions like What kinds of log­i­cal con­nec­tives are al­lowed?” or How do you quickly eval­u­ate for­mu­las with many nested paren­the­ses?”.

Conjunctive-Normal-Form Satisfiability (CNF-SAT): This is the ver­sion of sat­is­fi­a­bil­ity we used. Conjunctive” means that we re­quire our for­mula to be a large con­junc­tion (AND) of clauses, where each clause is a dis­junc­tion (OR) of lit­er­als (either or ). This is the clas­sic in­put for­mat of­ten re­quired by SAT solvers.

3-SAT: This is CNF-SAT where we ad­di­tion­ally re­quire that each clause has at most three lit­er­als. If you look care­fully at our con­ver­sion of a cir­cuit to an in­stance of CNF-SAT, you’ll no­tice that if all the gates in the cir­cuit are one of AND, OR, NOT, and take at most two in­puts (which can al­ways be achieved), then the in­stance of CNF-SAT we cre­ate is, in fact, an in­stance of 3-SAT. So, our ap­proach proves that even 3-SAT is NP-complete.

Circuit-SAT: In this prob­lem, you are given a cir­cuit that out­puts a sin­gle bit, and the ques­tion is whether there is an in­put that makes the cir­cuit out­put True. In our video, we showed how to re­duce this prob­lem to CNF-SAT by en­cod­ing the gates of the cir­cuit as con­straints (and adding one more con­straint say­ing that its out­put is True). This trans­for­ma­tion is also called the Tseytin trans­for­ma­tion.

Any Algorithm Can Be Viewed as a Circuit

In our video, we did­n’t want to dive into how any al­go­rithm can be con­verted into a cir­cuit — I feel that it’s quite in­tu­itive once you see a bunch of ex­am­ples like the mul­ti­pli­ca­tion cir­cuit or if you have some idea of how a CPU looks in­side. But there is an im­por­tant sub­tlety: real-world cir­cuits con­tain loops.

More con­cretely, our im­plicit de­f­i­n­i­tion of a cir­cuit (corresponding to what the­o­reti­cians call a cir­cuit) is that the un­der­ly­ing graph of a cir­cuit has to be acyclic so that run­ning the cir­cuit re­sults in a sin­gle pass from the in­put to the out­put wires.

On the other hand, a de­f­i­n­i­tion that closely cor­re­sponds to how CPUs work would al­low the un­der­ly­ing graph to have cy­cles. In that de­f­i­n­i­tion, run­ning the cir­cuit means sim­u­lat­ing it for some pre­de­ter­mined num­ber of steps and then read­ing the out­put from the out­put wires. I’ll call this de­f­i­n­i­tion a real-world cir­cuit.”

Fortunately, we can con­vert any real-world cir­cuit into an acyclic cir­cuit by unwrapping it in time”. Specifically, given any real-world cir­cuit sim­u­lated for steps, for any of its gates , we make copies of that gate. Then, when­ever there was a wire be­tween two gates , we cre­ate wires be­tween and , and , and so on, up to and . This way, we get an acyclic cir­cuit. Running this cir­cuit cor­re­sponds to sim­u­lat­ing the orig­i­nal cir­cuit for steps.

The most com­mon for­mal model of al­go­rithms is not a real-world cir­cuit, but a Turing ma­chine. Converting any Turing ma­chine to our acyclic cir­cuit can be done in a sim­i­lar way to how you unwrap” a real-world cir­cuit. However, this con­ver­sion is more messy if you want to un­der­stand it in full de­tail.

Decision Problems and NP vs coNP vs

When we talk about a problem” in com­puter sci­ence, we usu­ally mean some­thing like sorting,” where we are given some in­put ( num­bers) and are sup­posed to pro­duce an out­put ( num­bers). But one sub­tlety of the for­mal de­f­i­n­i­tions of P and NP is that they de­scribe classes of so-called de­ci­sion prob­lems. These are prob­lems like Is this se­quence sorted?” where the in­put can still be any­thing, but the out­put is a sin­gle bit: yes or no.

So, when we say that graph col­or­ing is in NP, the prob­lem we talk about is whether it’s pos­si­ble to color it prop­erly with col­ors.” The rea­son we fo­cus on de­ci­sion prob­lems in for­mal de­f­i­n­i­tions is that it makes it eas­ier to build a clean the­ory. Unfortunately, that’s pretty hard to ap­pre­ci­ate if you’re en­coun­ter­ing these terms for the first time, which is why we try to avoid these kinds of is­sues in our videos as much as pos­si­ble.

There’s one more nu­ance. In our video, we im­plic­itly de­fined that a prob­lem is NP-hard if any prob­lem in NP can be re­duced to it. However, we did­n’t ex­plain what a reduction” is.

Intuitively, say­ing a prob­lem can be re­duced to SAT should mean some­thing like if there is a poly­no­mial-time al­go­rithm for SAT, there is also a poly­no­mial-time al­go­rithm for .” However, this is­n’t how clas­si­cal re­duc­tions are de­fined. Saying a prob­lem can be re­duced to SAT for­mally means that there is an al­go­rithm for solv­ing that works by first run­ning a poly­no­mial-time pro­ce­dure that trans­forms an in­put to into an in­put to SAT and then de­ter­min­ing whether that SAT in­stance is sat­is­fi­able.

So, for ex­am­ple, if you can solve some prob­lem by run­ning a SAT solver ten times, this does­n’t mean that you have re­duced that prob­lem to SAT— in re­duc­tion, you can only run the SAT solver once. Moreover, if you solve a prob­lem by run­ning the SAT solver and then do­ing some post­pro­cess­ing of its an­swer, this is also not a re­duc­tion.

