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Moon – Bartosz Ciechanowski

Let’s take a look at the Moon as seen from space in all its sun­lit glory. You can drag it around to change your point of view, and you can also use the slider to con­trol the date and time:

In this con­ve­nient view, we can freely pan the cam­era around to see the Moon and its mar­velous craters and moun­tains from var­i­ous an­gles. Unfortunately, we don’t have that free­dom of mo­tion in our daily ex­pe­ri­ence — the Moon wan­ders on its own path across the daily and nightly skies.

We can sim­u­late these trav­els be­low, where you can see the cur­rent po­si­tion of the Moon in the sky. You can drag that panorama around to ad­just your view­ing di­rec­tion — this lets you see the breadth of the sky both above and be­low the hori­zon. By drag­ging the slid­ers you can wit­ness how the po­si­tion of the Moon changes in the sky across and hours of your lo­cal time. As the Moon’s place­ment in the sky shifts, the lit­tle ar­row will guide you to its po­si­tion.

You can also drag the lit­tle fig­urine on the globe in the bot­tom-right cor­ner to see how the sky looks at that lo­ca­tion on Earth. If your browser al­lows it, click­ing­tap­ping the but­ton will au­to­mat­i­cally put the fig­urine at your cur­rent lo­ca­tion. This may all feel quite over­whelm­ing at the mo­ment, but we’ll even­tu­ally see how all these pieces fit to­gether:

Over the course of one day, the Moon trav­els on an arc in the sky al­most com­plet­ing a loop around the Earth. As the pass, the Moon’s il­lu­mi­na­tion also vis­i­bly changes.

You’ll prob­a­bly ad­mit that it’s a lit­tle hard to fo­cus on the tiny Moon as it shifts its po­si­tion in the sky. To make things eas­ier to see, I’ll zoom in the cam­era and lock its po­si­tion on the Moon:

Notice that across a sin­gle day the Moon seems to ro­tate, and over it quite vis­i­bly wob­bles. These wob­bly vari­a­tions let us oc­ca­sion­ally see some hid­den parts on the edges” of the Moon, but our neigh­bor ul­ti­mately shows us only one of its sides. In our space-float­ing demo we could eas­ily see the Moon from all sides, but on Earth we can never see most of the far side of the Moon.

Over the course of , the light­ing on the Moon also changes dra­mat­i­cally. The line be­tween the lit and un­lit parts of the Moon, known as the ter­mi­na­tor, sweeps across the Moon, re­veal­ing the de­tails of its sur­face. Although the Moon has a spher­i­cal shape, the fully lit Moon looks more like a flat disk.

In this ar­ti­cle I’ll ex­plain all the ef­fects we’ve just seen, and we’ll also learn about grav­ity, ocean tides, and eclipses. Let’s be­gin by ex­plor­ing how ce­les­tial bod­ies move through space and how their mere pres­ence in­flu­ences the mo­tion of their neigh­bors.

Let me in­tro­duce a lit­tle cos­mic play­ground in which we’ll do our ex­per­i­ments. Inside it, I put a lit­tle planet that floats freely in space. You can drag the planet around to change its po­si­tion. The ar­row sym­bol­izes the ini­tial ve­loc­ity of this body — you can tweak this ve­loc­ity by drag­ging the dashed out­line at the end of the ar­row. To get things go­ing, you can press the but­ton in the bot­tom-left cor­ner:

Notice that I’m draw­ing a ghost trail be­hind the mov­ing planet, mak­ing it eas­ier to track its mo­tion. As you can see, once you let the planet go, it trav­els through space in a straight line, only to even­tu­ally get out of vis­i­ble bounds.

Let’s com­pli­cate things a lit­tle by adding an­other body to this sand­box. You can tweak the po­si­tions and ve­loc­i­ties of both bod­ies to see how their mu­tual pres­ence im­pacts one an­other. I’m also mark­ing the thin lines of tra­jec­to­ries that the bod­ies will take even be­fore you let things go, mak­ing it eas­ier to plan their mo­tion:

The mo­tion we see now is­n’t as straight­for­ward as be­fore. In some sce­nar­ios, the two bod­ies travel past each other af­ter tweak­ing their ini­tial tra­jec­to­ries. In other con­fig­u­ra­tions, both ob­jects roam through space to­gether, per­ma­nently locked in a swing­ing dance.

You may have also man­aged to make the two bod­ies run into each other. We’ll even­tu­ally see a more re­al­is­tic vi­su­al­iza­tion of that sce­nario, but in this sim­pli­fied sim­u­la­tion when two ob­jects col­lide, they just stick to­gether and con­tinue their cou­pled jour­ney.

What’s re­spon­si­ble for all these ef­fects is the force of grav­ity act­ing on the ob­jects. Let’s ex­plore that in­ter­ac­tion up close. As be­fore, you can drag the two bod­ies around, and you can also change their masses us­ing the slid­ers be­low:

The ar­rows rep­re­sent the force of grav­ity act­ing on the two bod­ies  — the longer the ar­row, the larger the force. For com­plete­ness, I’m dis­play­ing the val­ues and units of masses and dis­tances, but the num­bers aren’t par­tic­u­larly im­por­tant here. What mat­ters is that when we in­crease ei­ther the mass of the first body m1 or the mass of the sec­ond body m2, the force of grav­ity grows too.

Moreover, the mag­ni­tude of grav­ity also de­pends on the dis­tance r be­tween the ob­jects. As bod­ies move far­ther apart, the grav­ity weak­ens. Notice how the forces act­ing on each body have the same mag­ni­tude, but they point to­wards the other body, which in­di­cates an at­trac­tive force.

If you paid close at­ten­tion to the lengths of the ar­rows, you might have no­ticed that the force de­creases quite rapidly with dis­tance. We can vi­su­al­ize this with a plot, in which the white line shows the mag­ni­tude of grav­ity as a func­tion of dis­tance. More pre­cisely, it shows that grav­ity is in­versely pro­por­tional to the square of that dis­tance:

Let’s take a very brief math­e­mat­i­cal in­ter­lude to de­scribe what we’ve seen in more de­tail. All these de­pen­den­cies are cap­tured in the fol­low­ing equa­tion for the force of grav­ity F, be­tween two ob­jects with masses m1 and m2 sep­a­rated by dis­tance r:

The grav­i­ta­tional con­stant G seen in front of the right-hand side of the equa­tion is in­cred­i­bly small, mak­ing grav­ity a very weak force. We have no is­sues lift­ing every­day ob­jects de­spite the might of the mass of the en­tire Earth pulling them down.

While the strength of grav­ity be­tween any two bod­ies is equal, the re­sult­ing change in mo­tion is not. You may re­call from el­e­men­tary physics classes that force F is equal to mass m times ac­cel­er­a­tion a. We can en­cap­su­late this idea in a pair of sim­ple for­mu­las that tie these val­ues for the first and sec­ond body:

By plug­ging in the equa­tion for the force of grav­ity F and re­duc­ing the masses, we end up with a set of two equa­tions for ac­cel­er­a­tions of the bod­ies:

Notice that the ac­cel­er­a­tion of the first body a1 de­pends on the mass of the sec­ond body m2. Similarly, the ac­cel­er­a­tion of the sec­ond body a2 de­pends on the mass of the first body m1. Let’s see this in prac­tice in the demon­stra­tion be­low, where I’m tem­porar­ily mak­ing the big body twenty times more mas­sive than the small body:

Notice that the body with smaller mass dras­ti­cally changes its course, while the mo­tion of the larger body is only mar­gin­ally af­fected. This tracks with our day-to-day ex­pe­ri­ence, where every item left hang­ing in the air very vis­i­bly ac­cel­er­ates to­wards the stag­ger­ingly mas­sive Earth, but our planet does­n’t jump out of its way to meet the falling ob­ject.

Now that we un­der­stand that it’s the force of grav­ity that makes the bod­ies move to­wards each other, let’s do a bet­ter job of track­ing the mo­tions of these ob­jects over time. Right now our cam­era is fixed in space, so the two bod­ies of­ten fly out of vis­i­ble bounds. Thankfully, we can eas­ily fix this by mov­ing the cam­era with the bod­ies.

In the demon­stra­tion be­low, I’m pre­sent­ing the same sce­nario from two dif­fer­ent van­tage points. On the left, I’m show­ing the scene from the fa­mil­iar point of view that’s fixed in space — you can plan the tra­jec­to­ries of the two bod­ies on that side.

On the right, you can see this sim­u­la­tion from the point of view of the cam­era that’s tied to the mo­tion of the these ob­jects. I’m mark­ing the po­si­tion of that cam­era with a white dot  on the thin line join­ing the bod­ies. By drag­ging the slider you can move the cam­era be­tween them:

With the cam­era fol­low­ing the bod­ies we can now track their mo­tion for­ever. More im­por­tantly, we can also see the rel­a­tive mo­tion of the two ob­jects. When you make the bod­ies move to­gether, you can wit­ness how from the per­spec­tive of the teal body, it’s the yel­low body that or­bits around the teal body, but from the per­spec­tive of the yel­low body, it’s the other way around.

Better yet, if we po­si­tion the cam­era halfway, or even any­where else be­tween the two bod­ies, both ob­jects seem to or­bit the cam­era. The per­cep­tion of rel­a­tive mo­tion de­pends on the point of view, but there is one point that’s par­tic­u­larly use­ful for ob­ser­va­tion. In this next demon­stra­tion, I’ve added a lit­tle white trail to the cam­era it­self. Watch how the path of the cam­era in space changes as you repo­si­tion it with the slider:

In gen­eral, the cam­era tra­verses some squig­gly path in space. However, there is one spe­cial po­si­tion be­tween the two bod­ies for which the cam­era trav­els in a per­fectly straight line. This point is known as the barycen­ter, and it’s lo­cated at the cen­ter of mass of these ob­jects.

Let’s ex­plore the con­cept of the barycen­ter a lit­tle closer. In the demon­stra­tion be­low, you can once again drag the bod­ies around to change the dis­tance be­tween them, and you can also use the slid­ers to tweak their masses. The cen­ter of mass of these two bod­ies is marked with a black and white sym­bol:

The equa­tion in the bot­tom part ex­plains the place­ment of the cen­ter of mass of these two ob­jects — it is lo­cated at a point where its dis­tance from the first body r1 mul­ti­plied by that body’s mass m1, equals that point’s dis­tance from the sec­ond body r2 mul­ti­plied by its mass m2.

This sim­ple rule be­comes slightly more com­pli­cated when more than two bod­ies are in­volved. In those sce­nar­ios, the po­si­tion of the cen­ter of mass is the weighted av­er­age of the po­si­tions of all the bod­ies, where the masses of these bod­ies serve, very ap­pro­pri­ately, as weights.

We’ll only be in­ter­ested in the cen­ter of mass of two bod­ies, so the demon­stra­tion we’ve just seen fits our needs well. Notice that as the bod­ies move far­ther away, the barycen­ter also mi­grates to stay in the con­stant pro­por­tion of the dis­tance sep­a­rat­ing the ob­jects. Moreover, if one of the bod­ies is much more mas­sive than the other, the cen­ter of mass could lie in­side that larger body.

In our space sim­u­la­tor, the mass of the teal body is three times the mass of the yel­low body, so the barycen­ter of this sys­tem lies three-quar­ters of the way be­tween the yel­low and teal ob­jects:

The mo­tion of the barycen­ter shows us that the tan­gled dance of two ce­les­tial bod­ies hides a much sim­pler lin­ear mo­tion through space and some ad­di­tional mo­tion of the two bod­ies around that barycen­ter .

Let’s try to see that other mo­tion more clearly by mak­ing one more mod­i­fi­ca­tion to the right side of the demon­stra­tions we’ve seen. Notice that the trails left by the bod­ies linger in space, but ide­ally, we’d also want to see the paths taken by the bod­ies rel­a­tive to the mov­ing cam­era.

To make this work we can at­tach a lit­tle draw­ing plane to the cam­era it­self — I’m out­lin­ing that plane be­low with a thin rec­tan­gle. Then, as the bod­ies move around, they can trace their trails on that plane as well:

With this new method we can see the paths the bod­ies took rel­a­tive to the mov­ing cam­era . When seen from this per­spec­tive, we can fi­nally re­veal that, in most prac­ti­cal sce­nar­ios, the two or­bit­ing bod­ies trace el­lipses rel­a­tive to each other.

Depending on the ini­tial con­di­tions, some of those el­lipses are larger, and some are smaller. Some are al­most cir­cu­lar, and some are quite elon­gated. Changing the po­si­tion of the cam­era with the slider changes the rel­a­tive sizes of these two el­lipses, but they main­tain their over­all pro­por­tions. The el­lipse of mo­tion of one body seen from the per­spec­tive of the other is the same for both bod­ies, it just shifts in space.

As you may have seen on this blog be­fore, an el­lipse can be more for­mally char­ac­ter­ized by its ec­cen­tric­ity and the size of its semi-ma­jor axis, which you can con­trol us­ing the slid­ers be­low:

Eccentricity spec­i­fies how elon­gated an el­lipse is. It can be de­fined as the ra­tio of the length of the dark pink seg­ment to the length of the semi-ma­jor axis. That seg­ment spans the dis­tance be­tween the cen­ter of the el­lipse and one of the two fo­cus points, which are also jointly known as foci. When we watch or­bital mo­tion from the per­spec­tive of the or­bited body, that body is al­ways in one of the fo­cus points of the or­bital el­lipse of the or­bit­ing body.

I’ve also marked two spe­cial points on the or­bital el­lipse. At apoap­sis, the or­bit­ing body is at its far­thest dis­tance from the or­bited body, and at pe­ri­ap­sis the or­bit­ing body is clos­est to that body. These two points are col­lec­tively known as ap­sides, and the line join­ing them is known as the line of ap­sides. The sim­ple rule for re­mem­ber­ing which ap­sis is which is that apoap­sis is the one that’s far­ther way from the or­bited body.

We’ve just de­scribed the or­bital el­lipse and its ap­sides as seen from the point of view of the larger body, but in our cos­mic play­ground we’ve seen how mov­ing the cam­era around with a slider can change the per­cep­tion of mo­tion:

With a two-body sys­tem like this one we ac­tu­ally have some flex­i­bil­ity in de­scrib­ing which body or­bits which. We typ­i­cally say that it’s the less mas­sive ob­ject that or­bits the more mas­sive one, but the ob­server on the smaller body would just see the mo­tion of the larger neigh­bor around it.

For us, it will be of­ten use­ful to de­scribe things from the point of view of the barycen­ter  — we’ve seen ear­lier how that spe­cial point lets us de­com­pose the mo­tion of two soli­tary bod­ies into the move­ment on a straight line and the or­bit­ing mo­tion around that barycen­ter.

That par­tic­u­lar view­point also lets us ex­plain an­other ir­reg­u­lar mo­tion we can see in these el­lip­ti­cal or­bits. Notice that as the two bod­ies are close to each other, they swing across their tra­jec­to­ries much faster.