Let’s look at an ex­am­ple. Consider a prob­lem called Tautology, where the in­put is some log­i­cal for­mula, as in the Satisfiability prob­lem. However, the out­put is 1 if all pos­si­ble as­sign­ments of val­ues make the for­mula true, and 0 oth­er­wise. Notice that any for­mula is a tau­tol­ogy if and only if the for­mula is not sat­is­fi­able. In par­tic­u­lar, if you can solve Satisfiability and want to find out whether some for­mula is a tau­tol­ogy, just ask the SAT solver whether is sat­is­fi­able and negate its an­swer. But no­tice that this reduction” is not al­lowed be­cause, af­ter run­ning the SAT solver, there is a post­pro­cess­ing step where we flip its an­swer.

Although sat solvers can solve Tautology, the prob­lem is (probably) not even in the class NP: If some­one claims that a for­mula is a tau­tol­ogy, how should they per­suade us that it is? Tautology hap­pens to be­long to the class coNP (the com­ple­ment of NP), which is a kind of mir­ror im­age of NP.

Finally, the class of prob­lems that we can solve in poly­no­mial time if we could solve SAT in poly­no­mial time is called . In gen­eral, means you have poly­no­mial time but can also solve any poly­no­mial-sized in­stance of the prob­lem in one step. So, both Satisfiability and Tautology are in . When I first learned about P vs NP, for quite some time I did­n’t know about de­ci­sion prob­lems, thought that , and could­n’t un­der­stand what the hell even meant.

In our video, we did­n’t say that the prob­lem Inversion, de­fined as given a func­tion de­scribed as a cir­cuit, re­turn a cir­cuit for ,” is NP-complete. This is be­cause Inversion is not even a de­ci­sion prob­lem, so the state­ment is not true. The more cor­rect state­ment would be some­thing like .

In our video, we hinted that the ques­tion Can we in­vert func­tions ef­fi­ciently?” is equiv­a­lent to the P vs NP prob­lem. However, we have not proven this equiv­a­lence for­mally, so let’s be more pre­cise now. The claim is that the fol­low­ing three state­ments are equiv­a­lent:

There is a poly­no­mial-time al­go­rithm for Satisfiability.

Given any func­tion de­scribed as a cir­cuit, there is a poly­no­mial-time al­go­rithm to com­pute (i.e., given some and some as in­put, the al­go­rithm in poly­no­mial time out­puts some such that , if such an ex­ists).

There is a poly­no­mial-time al­go­rithm for any NP-complete prob­lem.

All the ideas of the proof are in the video, but let’s prove this a bit more for­mally.

1 → 2: Given a poly­no­mial-time al­go­rithm for Satisfiability, we can in­vert any func­tion , as we demon­strated in the video: We con­vert the logic of into a sat­is­fi­a­bil­ity prob­lem, use a few more con­straints to fix the out­put to be , and use the as­sumed al­go­rithm for Satisfiability to find a so­lu­tion.

2 → 3: Recall that any prob­lem in NP has, by de­f­i­n­i­tion, a fast ver­i­fier: an al­go­rithm that takes as in­put an in­stance of (e.g., a graph if is the graph col­or­ing prob­lem), a pro­posed so­lu­tion (e.g., a col­or­ing), and de­ter­mines whether this so­lu­tion is cor­rect. To solve any in­put in­stance of , we pro­ceed as fol­lows. First, we rep­re­sent the ver­i­fier as a cir­cuit (as ex­plained ear­lier, this is al­ways pos­si­ble) with two in­puts: the in­stance and the pro­posed so­lu­tion. Then, we fix the first in­put to the spe­cific in­stance we want to solve. This way, we ob­tain a cir­cuit that maps pro­posed so­lu­tions to whether they are cor­rect for the in­stance of . Using our as­sump­tion, we can in­vert this cir­cuit, thereby de­ter­min­ing whether our in­stance ad­mits a so­lu­tion.

3 → 1: By de­f­i­n­i­tion, a prob­lem is NP-complete if we can re­duce any prob­lem in NP to it. Satisfiability is in NP, so we can re­duce any in­stance of Satisfiability to an in­stance of , which we can solve in poly­no­mial time by our as­sump­tion, as we wanted to prove. As a small de­tail, this way, we are only solv­ing the sat­is­fi­a­bil­ity as a de­ci­sion prob­lem, i.e., whether a so­lu­tion ex­ists, or not. However, once we solve the de­ci­sion prob­lem, we can also find an ac­tual so­lu­tion. To do this, we will re­peat­edly solve the de­ci­sion prob­lem and each time, we add an ad­di­tional con­straint like . If the so­lu­tion is still sat­is­fi­able with this con­straint added, we know that there ex­ists a so­lu­tion with be­ing True, so we add to our in­stance and con­tinue with . Otherwise, we know that there is a so­lu­tion with , so we add this con­di­tion to our in­stance and again con­tinue with . After steps, we re­cover an as­sign­ment of vari­ables that sat­is­fies the in­put for­mula.

One of the biggest mys­ter­ies of the­o­ret­i­cal com­puter sci­ence is that most prob­lems we come across in prac­tice are ei­ther in P or are NP-complete.

More specif­i­cally, the mys­tery is why there are only a few in­ter­est­ing prob­lems that have a po­ten­tial to be NP-intermediate where NP-intermediate prob­lems are those in NP that are nei­ther in P nor NP-complete. Funnily enough, the most promi­nent NP-intermediate can­di­date prob­lem is fac­tor­ing, the run­ning ex­am­ple in our video. Besides fac­tor­ing and the so-called dis­crete log­a­rithm prob­lem, it’s re­ally hard to come up with a good ex­am­ple of prob­lems that look like po­ten­tial NP-intermediate prob­lems.