You can see it best when look­ing at the dashed seg­ments I’ve drawn on the el­lip­ti­cal or­bits — tra­ver­sal of each brighter or darker sec­tion takes the same amount of time. These lines are vis­i­bly longer when the bod­ies are close, which re­flects their faster mo­tion as they travel longer dis­tance over the same pe­riod.

This non-uni­form mo­tion can also be seen in the an­gu­lar ve­loc­ity of the or­bital mo­tion, which de­scribes how many de­grees per sec­ond an or­bit­ing body sweeps through. In this next demon­stra­tion the blue line ro­tates with con­stant an­gu­lar ve­loc­ity, so in every sec­ond it goes across the same num­ber of de­grees. As you can see, the or­ange line join­ing two bod­ies ro­tates with vary­ing speed:

Notice how the or­ange line is some­times ahead of and some­times be­hind the blue line, which shows that the or­bital mo­tion does­n’t have a con­stant an­gu­lar ve­loc­ity.

This un­usual be­hav­ior is more eas­ily ex­plained with the fol­low­ing con­trap­tion, where I put the two bod­ies on a gi­ant bar that spins around on an axis placed right at the cen­ter of mass of the two bod­ies. Using the slider you can change the dis­tance be­tween these ob­jects:

As the bod­ies get closer, the ro­ta­tion speeds up. Conversely, as the bod­ies move far­ther apart, the ro­ta­tion slows down. You can eas­ily recre­ate a ver­sion of this ex­per­i­ment by hold­ing heavy items in your hands and spin­ning on a desk chair with your arms spread out. As you pull them to­wards your torso, your ro­ta­tion will speed up.

These are ex­am­ples of con­ser­va­tion of an­gu­lar mo­men­tum in which the speed of rev­o­lu­tion and the mass dis­tri­b­u­tion of a sys­tem are in­her­ently tied to­gether. Broadly speak­ing, when we dou­ble the dis­tance from the axis of ro­ta­tion, the an­gu­lar ve­loc­ity be­comes four times smaller.

The space play­grounds we’ve looked at ear­lier work just like the demon­stra­tion with the bar, but in­stead of a slider, it’s the force of grav­ity that de­ter­mines the dis­tance be­tween the bod­ies. Gravity pulls the ob­jects closer to­gether, in­creas­ing the speeds at which they swing by each other. As the bod­ies move past their clos­est dis­tance, that in­creased speed shoots them out away from each other and the cy­cle con­tin­ues.

The de­tails on how this ac­tion cre­ates el­lip­ti­cal paths are beau­ti­fully cov­ered in the video on Feynman’s Lost Lecture, but for our needs it will be enough to just wit­ness once more how all the ini­tial val­ues of masses, po­si­tions, and ve­loc­i­ties of the two bod­ies de­cide every­thing about their mo­tion:

With a firmer grasp on or­bital mo­tion in space, we can fi­nally see how every­thing we’ve learned af­fects move­ment of our planet and its clos­est ce­les­tial neigh­bor.

Let’s first look at the Moon and Earth side by side to com­pare their masses and sizes in im­pe­r­ial units­met­ric units:

The Earth’s mean ra­dius is only around 3.67 times larger than that of the Moon. Since the vol­ume of a sphere grows with the third power of its ra­dius, and the Earth is on av­er­age much denser, our plan­et’s mass ends up be­ing around 81.3 times larger than the Moon’s.

Let’s try to repli­cate this table in our space sim­u­la­tor, where I added two bod­ies with sizes and masses match­ing those of the Earth and the Moon. Let’s see how these val­ues af­fect the mo­tion of the two ob­jects:

With our sim­u­lated Earth be­ing so mas­sive, we can quite eas­ily make this Moon or­bit the Earth with var­i­ous el­lipses. Unfortunately, while this sim­u­la­tion cor­rectly mim­ics the rel­a­tive sizes of the real Earth and Moon, it does­n’t re­flect the cos­mic scale of the dis­tance be­tween these two bod­ies.

Let’s see how far away the Moon re­ally is. In the demon­stra­tion be­low, you can use the slider to zoom away from the Earth un­til the Moon’s po­si­tion be­comes vis­i­ble:

If you drag the slider all the way to the right, you’ll no­tice that I’m ac­tu­ally mark­ing three dis­tances be­tween the cen­ters of the Earth and the Moon. The or­bit of the Moon does­n’t form a per­fect cir­cle, so the sep­a­rat­ing dis­tance varies as the Moon gets clos­est to the Earth at pe­ri­ap­sis, and far­thest away at apoap­sis. The val­ues shown here in mileskilo­me­ters are the pre­dicted max­i­mum, mean, and min­i­mum of that dis­tance in the 21st cen­tury.

Let’s see the or­bit of the Moon in more de­tail. The fol­low­ing demon­stra­tion shows the mo­tion of our neigh­bor from the per­spec­tive of the Earth it­self. You can drag around the fol­low­ing demon­stra­tion to change the view­ing an­gle. The slider lets you con­trol the speed of time:

With all the sizes and dis­tances repli­cated re­al­is­ti­cally, it may be hard to see these tiny bod­ies. To make things more leg­i­ble, you can press the but­ton in the bot­tom right cor­ner to tog­gle be­tween the real and ten times larger ar­ti­fi­cial siz­ing of these bod­ies.

With this three di­men­sional view we can now see that the Moon’s mo­tion lies in the or­bital plane that I’m mark­ing with a faint gray disc. To help us ori­ent our­selves in space, I’ve also added a line that marks a fixed ref­er­ence di­rec­tion point­ing at some very dis­tant stars.

On av­er­age, it takes the Moon 27.322 days27 days, 7 hours, and 44 min­utes to com­plete the whole or­bit, as mea­sured by cross­ings of the ref­er­ence line. That pe­riod is known as the side­real month, where side­real means with re­spect to stars”. This is only one of the four dif­fer­ent types of lu­nar months that we’ll ex­plore in this ar­ti­cle.

As the Moon or­bits the Earth, it traces the fa­mil­iar el­lip­ti­cal shape. We can quite clearly see how the el­lip­ti­cal ec­cen­tric­ity shifts the Moon’s path rel­a­tive to the per­fect cir­cle of the vi­su­al­iza­tion of the or­bital plane that I’ve drawn above.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the pa­ra­me­ters of the Moon’s or­bit. In this next demon­stra­tion I’m us­ing the cur­rent po­si­tion and ve­loc­ity of the Moon to cal­cu­late an el­lipse that best de­scribes the Moon’s or­bit at that mo­ment of time. I’m draw­ing this el­lipse with a dashed line, while the solid trail shows the ac­tual path the Moon took:

Since we’re mak­ing the el­lipse fit the cur­rent or­bital mo­tion, this ide­al­ized el­lipse matches the ac­tual trail very well in the vicin­ity of the or­bit­ing Moon. However, far­ther away from the Moon this best-fit­ting el­lipse di­verges from the path the Moon ac­tu­ally took. This shows us that while it’s pretty close, the Moon’s tra­jec­tory does­n’t form a per­fect el­lipse.

As we see in the la­bels, both ec­cen­tric­ity and the length of the semi-ma­jor axis of this currently best-fit­ting” el­lipse vary over time. Measured over a long pe­riod, the ec­cen­tric­ity of the Moon’s or­bit has the av­er­age value of 0.0549, while the semi-ma­jor axis has the av­er­age length of 239,071 mi384,748 km.

Moreover, the fit­ted or­bital el­lipse not only changes its shape, but also its ori­en­ta­tion. The line of ap­sides of the el­lipse which joins the apoap­sis and the pe­ri­ap­sis wob­bles over time in a quite chaotic man­ner.

These ef­fects hap­pen be­cause the Earth and the Moon aren’t the sole bod­ies in space — they’re both part of the Solar System. True to its name, the Solar System is dom­i­nated by the Sun it­self, and it’s pri­mar­ily the ef­fects of the Sun’s grav­ity that cause all these per­tur­ba­tions of the Moon’s or­bit.

We’ll soon ex­plore the in­flu­ence of the Sun in more de­tail, but for now let’s fo­cus on the changes of the po­si­tions of apoap­sis and pe­ri­ap­sis. In the demon­stra­tion be­low, I’ve made time flow even faster than be­fore. Additionally, every time the Moon is at its clos­est to the Earth, that is when it’s at the pe­ri­ap­sis, I’m leav­ing a lit­tle marker on the or­bital plane:

Notice how the line of ap­sides wob­bles back and forth, but across many months it over­all makes steady progress ro­tat­ing, when seen from above, in the counter-clock­wise di­rec­tion. Averaged over long time, this line of ap­sides makes a full ro­ta­tion in 8.85 years8 years and 310 days, which de­fines the pe­riod of the Moon’s ap­si­dal pre­ces­sion.

The mark­ers that I drop when the Moon crosses the pe­ri­ap­sis mea­sure the anom­al­is­tic month. Notice that the lengths of anom­al­is­tic months vary a lot as they hap­pen on dif­fer­ent parts of the or­bit. Sometimes it takes the Moon less than 25 days to get clos­est to the Earth again, but some­times it takes it over 28 days to reach pe­ri­ap­sis again. Over long time the anom­al­is­tic month has a mean length of 27.554 days27 days, 13 hours, and 3 min­utes.

This pe­riod is a bit longer than the 27.322 days27 days, 7 hours, and 44 min­utes of the side­real month, which is tracked by the cross­ings of the ref­er­ence line. When av­er­aged over time, the line of ap­sides ro­tates steadily in the same di­rec­tion as the Moon’s or­bital mo­tion, so it takes the Moon a bit more time to catch up to pe­ri­ap­sis.

All the demon­stra­tions we’ve seen also show one more ef­fect that we did­n’t ac­count for in our sim­ple play­ground sim­u­la­tions — both the Earth and the Moon spin around their axes. You can see this more clearly in the demon­stra­tion be­low where I glued a blue ar­row to the sur­face of the Earth, and a gray ar­row to the sur­face of the Moon:

When viewed from the side, we can see that the axes of ro­ta­tions of these two bod­ies aren’t neatly per­pen­dic­u­lar to the or­bital plane, and they also spin at very dif­fer­ent rates. Our planet takes roughly 23.93 hours23 hours and 56 min­utes or al­most one day to com­plete a full rev­o­lu­tion and point to­wards the ref­er­ence di­rec­tion again. The Moon ro­tates much slower, tak­ing 27.322 days27 days, 7 hours, and 44 min­utes to re­volve just once and align with that di­rec­tion again.

From above we can see that the gray ar­row fixed to the Moon’s sur­face gen­er­ally points to­wards the Earth, as in­di­cated by the thin line join­ing the two bod­ies. If you pay close at­ten­tion, you’ll no­tice that this ar­row is some­times point­ing a bit ahead of that di­rec­tion and some­times a bit be­hind that di­rec­tion.

This is a con­se­quence of the Moon’s non-cir­cu­lar or­bit — we’ve seen ear­lier how the an­gu­lar ve­loc­ity of an or­bit­ing body changes as it sweeps through its or­bital el­lipse. The Moon ro­tates around its axis with more or less con­stant speed, but the Moon’s an­gu­lar po­si­tion rel­a­tive to the Earth does­n’t ad­vance at a con­stant rate. As a re­sult, the two ro­tat­ing mo­tions don’t al­ways per­fectly can­cel each other out.

In a close-up view of the bod­ies you might have also no­ticed that the ro­ta­tion axis of the Moon is tilted rel­a­tive to its or­bital plane. Similarly, the axis of ro­ta­tion of our planet is also tilted rel­a­tive to that plane. Let’s briefly switch our point of view to align our­selves straight-up with the Earth’s ro­ta­tion axis:

From this per­spec­tive we can see that the Moon’s or­bital plane is in­clined to our planet. Notice how the Moon’s po­si­tion rel­a­tive to the Earth changes dur­ing its or­bital mo­tion — it is some­times above” and some­times below” our planet, re­veal­ing the truly three di­men­sional as­pects of the Moon’s mo­tion.

All the or­bital ob­ser­va­tions we’ve made will help to ex­plain some of the ef­fects we’ve seen at the be­gin­ning of this ar­ti­cle, where we looked at the Moon through the eyes of an ob­server on the ground. Before we in­ves­ti­gate these ef­fects, we need to build a bit more in­tu­ition on how ob­jects in space look to some­one view­ing them from the sur­face of Earth.

Let’s first place our­selves on Earth and look at the sky in which I ar­ti­fi­cially put three col­or­ful ce­les­tial bod­ies. You can drag the demon­stra­tion around to change which part of the sky you’re look­ing at. If you lose track of these bod­ies, the lit­tle ar­rows will guide you back to their area of the sky:

Although the mark­ers of the com­pass di­rec­tions are of some help, it may be quite hard to grasp how this view from the Earth’s sur­face cor­re­sponds to the more ex­ter­nal view from space we’ve got­ten used to.

Let me clar­ify things in the next demon­stra­tion, where the left side shows the same view we’ve just seen, and the right side shows the same scene, but as seen from space. I’ve also out­lined the sky view on the left with the four col­ored lines — as you pan around the land­scape on the left, you can see that square out­line re­flected on the right. I’ve also added a fig­urine that rep­re­sents a vastly en­larged ob­server stand­ing on the ground. The fig­urine’s body and its right hand al­ways point in the cur­rent di­rec­tion of ob­ser­va­tion:

With that ex­ter­nal view, we can see how the ob­server on the ground can’t see the sky in every pos­si­ble di­rec­tion. Half of it is ob­scured by the Earth it­self, with the hori­zon clip­ping the whole breadth of the sur­round­ing sky to only the vis­i­ble hemi­sphere.

Moreover, no­tice how the ac­tual size of an ob­ject does­n’t match its size seen in the Earthly ob­server’s sky. For ex­am­ple, both yel­low and teal bod­ies are of the same phys­i­cal size, but the lat­ter looks smaller in the sky. Similarly, the pink body is phys­i­cally larger than the yel­low one, but they share sim­i­lar size from the ob­server’s point of view.

We can un­der­stand these siz­ing ef­fects with the help of cones that shoot out from the po­si­tion of the ob­server to­wards the bod­ies in space. Note that these cones start on the ground here, be­cause the ac­tual ob­server is much smaller than the gi­gan­tic il­lus­tra­tive fig­urine.

The size of the in­ter­sec­tion of those cones with the hemi­sphere of the sky, or the size of the pro­jected area, de­ter­mines the vis­i­ble size. Intuitively, the far­ther away the ob­ject, the smaller it ap­pears. If the pro­jec­tion oc­cu­pies a larger frac­tion of the to­tal hemi­sphere, the ob­ject will look larger as well.

We can con­ve­niently de­scribe the size of ob­jects in the sky by mea­sur­ing the an­gle spanned by the vis­i­ble cone. In the demon­stra­tion be­low, I’m show­ing a flat side view of this cone. You can drag the yel­low body around to change its dis­tance from the ob­server. You can also use the slider to change the size of that body:

The closer the ob­ject is to the ob­server, or the larger the body, the greater the an­gle of the vis­i­ble cone. That an­gle is known as the an­gu­lar di­am­e­ter or an­gu­lar size of the ob­served ob­ject.