There are also only a few interesting” prob­lems that are even harder than NP. I would­n’t call this a mys­tery: such prob­lems have the prop­erty that we can’t even ver­ify pro­posed so­lu­tions. This makes them in­tu­itively so much harder than what we usu­ally deal with that we don’t en­counter those prob­lems of­ten in al­go­rith­mic prac­tice and thus we mostly don’t think of them as interesting”.

One ex­am­ple of a prob­lem that’s even harder than NP is de­ter­min­ing win­ning strate­gies in games. For ex­am­ple, think of a spe­cific game, like chess, and ask the ques­tion, Does white have a win­ning strat­egy in this po­si­tion?” Even if you claim that white is win­ning in some po­si­tion, how do you con­vince me? I can try to play black against you, but even if I lose every time, maybe it just means I’m not a good enough player. We could go through the en­tire game tree to­gether, but that takes ex­po­nen­tial time (NP re­quires that we can ver­ify in poly­no­mial time).

In fact, if you gen­er­al­ize chess so that it is played on a chess­board of size , the prob­lem of play­ing chess is ei­ther PSPACE-complete or EXP-complete. The gen­er­al­iza­tion to board is nec­es­sary since oth­er­wise chess can be solved in con­stant time.

PSPACE is the class of prob­lems we can solve if we have ac­cess to poly­no­mial space. If we say that our gen­er­al­ized game of chess can last for, say, at most rounds and if the check­mate did not oc­cur un­til then, it ends in a draw, the prob­lem of find­ing win­ning strate­gies can be solved in PSPACE: we can re­cur­sively walk through the en­tire game tree of depth to com­pute whether any given po­si­tion is win­ning for some player. In fact, the prob­lem would be PSPACE-complete.

EXP is the class of prob­lems we can solve if we can use ex­po­nen­tial time. If we don’t im­pose any limit on how long our gen­er­al­ized chess game can last, the prob­lem is no longer in PSPACE, but it’s still in EXP. This is be­cause the game has at most ex­po­nen­tially many dif­fer­ent states, which means that if we ex­plore the game tree and re­mem­ber states we’ve al­ready seen, we can fin­ish in ex­po­nen­tial time.

Let’s re­turn to the fram­ing of the P vs NP ques­tion as ” How can this fram­ing be use­ful? In the video, we showed how this view makes it clear that if P=NP, hash func­tions can­not ex­ist be­cause their en­tire shtick is to be easy to com­pute but hard to in­vert.

Here’s an­other rea­son why I find this fram­ing help­ful. It makes it clear that be­ing able to in­vert al­go­rithms brings a lot of power and makes you won­der whether we can run al­go­rithms back­ward” at least in some re­stricted sense. So, what kinds of func­tions can we ef­fi­ciently in­vert or even run back­ward”?

One ex­am­ple could be lin­ear func­tions. That is, we can solve the lin­ear equa­tion and write (assuming the so­lu­tion ex­ists). Importantly, the ma­trix can be com­puted from in poly­no­mial time.

Let’s be more am­bi­tious and talk about con­tin­u­ous func­tions. Concretely, let’s re­call our acyclic cir­cuits and mod­ify them as fol­lows: The wires will no longer carry ze­ros and ones but ar­bi­trary real num­bers. The gates will no longer com­pute log­i­cal func­tions like AND, OR, NOT, but sim­ple al­ge­braic func­tions like +, for some pa­ra­me­ter , and even more com­pli­cated func­tions like sig­moid or ReLU. These kinds of cir­cuits are, of course, called neural net­works.

Now, we can’t lit­er­ally in­vert neural net­works—that’s still NP-complete. But we can do some­thing sim­i­lar. Let’s say we have a net­work that com­putes some func­tion and we run it on some in­put vec­tor to get an out­put vec­tor , which we write as . Now, let’s say we’d like to nudge the out­put from to some very close to . The ques­tion is, how do we com­pute the vec­tor that has the prop­erty that ? This is anal­o­gous to the prob­lem of in­vert­ing func­tions, but this prob­lem is eas­ier. Since we’re only talk­ing about nudg­ing and we as­sume that is a nice con­tin­u­ous func­tion, we can ap­prox­i­mate it by a lin­ear func­tion in the vicin­ity of and write , where is the ma­trix of par­tial de­riv­a­tives. Since we know how to in­vert lin­ear func­tions, we can now solve for , i.e., find out how to nudge to get the ap­pro­pri­ate nudge at .

The al­go­rithm that can com­pute in lin­ear time for neural net­works is called back­prop­a­ga­tion. This al­go­rithm nicely fits our P vs NP dream of running al­go­rithms back­ward”: not only when it comes to the task that it solves but also in how it works: The al­go­rithm be­gins at the end of the neural net­work and works its way back through the wires while com­put­ing the de­riv­a­tives. I find it very sat­is­fy­ing how you can view this al­go­rithm as the cur­rently best an­swer we got to the ques­tion given a cir­cuit, how can we in­vert it and run it back­ward?” (everybody keeps telling me this is a stretch, though).

In prac­tice, when we train the neural net­work, we think of the weights of the net as the input” that we want to change to . The setup where we keep the weights of the net fixed and op­ti­mized the ac­tual in­put is also in­ter­est­ing, though — this is how you cre­ate so-called ad­ver­sar­ial ex­am­ples.

In gen­eral, the most strik­ing dif­fer­ence be­tween deep learn­ing and clas­si­cal al­go­rith­mics is how de­clar­a­tively deep learn­ing re­searchers think. That is, they think hard about what the right loss func­tion to op­ti­mize is or which part of the net to keep fixed and which part to op­ti­mize dur­ing an ex­per­i­ment. But they think less about how to ac­tu­ally achieve the goal of min­i­miz­ing the loss func­tion. This is of­ten done by in­clud­ing a few tiny lines in the code, like net­work.train() or net­work.back­ward(). To me, the essence of deep learn­ing has noth­ing to do with try­ing to mim­ick bi­o­log­i­cal sys­tems or some­thing in that sense; it’s the ob­ser­va­tion that if your cir­cuits are con­tin­u­ous, there’s a clear al­go­rith­mic way of in­vert­ing/​op­ti­miz­ing them us­ing back­prop­a­ga­tion.