Having ex­pe­ri­enced how ob­jects in the night sky may look at a fixed mo­ment in time, let’s see how the Earth’s ro­ta­tion af­fects ob­ser­va­tions done from the ground. In the demon­stra­tion be­low, you can scrub through time with the slider to wit­ness the ef­fects of the spin of our planet:

This scene may seem a bit con­trived, be­cause the three ob­jects are just mag­i­cally float­ing in space at fixed po­si­tions. Fortunately, it’s a de­cent rep­re­sen­ta­tion of how all the stars in the night sky ap­pear to Earthly ob­servers — they’re dis­tant enough that over the course of a day they es­sen­tially don’t move rel­a­tive to the Earth’s cen­ter. As our planet spins, these three ob­jects seem to rise over the hori­zon, travel across the vis­i­ble sky, and then set be­low the hori­zon again.

You’ll prob­a­bly agree that it’s a lit­tle an­noy­ing to have to man­u­ally keep pan­ning through the night sky to look at these ob­jects, so on the left side of this next demon­stra­tion I’m au­to­mat­i­cally ad­just­ing the view­ing an­gle to track the teal body. On the right side, I’m lock­ing the cam­era on the fig­urine it­self. Don’t be mis­led by what you see here — the Earth is still ro­tat­ing around its axis, the cam­era just ro­tates with it:

As seen through the ob­server’s eyes on the left side, the other ob­jects now seem to ro­tate around the teal one, but this is purely a con­se­quence of the ob­server turn­ing on the ground to keep fac­ing the teal body.

You may have ex­pe­ri­enced some­thing sim­i­lar when watch­ing an air­plane fly­ing over your head. As the plane is ap­proach­ing, its front is closer to you and its tail is in the back, but af­ter the plane has passed over, you see the plane’s tail as be­ing closer to you, and its front is more dis­tant. In your eyes the plane has ro­tated, but in fact the plane has kept its course the en­tire time, and it was you who turned to keep an eye on it.

When these ce­les­tial bod­ies dis­ap­pear be­neath the hori­zon, it be­comes im­pos­si­ble to track them, but thank­fully in these com­puter sim­u­la­tions I can make the Earth trans­par­ent, giv­ing us an un­ob­structed view of the full sphere of the sur­round­ing space:

With this ap­proach we can now see the en­tire tra­jec­tory of the three ob­jects as an ob­server on Earth sees them. Because these ob­jects don’t move rel­a­tive to the cen­ter of our planet, they travel on closed paths, re­turn­ing to where they came from af­ter the Earth com­pletes one rev­o­lu­tion around its axis over the course of 23.93 hours23 hours and 56 min­utes.

Let’s bring back the Moon into the pic­ture. In the sim­u­la­tion be­low, we can see the Moon in the starry sky as seen from the sur­face of the Earth. Note that I re­moved all the vi­sual ef­fects re­lated to sun­light, in­clud­ing the day­time blue sky and any il­lu­mi­na­tion changes on the sur­face of the Moon it­self.


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OpenAI o3 Breakthrough High Score on ARC-AGI-Pub

OpenAI’s new o3 sys­tem - trained on the ARC-AGI-1 Public Training set - has scored a break­through 75.7% on the Semi-Private Evaluation set at our stated pub­lic leader­board $10k com­pute limit. A high-com­pute (172x) o3 con­fig­u­ra­tion scored 87.5%.

This is a sur­pris­ing and im­por­tant step-func­tion in­crease in AI ca­pa­bil­i­ties, show­ing novel task adap­ta­tion abil­ity never seen be­fore in the GPT-family mod­els. For con­text, ARC-AGI-1 took 4 years to go from 0% with GPT-3 in 2020 to 5% in 2024 with GPT-4o. All in­tu­ition about AI ca­pa­bil­i­ties will need to get up­dated for o3.

The mis­sion of ARC Prize goes be­yond our first bench­mark: to be a North Star to­wards AGI. And we’re ex­cited to be work­ing with the OpenAI team and oth­ers next year to con­tinue to de­sign next-gen, en­dur­ing AGI bench­marks.

ARC-AGI-2 (same for­mat - ver­i­fied easy for hu­mans, harder for AI) will launch along­side ARC Prize 2025. We’re com­mit­ted to run­ning the Grand Prize com­pe­ti­tion un­til a high-ef­fi­ciency, open-source so­lu­tion scor­ing 85% is cre­ated.

Read on for the full test­ing re­port.

We tested o3 against two ARC-AGI datasets:

At OpenAI’s di­rec­tion, we tested at two lev­els of com­pute with vari­able sam­ple sizes: 6 (high-efficiency) and 1024 (low-efficiency, 172x com­pute).

Here are the re­sults.

Note: o3 high-com­pute costs not avail­able as pric­ing and fea­ture avail­abil­ity is still TBD. The amount of com­pute was roughly 172x the low-com­pute con­fig­u­ra­tion.

Note on tuned”: OpenAI shared they trained the o3 we tested on 75% of the Public Training set. They have not shared more de­tails. We have not yet tested the ARC-untrained model to un­der­stand how much of the per­for­mance is due to ARC-AGI data.

Due to vari­able in­fer­ence bud­get, ef­fi­ciency (e.g., com­pute cost) is now a re­quired met­ric when re­port­ing per­for­mance. We’ve doc­u­mented both the to­tal costs and the cost per task as an ini­tial proxy for ef­fi­ciency. As an in­dus­try, we’ll need to fig­ure out what met­ric best tracks ef­fi­ciency, but di­rec­tion­ally, cost is a solid start­ing point.

The high-ef­fi­ciency score of 75.7% is within the bud­get rules of ARC-AGI-Pub (costs

The low-ef­fi­ciency score of 87.5% is quite ex­pen­sive, but still shows that per­for­mance on novel tasks does im­prove with in­creased com­pute (at least up to this level.)

Despite the sig­nif­i­cant cost per task, these num­bers aren’t just the re­sult of ap­ply­ing brute force com­pute to the bench­mark. OpenAI’s new o3 model rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant leap for­ward in AIs abil­ity to adapt to novel tasks. This is not merely in­cre­men­tal im­prove­ment, but a gen­uine break­through, mark­ing a qual­i­ta­tive shift in AI ca­pa­bil­i­ties com­pared to the prior lim­i­ta­tions of LLMs. o3 is a sys­tem ca­pa­ble of adapt­ing to tasks it has never en­coun­tered be­fore, ar­guably ap­proach­ing hu­man-level per­for­mance in the ARC-AGI do­main.

Of course, such gen­er­al­ity comes at a steep cost, and would­n’t quite be eco­nom­i­cal yet: you could pay a hu­man to solve ARC-AGI tasks for roughly $5 per task (we know, we did that), while con­sum­ing mere cents in en­ergy. Meanwhile o3 re­quires $17-20 per task in the low-com­pute mode. But cost-per­for­mance will likely im­prove quite dra­mat­i­cally over the next few months and years, so you should plan for these ca­pa­bil­i­ties to be­come com­pet­i­tive with hu­man work within a fairly short time­line.

o3′s im­prove­ment over the GPT se­ries proves that ar­chi­tec­ture is every­thing. You could­n’t throw more com­pute at GPT-4 and get these re­sults. Simply scal­ing up the things we were do­ing from 2019 to 2023 — take the same ar­chi­tec­ture, train a big­ger ver­sion on more data — is not enough. Further progress is about new ideas.