From the per­spec­tive of some­one used to al­go­rithms like Dijkstra’s al­go­rithm, quick­sort, and so on, this de­clar­a­tive ap­proach of think­ing in terms of loss func­tions and ar­chi­tec­tures, rather than how the net is ac­tu­ally op­ti­mized, sounds very alien. But this is how the whole al­go­rith­mic world would look like if P equaled NP! In that world, we’d all pro­gram de­clar­a­tively in Prolog and use some kind of .solve() func­tion at the end that would in­ter­nally run a fast SAT solver to solve the prob­lem de­fined by our de­c­la­ra­tions.

Some peo­ple asked how does this con­nect to re­versible com­put­ing. Its idea is as fol­lows: When we are us­ing a gate like XOR gate that maps two in­puts a,b to one out­put , we are los­ing in­for­ma­tion about the in­puts. So, we can re­place XOR gate by the so-called CNOT gate that has two out­puts: and $a$. From these two out­puts, we can re­con­struct the in­put. A more com­pli­cated Toffoli gate is even uni­ver­sal in the sense that any cir­cuit can be con­verted to a re­versible cir­cuit built just from Toffoli gates. A re­versible cir­cuit looks a bit like the mu­sic staff (see the pic­ture be­low): The num­ber of wires through­out the cir­cuit is not chang­ing, we are just keep ap­ply­ing Toffoli or other re­versible gates on small sub­sets of the wires.

So, it seems that we can get re­versible al­go­rithms for free. But we are say­ing that be­ing able to re­verse al­go­rithms is equiv­a­lent to P=NP. Where is the prob­lem?

To un­der­stand why re­versibil­ity is not buy­ing you that much, you need to look closely at the fi­nal re­versible cir­cuit. First, such a cir­cuit has the same num­ber of input” and output” wires, so if the out­put has strictly less or strictly more bits than the out­put, how would we even de­fine the out­put ?

What hap­pens is that in re­versible cir­cuits with wires with bit in­put and bit out­put, we de­fine that at the start of the cir­cuit, the wires con­tain the bits of in­puts and then ze­ros. We re­quire that the first wires at the end of the cir­cuit con­tain the re­quired out­put and the rest of the wires can be ar­bi­trary junk. At the end of the al­go­rithm, we look at the first wires and for­get the junk.

But for­get­ting the junk is where the process stops be­ing re­versible! For ex­am­ple, if a re­versible cir­cuit is com­put­ing a hash func­tion, we are able to map the pair (hash, junk) back to the orig­i­nal in­put, but once we for­get the junk, we are screwed! So, the only thing that re­versible cir­cuits show is that we can al­ways cre­ate cir­cuits where the only non­re­versibil­ity is forgetting the junk”.

This is a nice ob­ser­va­tion but it does not change the re­al­ity on the ground: if we are given an out­put bits, find­ing some con­sis­tent in­put is still hard, whether we are talk­ing about the hard task of go­ing back through ir­re­versible cir­cuit, or the hard task of find­ing the miss­ing junk.

Why most cryp­tog­ra­phy breaks if P=NP

In the video, we showed that P=NP im­plies that RSA would be bro­ken and we could break hash func­tions in the sense that given any hash func­tion and its out­put, we can find an in­put that the func­tion maps to that out­put. However, how would we break the most ba­sic cryp­to­graph­i­cal task, the sym­met­ric en­cryp­tion?

In the sym­met­ric en­cryp­tion setup, we have two par­ties, A and B, that share a short key of bits. Moreover, A wants to send a plain text with bits to B. The so­lu­tion is that A uses some en­cryp­tion func­tion that maps (plain text, key) to en­crypted text, and B uses a de­cryp­tion func­tion that maps (encrypted text, key) back to the plain text.

The strat­egy of how to break sym­met­ric en­cryp­tion in the case when P=NP is straight­for­ward: we for­mu­late the ques­tion Find out the pair (plain text, key) that the en­ryp­tion func­tion maps to the en­crypted text” and use a fast SAT solver to an­swer it. The prob­lem is that if both plain text and en­crypted text have n bits, there are many pairs (plain text, key) map­ping to any given en­crypted text. This ap­proach only gives us one such pair which is prob­a­bly not the one we are af­ter.

But look, even if the plain text has length n bits, its en­tropy is typ­i­cally much smaller. For ex­am­ple, eng­lish text can be of­ten com­pressed to about 5 times smaller size us­ing stan­dard com­press­ing al­go­rithms. The keys that are used to en­crypt are ran­dom but typ­i­cally much shorter than n. So, the en­tropy of the pair (plain text, key) is typ­i­cally much less than n bits. In that case, given any en­crypted text, there is just one pos­si­ble plain text that maps to it, i.e., it is pos­si­ble to re­cover the plain text at least from the per­spec­tive of in­for­ma­tion the­ory.

We can re­cover this plain text ef­fi­ciently as fol­lows. We will cre­ate an­other al­go­rithm A that, given a string, tries to out­put how much that string looks like a mes­sage. For ex­am­ple, the al­go­rithm can check whether the string looks like an eng­lish text, .exe file, etc. Now, we can use SAT solver to an­swer the ques­tion Out of all pairs (plain text, key) that maps to the en­crypted text, re­turn the one that looks the most like a plain text ac­cord­ing to the al­go­rithm A”. This way, we man­age to se­lect the ac­tual plain text.