ARC-AGI serves as a crit­i­cal bench­mark for de­tect­ing such break­throughs, high­light­ing gen­er­al­iza­tion power in a way that sat­u­rated or less de­mand­ing bench­marks can­not. However, it is im­por­tant to note that ARC-AGI is not an acid test for AGI — as we’ve re­peated dozens of times this year. It’s a re­search tool de­signed to fo­cus at­ten­tion on the most chal­leng­ing un­solved prob­lems in AI, a role it has ful­filled well over the past five years.

Passing ARC-AGI does not equate to achiev­ing AGI, and, as a mat­ter of fact, I don’t think o3 is AGI yet. o3 still fails on some very easy tasks, in­di­cat­ing fun­da­men­tal dif­fer­ences with hu­man in­tel­li­gence.

Furthermore, early data points sug­gest that the up­com­ing ARC-AGI-2 bench­mark will still pose a sig­nif­i­cant chal­lenge to o3, po­ten­tially re­duc­ing its score to un­der 30% even at high com­pute (while a smart hu­man would still be able to score over 95% with no train­ing). This demon­strates the con­tin­ued pos­si­bil­ity of cre­at­ing chal­leng­ing, un­sat­u­rated bench­marks with­out hav­ing to rely on ex­pert do­main knowl­edge. You’ll know AGI is here when the ex­er­cise of cre­at­ing tasks that are easy for reg­u­lar hu­mans but hard for AI be­comes sim­ply im­pos­si­ble.

Why does o3 score so much higher than o1? And why did o1 score so much higher than GPT-4o in the first place? I think this se­ries of re­sults pro­vides in­valu­able data points for the on­go­ing pur­suit of AGI.

My men­tal model for LLMs is that they work as a repos­i­tory of vec­tor pro­grams. When prompted, they will fetch the pro­gram that your prompt maps to and execute” it on the in­put at hand. LLMs are a way to store and op­er­a­tional­ize mil­lions of use­ful mini-pro­grams via pas­sive ex­po­sure to hu­man-gen­er­ated con­tent.

This memorize, fetch, ap­ply” par­a­digm can achieve ar­bi­trary lev­els of skills at ar­bi­trary tasks given ap­pro­pri­ate train­ing data, but it can­not adapt to nov­elty or pick up new skills on the fly (which is to say that there is no fluid in­tel­li­gence at play here.) This has been ex­em­pli­fied by the low per­for­mance of LLMs on ARC-AGI, the only bench­mark specif­i­cally de­signed to mea­sure adapt­abil­ity to nov­elty — GPT-3 scored 0, GPT-4 scored near 0, GPT-4o got to 5%. Scaling up these mod­els to the lim­its of what’s pos­si­ble was­n’t get­ting ARC-AGI num­bers any­where near what ba­sic brute enu­mer­a­tion could achieve years ago (up to 50%).

To adapt to nov­elty, you need two things. First, you need knowl­edge — a set of reusable func­tions or pro­grams to draw upon. LLMs have more than enough of that. Second, you need the abil­ity to re­com­bine these func­tions into a brand new pro­gram when fac­ing a new task — a pro­gram that mod­els the task at hand. Program syn­the­sis. LLMs have long lacked this fea­ture. The o se­ries of mod­els fixes that.

For now, we can only spec­u­late about the ex­act specifics of how o3 works. But o3′s core mech­a­nism ap­pears to be nat­ural lan­guage pro­gram search and ex­e­cu­tion within to­ken space — at test time, the model searches over the space of pos­si­ble Chains of Thought (CoTs) de­scrib­ing the steps re­quired to solve the task, in a fash­ion per­haps not too dis­sim­i­lar to AlphaZero-style Monte-Carlo tree search. In the case of o3, the search is pre­sum­ably guided by some kind of eval­u­a­tor model. To note, Demis Hassabis hinted back in a June 2023 in­ter­view that DeepMind had been re­search­ing this very idea — this line of work has been a long time com­ing.

So while sin­gle-gen­er­a­tion LLMs strug­gle with nov­elty, o3 over­comes this by gen­er­at­ing and ex­e­cut­ing its own pro­grams, where the pro­gram it­self (the CoT) be­comes the ar­ti­fact of knowl­edge re­com­bi­na­tion. Although this is not the only vi­able ap­proach to test-time knowl­edge re­com­bi­na­tion (you could also do test-time train­ing, or search in la­tent space), it rep­re­sents the cur­rent state-of-the-art as per these new ARC-AGI num­bers.

Effectively, o3 rep­re­sents a form of deep learn­ing-guided pro­gram search. The model does test-time search over a space of programs” (in this case, nat­ural lan­guage pro­grams — the space of CoTs that de­scribe the steps to solve the task at hand), guided by a deep learn­ing prior (the base LLM). The rea­son why solv­ing a sin­gle ARC-AGI task can end up tak­ing up tens of mil­lions of to­kens and cost thou­sands of dol­lars is be­cause this search process has to ex­plore an enor­mous num­ber of paths through pro­gram space — in­clud­ing back­track­ing.

There are how­ever two sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ences be­tween what’s hap­pen­ing here and what I meant when I pre­vi­ously de­scribed deep learn­ing-guided pro­gram search” as the best path to get to AGI. Crucially, the pro­grams gen­er­ated by o3 are nat­ural lan­guage in­struc­tions (to be executed” by a LLM) rather than ex­e­cutable sym­bolic pro­grams. This means two things. First, that they can­not make con­tact with re­al­ity via ex­e­cu­tion and di­rect eval­u­a­tion on the task — in­stead, they must be eval­u­ated for fit­ness via an­other model, and the eval­u­a­tion, lack­ing such ground­ing, might go wrong when op­er­at­ing out of dis­tri­b­u­tion. Second, the sys­tem can­not au­tonomously ac­quire the abil­ity to gen­er­ate and eval­u­ate these pro­grams (the way a sys­tem like AlphaZero can learn to play a board game on its own.) Instead, it is re­liant on ex­pert-la­beled, hu­man-gen­er­ated CoT data.

It’s not yet clear what the ex­act lim­i­ta­tions of the new sys­tem are and how far it might scale. We’ll need fur­ther test­ing to find out. Regardless, the cur­rent per­for­mance rep­re­sents a re­mark­able achieve­ment, and a clear con­fir­ma­tion that in­tu­ition-guided test-time search over pro­gram space is a pow­er­ful par­a­digm to build AI sys­tems that can adapt to ar­bi­trary tasks.

First of all, open-source repli­ca­tion of o3, fa­cil­i­tated by the ARC Prize com­pe­ti­tion in 2025, will be cru­cial to move the re­search com­mu­nity for­ward. A thor­ough analy­sis of o3′s strengths and lim­i­ta­tions is nec­es­sary to un­der­stand its scal­ing be­hav­ior, the na­ture of its po­ten­tial bot­tle­necks, and an­tic­i­pate what abil­i­ties fur­ther de­vel­op­ments might un­lock.

Moreover, ARC-AGI-1 is now sat­u­rat­ing — be­sides o3′s new score, the fact is that a large en­sem­ble of low-com­pute Kaggle so­lu­tions can now score 81% on the pri­vate eval.

We’re go­ing to be rais­ing the bar with a new ver­sion — ARC-AGI-2 - which has been in the works since 2022. It promises a ma­jor re­set of the state-of-the-art. We want it to push the bound­aries of AGI re­search with hard, high-sig­nal evals that high­light cur­rent AI lim­i­ta­tions.