Notice that this ap­proach re­quires that plain text + key have to­gether at most n bits of en­tropy. In other words, if you are ei­ther send­ing ran­dom or well-com­pressed data, or if you en­crypt your data by one-time pad, you sur­vive P=NP. So, a lit­tle bit of cryp­tog­ra­phy can sur­vive P=NP, but only a lit­tle bit.


Read the original on vasekrozhon.wordpress.com »

9 137 shares, 8 trendiness

A corn starch based building material

Starch is a nat­ural poly­mer which is com­monly used as a cook­ing in­gre­di­ent. The re­newa­bil­ity and bio-degrad­abil­ity of starch has made it an in­ter­est­ing ma­te­r­ial for in­dus­trial ap­pli­ca­tions, such as pro­duc­tion of bio­plas­tic. This pa­per in­tro­duces the ap­pli­ca­tion of corn starch in the pro­duc­tion of a novel con­struc­tion ma­te­r­ial, named CoRncrete. CoRncrete is formed by mix­ing corn starch with sand and wa­ter. The mix­ture ap­pears to be self-com­pact­ing when wet. The mix­ture is poured in a mould and then heated in a mi­crowave or an oven. This heat­ing causes a gela­tin­i­sa­tion process which re­sults in a hard­ened ma­te­r­ial hav­ing com­pres­sive strength up to 26 MPa. The fac­tors af­fect­ing the strength of hard­ened CoRncrete such as wa­ter con­tent, sand ag­gre­gate size and heat­ing pro­ce­dure have been stud­ied. The degra­da­tion and sus­tain­abil­ity as­pects of CoRncrete are elu­ci­dated and lim­i­ta­tions in the po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tion of this ma­te­r­ial are dis­cussed.

Dive into the re­search top­ics of CoRncrete: A corn starch based build­ing ma­te­ri­al’. Together they form a unique fin­ger­print.

Kulshreshtha, Y. et al. / . In: . 2017 ; Vol. 154. pp. 411-423.

ab­stract = Starch is a nat­ural poly­mer which is com­monly used as a cook­ing in­gre­di­ent. The re­newa­bil­ity and bio-degrad­abil­ity of starch has made it an in­ter­est­ing ma­te­r­ial for in­dus­trial ap­pli­ca­tions, such as pro­duc­tion of bio­plas­tic. This pa­per in­tro­duces the ap­pli­ca­tion of corn starch in the pro­duc­tion of a novel con­struc­tion ma­te­r­ial, named CoRncrete. CoRncrete is formed by mix­ing corn starch with sand and wa­ter. The mix­ture ap­pears to be self-com­pact­ing when wet. The mix­ture is poured in a mould and then heated in a mi­crowave or an oven. This heat­ing causes a gela­tin­i­sa­tion process which re­sults in a hard­ened ma­te­r­ial hav­ing com­pres­sive strength up to 26 MPa. The fac­tors af­fect­ing the strength of hard­ened CoRncrete such as wa­ter con­tent, sand ag­gre­gate size and heat­ing pro­ce­dure have been stud­ied. The degra­da­tion and sus­tain­abil­ity as­pects of CoRncrete are elu­ci­dated and lim­i­ta­tions in the po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tion of this ma­te­r­ial are dis­cussed.”, au­thor = Y. Kulshreshtha and E. Schlangen and Jonkers, {H. M.} and Vardon, {P. J.} and {van Paassen}, {L. A.}”,

/ Kulshreshtha, Y. et al.

In: , Vol. 154, 15.11.2017, p. 411-423.

N2 - Starch is a nat­ural poly­mer which is com­monly used as a cook­ing in­gre­di­ent. The re­newa­bil­ity and bio-degrad­abil­ity of starch has made it an in­ter­est­ing ma­te­r­ial for in­dus­trial ap­pli­ca­tions, such as pro­duc­tion of bio­plas­tic. This pa­per in­tro­duces the ap­pli­ca­tion of corn starch in the pro­duc­tion of a novel con­struc­tion ma­te­r­ial, named CoRncrete. CoRncrete is formed by mix­ing corn starch with sand and wa­ter. The mix­ture ap­pears to be self-com­pact­ing when wet. The mix­ture is poured in a mould and then heated in a mi­crowave or an oven. This heat­ing causes a gela­tin­i­sa­tion process which re­sults in a hard­ened ma­te­r­ial hav­ing com­pres­sive strength up to 26 MPa. The fac­tors af­fect­ing the strength of hard­ened CoRncrete such as wa­ter con­tent, sand ag­gre­gate size and heat­ing pro­ce­dure have been stud­ied. The degra­da­tion and sus­tain­abil­ity as­pects of CoRncrete are elu­ci­dated and lim­i­ta­tions in the po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tion of this ma­te­r­ial are dis­cussed. AB - Starch is a nat­ural poly­mer which is com­monly used as a cook­ing in­gre­di­ent. The re­newa­bil­ity and bio-degrad­abil­ity of starch has made it an in­ter­est­ing ma­te­r­ial for in­dus­trial ap­pli­ca­tions, such as pro­duc­tion of bio­plas­tic. This pa­per in­tro­duces the ap­pli­ca­tion of corn starch in the pro­duc­tion of a novel con­struc­tion ma­te­r­ial, named CoRncrete. CoRncrete is formed by mix­ing corn starch with sand and wa­ter. The mix­ture ap­pears to be self-com­pact­ing when wet. The mix­ture is poured in a mould and then heated in a mi­crowave or an oven. This heat­ing causes a gela­tin­i­sa­tion process which re­sults in a hard­ened ma­te­r­ial hav­ing com­pres­sive strength up to 26 MPa. The fac­tors af­fect­ing the strength of hard­ened CoRncrete such as wa­ter con­tent, sand ag­gre­gate size and heat­ing pro­ce­dure have been stud­ied. The degra­da­tion and sus­tain­abil­ity as­pects of CoRncrete are elu­ci­dated and lim­i­ta­tions in the po­ten­tial ap­pli­ca­tion of this ma­te­r­ial are dis­cussed.


Read the original on research.tudelft.nl »

10 129 shares, 8 trendiness

Playing with BOLT and Postgres

A cou­ple days ago I had a bit of free time in the evening, and I was bored, so I de­cided to play with BOLT a lit­tle bit. No, not the dog

from a Disney movie, the BOLT

tool from LLVM pro­ject, aimed at op­ti­miz­ing bi­na­ries. It took me a while to get it work­ing, but the re­sults are un­ex­pect­edly good, in some cases up to 40%. So let me share my notes and bench­mark re­sults, and maybe there’s some­thing we can learn from it. We’ll start by go­ing through a cou­ple rab­bit holes first, though.

I do a fair amount of bench­mark­ing dur­ing de­vel­op­ment, to as­sess im­pact of patches, com­pare pos­si­ble ap­proaches, etc. Often the im­pact is very clear - the through­put dou­bles, query that took 1000 mil­lisec­onds sud­denly takes only 10 mil­lisec­onds, and so on. But some­times the change is tiny, or maybe you even need to prove there’s no change at all.

That sounds triv­ial, right? You just run the bench­mark enough times to get rid of ran­dom noise, and then com­pare the re­sults. Sadly, it’s not that sim­ple, and it gets harder the closer the re­sults are. So in a way, prov­ing a patch does not af­fect per­for­mance (and cause re­gres­sion) is the hard­est bench­mark­ing task.

It’s hard be­cause of binary lay­out” - lay­out of data struc­tures, vari­ables and func­tions etc. in the ex­e­cutable bi­nary. We imag­ine the ex­e­cutable gets loaded into mem­ory, and that mem­ory is uni­formly fast. And it’s not, we just live in the il­lu­sion of vir­tual ad­dress space. But it’s ac­tu­ally backed by a hi­er­ar­chy of mem­ory types with vastly dif­fer­ent per­for­mance (throughput, la­tency, en­ergy costs, …). There’s a won­der­ful pa­per by Ulrich Drepper

from 2007, dis­cussing all this. I highly rec­om­mend read­ing it.

This means the struc­ture of the com­piled bi­nary mat­ters, and maybe the patch ac­ci­den­tally changes it. Maybe the patch adds a lo­cal vari­able that shifts some­thing just enough to not fit in the same cache line. Maybe it adds just enough in­struc­tions or data to push some­thing use­ful from iTLB/​dTLB caches on the CPU, forc­ing ac­cess to DRAM later. Maybe it even af­fects branch pre­dic­tion, or stuff like that.

These ran­dom changes to bi­nary lay­out have a tiny im­pact - usu­ally less than 1% or so, per­haps a bit more (say 5%?). I’m sure it’s pos­si­ble to con­struct ar­ti­fi­cial ex­am­ples with much big­ger im­pact. But I’m talk­ing about im­pact ex­pected on normal” patches.

To fur­ther com­pli­cate things, these lay­out ef­fects are not ad­di­tive. If you have two patches caus­ing 1% re­gres­sion” each be­cause of lay­out, it does not mean ap­ply­ing both patches will regress by 2%. It might be 0% if the patches can­cel out, for ex­am­ple.

When you bench­mark a patch, and the dif­fer­ence is less than ~1%, it’s hard to say if it’s due to the patch or a small ac­ci­den­tal change to the bi­nary lay­out.

But we would like to know! 1% re­gres­sion seems small, but if we hap­pen to ac­cept mul­ti­ple of those, the to­tal re­gres­sion could be much worse.

What can we do about it?

There’s a great Performance Matters” talk about this very is­sue, by Emery Berger, pre­sented at StrangeLoop 2019. It starts by ex­plain­ing the is­sue - and it does a much bet­ter job than I did here. And then pre­sents the

Stabilizer pro­filer, ran­dom­iz­ing the bi­nary lay­out to get rid of the dif­fer­ences.

The ba­sic idea is very sim­ple - the bi­nary lay­out ef­fects are ran­dom and should can­cel out in the long run. Instead of do­ing many runs with a sin­gle fixed bi­nary lay­out for a given ex­e­cutable, we can ran­dom­ize the lay­out be­tween runs. If we do that in a smart way, the ef­fects will can­cel out and dis­ap­pear - magic.

Sadly, the Stabilizer pro­ject seems mostly in­ac­tive . The last com­mit touch­ing code is from 2013, and it only sup­ports LLVM 3.1 and GCC 4.6.2. Those are an­cient ver­sions. I don’t even know if you can build Postgres with them any­more, or how dif­fer­ent the bi­nary would be, com­pared to cur­rent LLVM/GCC ver­sions.

Note: I won­der if it would be pos­si­ble to do poor man’s Stabilizer” by ran­domly adding lo­cal vari­ables to func­tions, to change the size of the stacks. AFAIK that’s es­sen­tially one of the things Stabilizer does, al­though it does it in a nice way at run­time, with­out re­builds.

While look­ing for tools that might re­place Stabilizer, I re­al­ized that ran­dom­iz­ing the lay­out may not be the only op­tion. Maybe it would be pos­si­ble to elim­i­nate the ran­dom ef­fects by en­sur­ing the bi­nary lay­out is optimal” in some way (hopefully the same for both builds).

I don’t re­call how ex­actly, but this even­tu­ally led me to BOLT, which started as a re­search pro­ject at META. There’s a nice pa­per

ex­plain­ing the de­tails, of course.