Our early ARC-AGI-2 test­ing sug­gests it will be use­ful and ex­tremely chal­leng­ing, even for o3. And, of course, ARC Prize’s ob­jec­tive is to pro­duce a high-ef­fi­ciency and open-source so­lu­tion in or­der to win the Grand Prize. We cur­rently in­tend to launch ARC-AGI-2 along­side ARC Prize 2025 (estimated launch: late Q1).

Going for­ward, the ARC Prize Foundation will con­tinue to cre­ate new bench­marks to fo­cus the at­ten­tion of re­searchers on the hard­est un­solved prob­lems on the way to AGI. We’ve started work on a third-gen­er­a­tion bench­mark which de­parts com­pletely from the 2019 ARC-AGI for­mat and in­cor­po­rates some ex­cit­ing new ideas.

Today, we’re also re­leas­ing data (results, at­tempts, and prompt) from our high-com­pute o3 test­ing and would like your help to an­a­lyze the re­sults. In par­tic­u­lar, we are very cu­ri­ous about the ~9% set of Public Eval tasks o3 was un­able to solve, even with lots of com­pute, yet are straight­for­ward for hu­mans.

We in­vite the com­mu­nity to help us as­sess the char­ac­ter­is­tics of both solved and un­solved tasks.

To get your ideas flow­ing, here are 3 ex­am­ples of tasks un­solved by high-com­pute o3.

See our full set of o3 test­ing data.

Here’s the prompt that was used in test­ing.

We’ve also cre­ated a new chan­nel in our Discord named oai-analy­sis and we’d love to hear your analy­sis and in­sights there. Or tag us on X/Twitter @arcprize.

To sum up — o3 rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant leap for­ward. Its per­for­mance on ARC-AGI high­lights a gen­uine break­through in adapt­abil­ity and gen­er­al­iza­tion, in a way that no other bench­mark could have made as ex­plicit.

o3 fixes the fun­da­men­tal lim­i­ta­tion of the LLM par­a­digm — the in­abil­ity to re­com­bine knowl­edge at test time — and it does so via a form of LLM-guided nat­ural lan­guage pro­gram search. This is not just in­cre­men­tal progress; it is new ter­ri­tory, and it de­mands se­ri­ous sci­en­tific at­ten­tion.

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We ex­pect to re-launch ARC Prize in Q1 2025. Sign up now to re­ceive of­fi­cial com­pe­ti­tion up­dates and news.

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OpenAI whistleblower found dead in San Francisco apartment

SAN FRANCISCO — A for­mer OpenAI re­searcher known for whistle­blow­ing the block­buster ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence com­pany fac­ing a swell of law­suits over its busi­ness model has died, au­thor­i­ties con­firmed this week.

Suchir Balaji, 26, was found dead in­side his Buchanan Street apart­ment on Nov. 26, San Francisco po­lice and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner said. Police had been called to the Lower Haight res­i­dence at about 1 p.m. that day, af­ter re­ceiv­ing a call ask­ing of­fi­cers to check on his well-be­ing, a po­lice spokesper­son said.

The med­ical ex­am­in­er’s of­fice de­ter­mined the man­ner of death to be sui­cide and po­lice of­fi­cials this week said there is currently, no ev­i­dence of foul play.”

Information he held was ex­pected to play a key part in law­suits against the San Francisco-based com­pany.

Balaji’s death comes three months af­ter he pub­licly ac­cused OpenAI of vi­o­lat­ing U. S. copy­right law while de­vel­op­ing ChatGPT, a gen­er­a­tive ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence pro­gram that has be­come a mon­ey­mak­ing sen­sa­tion used by hun­dreds of mil­lions of peo­ple across the world.

Its pub­lic re­lease in late 2022 spurred a tor­rent of law­suits against OpenAI from au­thors, com­puter pro­gram­mers and jour­nal­ists, who say the com­pany il­le­gally stole their copy­righted ma­te­r­ial to train its pro­gram and el­e­vate its value past $150 bil­lion.

The Mercury News and seven sis­ter news out­lets are among sev­eral news­pa­pers, in­clud­ing the New York Times, to sue OpenAI in the past year.

In an in­ter­view with the New York Times pub­lished Oct. 23, Balaji ar­gued OpenAI was harm­ing busi­nesses and en­tre­pre­neurs whose data were used to train ChatGPT.

If you be­lieve what I be­lieve, you have to just leave the com­pany,” he told the out­let, adding that this is not a sus­tain­able model for the in­ter­net ecosys­tem as a whole.”

Balaji grew up in Cupertino be­fore at­tend­ing UC Berkeley to study com­puter sci­ence. It was then he be­came a be­liever in the po­ten­tial ben­e­fits that ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence could of­fer so­ci­ety, in­clud­ing its abil­ity to cure dis­eases and stop ag­ing, the Times re­ported. I thought we could in­vent some kind of sci­en­tist that could help solve them,” he told the news­pa­per.

But his out­look be­gan to sour in 2022, two years af­ter join­ing OpenAI as a re­searcher. He grew par­tic­u­larly con­cerned about his as­sign­ment of gath­er­ing data from the in­ter­net for the com­pa­ny’s GPT-4 pro­gram, which an­a­lyzed text from nearly the en­tire in­ter­net to train its ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence pro­gram, the news out­let re­ported.

The prac­tice, he told the Times, ran afoul of the coun­try’s fair use” laws gov­ern­ing how peo­ple can use pre­vi­ously pub­lished work. In late October, he posted an analy­sis on his per­sonal web­site ar­gu­ing that point.

No known fac­tors seem to weigh in fa­vor of ChatGPT be­ing a fair use of its train­ing data,” Balaji wrote. That be­ing said, none of the ar­gu­ments here are fun­da­men­tally spe­cific to ChatGPT ei­ther, and sim­i­lar ar­gu­ments could be made for many gen­er­a­tive AI prod­ucts in a wide va­ri­ety of do­mains.”

Reached by this news agency, Balaji’s mother re­quested pri­vacy while griev­ing the death of her son.

In a Nov. 18 let­ter filed in fed­eral court, at­tor­neys for The New York Times named Balaji as some­one who had unique and rel­e­vant doc­u­ments” that would sup­port their case against OpenAI. He was among at least 12 peo­ple — many of them past or pre­sent OpenAI em­ploy­ees — the news­pa­per had named in court fil­ings as hav­ing ma­te­r­ial help­ful to their case, ahead of de­po­si­tions.

Generative ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence pro­grams work by an­a­lyz­ing an im­mense amount of data from the in­ter­net and us­ing it to an­swer prompts sub­mit­ted by users, or to cre­ate text, im­ages or videos.

Ireland’s AI data cen­ters are suck­ing up too much of the coun­try’s en­ergy

San Jose, SJSU an­nounce col­lab­o­ra­tion with NVIDIA to fur­ther work­force de­vel­op­ment, AI in­no­va­tion

When OpenAI re­leased its ChatGPT pro­gram in late 2022, it tur­bocharged an in­dus­try of com­pa­nies seek­ing to write es­says, make art and cre­ate com­puter code. Many of the most valu­able com­pa­nies in the world now work in the field of ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence, or man­u­fac­ture the com­puter chips needed to run those pro­grams. OpenAI’s own value nearly dou­bled in the past year.

News out­lets have ar­gued that OpenAI and Microsoft — which is in busi­ness with OpenAI and also has been sued by The Mercury News — have pla­gia­rized and stole its ar­ti­cles, un­der­min­ing their busi­ness mod­els.