Dealing with bi­nary lay­out dif­fer­ences for bench­mark­ing is not the goal of BOLT, it’s meant to op­ti­mize the bi­nary lay­out based on a pro­file. But my hope was that if I op­ti­mize the builds (unpatched and patched) the same way, the dif­fer­ences will not mat­ter any­more.

So I de­cided to give it a try, and do some quick test­ing …

The first thing I tried was sim­ply in­stalling bolt-16 (my ma­chines are run­ning Debian 12.7), and fol­lowed the in­struc­tions from the README. That seemed to work at first, but I quickly started to run into var­i­ous prob­lems.

BOLT re­quires builds with re­lo­ca­tions en­abled, so that it can re­or­ga­nize the bi­nary. So make sure you build Postgres with

Collecting the pro­file is pretty sim­ple, but that’s just reg­u­lar perf

(the $PID is a Postgres back­end run­ning some queries):

But then turn­ing that into BOLT pro­file started to com­plain:

I’m just run­ning the com­mand the README tells me to, so I’m not sure why it’s com­plain­ing about reading perf data di­rectly” or rec­om­mend­ing me to run the tool I’m ac­tu­ally run­ning (maybe it’s check­ing the name some­how, and the -16” con­fuses that check some­how?).

It does pro­duce the bolt.data file with BOLT pro­file, though. So let’s try op­ti­miz­ing the bi­nary us­ing it:

I have no idea what’s wrong here. The per­f2bolt-161 com­mand clearly pro­duced a file, it’s a valid ELF file (readelf can dump it), but it just does­n’t work for some rea­son.

Maybe there’s some prob­lem with per­f2bolt-16 af­ter all? The README does men­tion it’s pos­si­ble to in­stru­ment the bi­nary to col­lect the pro­file di­rectly, with­out us­ing perf, so let’s try that:

Well, that did­n’t work all that well :-( After a while I re­al­ized the li­brary ex­ists, but is in a dif­fer­ent di­rec­tory, so let’s cre­ate a sym­link and try again:

Now the in­stru­men­ta­tion should work - run the -instrument com­mand again, and it’ll pro­duce bi­nary post­gres.in­stru­mented. Copy it over the orig­i­nal post­gres bi­nary (but keep the orig­i­nal build, you’ll need it for the ac­tual op­ti­miza­tion), start it, and run some queries. It will cre­ate a pro­file in /tmp/prof.fdata, which you can use to op­ti­mize the orig­i­nal bi­nary:

And this mostly works. I oc­ca­sion­ally got some strange seg­fault crashes that seemed like an in­fi­nite loop. It seemed quite frag­ile (you look at it wrong, and it crashes). Maybe I did some­thing wrong, or maybe the multi-ver­sion pack­ages are con­fused a bit.

Issues with older LLVM builds are not a new thing, es­pe­cially for rel­a­tively new pro­jects like BOLT. The Debian ver­sion is from 16.0, while the git repos­i­tory is on 20.0, so I de­cided to try a cus­tom build, hop­ing it will fix the is­sues. It might also im­prove the op­ti­miza­tion, of course.

First, clone the LLVM pro­ject repos­i­tory, then build the three pro­jects needed by BOLT (this may take a cou­ple hours), and then in­stall it into the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX di­rec­tory (you’ll need to ad­just the path).

This cus­tom build seems to work much bet­ter. I’m yet to see seg­faults, the prob­lems with miss­ing li­brary and in­put/​out­put er­rors when pro­cess­ing perf data went away too.

At some point I ran into a prob­lem when op­ti­miz­ing the bi­nary, when

llvm-bolt fails with an er­ror:

I don’t know what this is about ex­actly, but adding this op­tion seems to have fixed it:

I’m not sure this is a good so­lu­tion, though. This func­tion is for the ex­pres­sion in­ter­preter, and that’s likely one of the hottest func­tions in the ex­ecu­tor. So not op­ti­miz­ing it may limit the pos­si­ble ben­e­fits of the op­ti­miza­tion for com­plex (analytical) queries.

To mea­sure the im­pact of BOLT op­ti­miza­tion, I ran a cou­ple tra­di­tional bench­marks - pg­bench for OLTP, and the TPC-H queries for OLAP. I ex­pect the op­ti­miza­tions to help es­pe­cially CPU in­ten­sive work­loads, so I ran the bench­marks on small data sets that fit into mem­ory. That means scale 1 for pg­bench, 10GB for TPC-H.

I al­ways com­pared a clean” build from the mas­ter branch, with a build op­ti­mized us­ing BOLT. The pro­file used by BOLT was col­lected in var­i­ous ways - how im­por­tant the spe­cific pro­file mat­ters is one of the ques­tions. I as­sume it mat­ters quite a bit, be­cause op­ti­miz­ing based on a pro­file is the main idea in BOLT. If it did­n’t make a dif­fer­ence, why bother with a pro­file at all, right? We could just use a plain LTO.

First, let’s look at sim­ple read-only pg­bench, with a sin­gle client, that is

on reg­u­lar build (labeled master”), and then builds op­ti­mized us­ing pro­files col­lected for var­i­ous pg­bench work­loads:

The re­sults (throughput in trans­ac­tions per sec­ond, so higher val­ues are bet­ter) look like this:

Or rel­a­tive to master” you get this:

Those are pretty mas­sive im­prove­ments. Read-only pg­bench is a very sim­ple work­load, we’ve al­ready op­ti­mized it a lot, it’s hard to im­prove it sig­nif­i­cantly. So see­ing 30-40% im­prove­ments is sim­ply as­ton­ish­ing.

There’s also the first sign that the ac­tual pro­file mat­ters. Running a test with -M sim­ple on a build op­ti­mized us­ing the -M pre­pared

pro­file im­proves much less than with the -M sim­ple pro­file.

Interestingly enough, for -M pre­pared there’s no such gap, likely be­cause the -M pre­pared pro­file is a subset” of pro­file col­lected for -M sim­ple.

Let’s look at more com­plex queries too. I only took the 22 queries from the TPC-H bench­mark, and ran those on a 10GB data set. For each query I mea­sured the du­ra­tion for a clean master” build, and then also du­ra­tion for a build op­ti­mized us­ing a pro­file for that par­tic­u­lar query.

The 22 queries take very dif­fer­ent amounts of time, so I’m not go­ing to com­pare the raw tim­ings, just a com­par­i­son rel­a­tive to a master” build:

Most queries im­proved by 5-10%, ex­cept for queries 8 and 18, which im­proved by ~50% and ~15%. That’s very nice, but I have ex­pected to see big­ger im­prove­ments, con­sid­er­ing how CPU in­ten­sive these an­a­lyt­i­cal queries are.

I sus­pect this might be re­lated to the -skip-funcs=ExecInterpExpr.*

thing. Complex queries with ex­pres­sions are likely spend­ing quite a bit of time in the ex­pres­sion in­ter­preter. If the op­ti­miza­tion skips all that, that does­n’t seem great.

Even so, 5-10% across the board seems like a nice im­prove­ment.

The nat­ural ques­tion is how im­por­tant the op­ti­miza­tion pro­file is, and how it af­fects other work­loads. I al­ready touched on this in the OLTP sec­tion, when talk­ing about us­ing the -M pre­pared pro­file for

-M sim­ple work­load.

It might be a zero-sum game” where a pro­file im­proves work­load A, but then also re­gresses some other work­load B by the same amount. If you only do work­load A that might still be a win, but if the in­stance han­dles a mix of work­loads, you prob­a­bly don’t want this.

I did a cou­ple more bench­marks, us­ing pro­files com­bined from the ear­lier specific” pro­files and also a generic installcheck” pro­file:

* tpch-all - com­bines all the per-query pro­files from TPC-H

* all - com­bines tpch-all and pg­bench-both (so everything”)

The re­sults for OLTP look like this:

The all” pro­file com­bin­ing pro­files for the work­loads works great, pretty much the same as the best work­load-spe­cific pro­file. The pro­file de­rived from make in­stallcheck is a bit worse, but still pretty good (25-30% gain would be won­der­ful).

Interestingly, none of the pro­files makes it slower.

For TPC-H, I’ll only show one chart with the rel­a­tive speedup for

tpch-all and all pro­files.

The im­prove­ments re­main quite con­sis­tent for the tpch-all” and all” pro­files, al­though query 8 gets worse as the pro­file gets less spe­cific. Unfortunately the installcheck” pro­file loses about half of the im­prove­ments for most queries, ex­cept for query #8. The ~5% speedup is still nice, of course.

It would be in­ter­est­ing to see if op­ti­miz­ing the in­ter­preter (i.e. get­ting rid of -skip-funcs=ExecInterpExpr.*) makes the op­ti­miza­tion more ef­fec­tive. I don’t know what ex­actly the is­sue is or how to make it work.

There’s also the ques­tion of cor­rect­ness. There were some re­cent


about pos­si­blly sup­port­ing link-time op­ti­miza­tion (LTO), in which some peo­ple sug­gested that we may be re­ly­ing on files be­ing optimization bar­ri­ers” in a cou­ple places. And that maybe en­abling LTO would break this, pos­si­bly lead­ing to sub­tle hard-to-re­pro­duce bugs.

The op­ti­miza­tions done by BOLT seem very sim­i­lar to what link-time op­ti­miza­tion (LTO) does, ex­cept that it lever­ages a work­load pro­file to de­cide how to op­ti­mize for that par­tic­u­lar work­load. But if LTO may be in­cor­rect, so would BOLT prob­a­bly.

I’m no ex­pert in this area, but but per the dis­cus­sion in those threads it seems this may not be quite ac­cu­rate. The optimization bar­rier” only af­fects com­pil­ers, and CPUs can re­order stuff any­way. The proper way to deal with this are compiler/memory bar­rier” in­struc­tions.

And some dis­tri­b­u­tions ap­par­ently en­abled LTO some time back, like Ubuntu in 22.04. And while it’s not a de­fin­i­tive proof of any­thing, we did­n’t ob­serve a mas­sive in­flux of strange isses from them.

I started look­ing at BOLT as a way to elim­i­nate the im­pact of ran­dom changes to bi­nary lay­out dur­ing bench­mark­ing. But I got dis­tracted by ex­per­i­ment­ing with BOLT on dif­fer­ent work­loads etc. I still think it might be pos­si­ble to op­ti­mize the builds the same way, and thus get rid of the bi­nary lay­out im­pact.

It’s clear ad­just­ing the bi­nary lay­out (and other op­ti­miza­tions) can yield sig­nif­i­cant speedups, on top of the ex­ist­ing op­ti­miza­tions al­ready per­formed by the com­pil­ers. We don’t see 30-40% speedups in pg­bench every day, that’s for sure.

But there’s also a lot of open ques­tions. The pro­file used for the op­ti­miza­tion mat­ters a lot, so how would we col­lect a good pro­file to use for builds?

The nice thing is that I haven’t re­ally seen any re­gres­sions - none of the cases got slower even if op­ti­miz­ing us­ing a wrong” pro­file. That’s nice, as it seems re­gres­sions are not very com­mon.

FWIW I doubt we would start us­ing BOLT di­rectly, at least not by de­fault. It’s more likely we’ll use it to learn how to ad­just the code and builds to gen­er­ate a bet­ter ex­e­cutable. Is there a way to reverse en­gi­neer” the trans­for­ma­tions per­formed by BOLT, and de­duce how to ad­just the code?


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