Microsoft and OpenAI sim­ply take the work prod­uct of re­porters, jour­nal­ists, ed­i­to­r­ial writ­ers, ed­i­tors and oth­ers who con­tribute to the work of lo­cal news­pa­pers — all with­out any re­gard for the ef­forts, much less the le­gal rights, of those who cre­ate and pub­lish the news on which lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties rely,” the news­pa­pers’ law­suit said.

OpenAI has staunchly re­futed those claims, stress­ing that all of its work re­mains le­gal un­der fair use” laws.

We see im­mense po­ten­tial for AI tools like ChatGPT to deepen pub­lish­ers’ re­la­tion­ships with read­ers and en­hance the news ex­pe­ri­ence,” the com­pany said when the law­suit was filed.

If you or some­one you know is strug­gling with feel­ings of de­pres­sion or sui­ci­dal thoughts, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline of­fers free, round-the-clock sup­port, in­for­ma­tion and re­sources for help. Call or text the life­line at 988, or see the 988lifeline.org web­site, where chat is avail­able.

Jakob Rodgers is a se­nior break­ing news re­porter. Call, text or send him an en­crypted mes­sage via Signal at 510-390-2351, or email him at jrodgers@ba­yare­anews­group.com.


Read the original on www.mercurynews.com »

4 931 shares, 38 trendiness

School smartphone ban results in better sleep and improved mood

Psychologists at the University of York, who tested the im­pact that smart­phones have on chil­dren’s be­hav­iour for a new two-part doc­u­men­tary se­ries for Channel 4, found that a ban in school im­pacted pos­i­tively on sleep and mood.

Swiped: The School that Banned Smartphones airs this week on Channel 4

Swiped: The School that Banned Smartphones, hosted by Matt and Emma Willis, is based at The Stanway School in Colchester, and chal­lenged a group of Year 8 pupils to give up their smart­phones com­pletely for 21 days.

The ex­per­i­ment, led by Professor Lisa Henderson and Dr Emma Sullivan from the University, saw pupils un­dergo a se­ries of tests, with ex­perts mon­i­tor­ing their be­hav­ioural changes through­out the pe­riod, and re­peat­ing the tests at the end of the three weeks to con­clude what ef­fects giv­ing up your phone re­ally does have on your brain in­clud­ing sleep, well­be­ing and cog­ni­tion.

They found that stu­dents in the phone ban group ex­pe­ri­enced no­table im­prove­ments in their sleep. On av­er­age, they were falling asleep 20 min­utes faster than be­fore the ban, and re­ported get­ting a full hour of ex­tra rest each night.

Children in the phone ban group also went to bed on av­er­age, 50 min­utes ear­lier dur­ing the phone ban weeks com­pared to the week be­fore the phone ban, for ex­am­ple, bed­time was 10:12 pm one-week post ban, and 11:02 pm the week be­fore the ban. These changes, which were self-re­ported, were also ver­i­fied with sleep-track­ing de­vices.

Better sleep also ap­peared to co­in­cide with a boost in mood. Pupils in the phone ban group re­ported a 17% re­duc­tion in feel­ings re­lated to de­pres­sion and an 18% re­duc­tion in feel­ings re­lated to anx­i­ety, feel­ing gen­er­ally less up­set and ner­vous. Pupils who slept bet­ter even showed changes in their heart rate that sig­nalled im­proved well be­ing.

Professor Lisa Henderson, from the University’s Department of Psychology, said: This ex­per­i­ment in­cor­po­rated a much longer ab­sti­nence pe­riod than pre­vi­ous stud­ies, al­low­ing us to see how a smart­phone ban in school could im­pact on sleep, well­be­ing, cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties, and alert­ness.

The re­sults showed that a smart­phone ban in chil­dren un­der the age of 14 could have a pos­i­tive im­pact on sleep, and con­nected to im­proved sleep, a boost in over­all mood.”

Interestingly, the re­search did­n’t show sig­nif­i­cant im­prove­ments in cog­ni­tive abil­ity; the phone ban group showed a mod­est 3% boost in work­ing mem­ory, and there were no im­prove­ments in sus­tained at­ten­tion. Researchers sug­gest that these re­sults might mean that changes in cog­ni­tive abil­ity could take longer than the study pe­riod of 21 days to ma­te­ri­alise.

Dr Emma Sullivan, from the University’s Department of Psychology, said: Our re­sults come at an im­por­tant time when gov­ern­ment min­is­ters in the UK are think­ing about the im­pact of smart­phones on young peo­ple, and when other parts of the world, such as Australia, are in­tro­duc­ing a so­cial me­dia ban for un­der 16s.

Evidence gath­er­ing is cru­cial to make these big de­ci­sions that im­pact on the lives of young peo­ple, and whilst more work is needed on this, these first sets of re­sults are an in­ter­est­ing start to be­gin to have these bet­ter in­formed con­ver­sa­tions.”

Swiped: The School that Banned Smartphones starts at 8pm, Wednesday, 11 December, on Channel 4.


Read the original on www.york.ac.uk »

5 763 shares, 31 trendiness


The TW4 de­cen­tral­ized Energy Recovery Ventilator trans­fers clean out­door air in­side and moves pol­luted air out­doors, while har­vest­ing ~90% of the heat en­ergy - so you get fresh air with­out the down­sides of heat­ing or cool­ing it.

The WM12 is ba­si­cally two TW4 mod­ules side by side in a piece of tough polypropy­lene foam, so you can put it in a win­dow.

The de­sign is now in beta.  People who re­quest a unit by email will be con­tacted one at a time as units be­come avail­able, start­ing with those most able to han­dle po­ten­tial com­pli­ca­tions that come with the beta phase.


Read the original on www.openerv.ca »

6 715 shares, 28 trendiness

The era of open voice assistants has arrived

We all de­serve a voice as­sis­tant that does­n’t har­vest our data and ar­bi­trar­ily limit fea­tures. In the same way Home Assistant made pri­vate and lo­cal home au­toma­tion a vi­able op­tion, we be­lieve the same can, and must be done for voice as­sis­tants.

Since we be­gan de­vel­op­ing our open-source voice as­sis­tant for Home Assistant, one key el­e­ment has been miss­ing - great hard­ware that’s sim­ple to set up and use. Hardware that hears you, gives you clear feed­back, and seam­lessly fits into the home. Affordable and high-qual­ity voice hard­ware will let more peo­ple join in on its de­vel­op­ment and al­low any­one to pre­view the fu­ture of voice as­sis­tants to­day. Setting a stan­dard for the next sev­eral years to base our de­vel­op­ment around.

We’re launch­ing Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition to help ac­cel­er­ate our goal of not only match­ing the ca­pa­bil­i­ties of ex­ist­ing voice as­sis­tants but sur­pass­ing them. This is in­evitable: They’ll fo­cus their ef­forts on mon­e­tiz­ing voice, while our com­mu­nity will be fo­cused on im­prov­ing open and pri­vate voice. We’ll sup­port the lan­guages big tech ig­nores and pro­vide a real choice in how you run voice in your home.

The era of open, pri­vate voice as­sis­tants be­gins now, and we’d love for you to be part of it.

Our main goal with Voice Preview Edition was to make the best hard­ware to get started with Assist, Home Assistant’s built-in voice as­sis­tant. If you’re al­ready us­ing other third-party hard­ware to run Assist, this will be a big up­grade. We pri­or­i­tized its abil­ity to hear com­mands, giv­ing it an in­dus­try-lead­ing ded­i­cated au­dio proces­sor and dual mi­cro­phones - I’m al­ways blown away by how well it picks up my voice around the room.

Next, we en­sured it would blend into the home, giv­ing it a sleek but un­ob­tru­sive de­sign. That’s not to say it does­n’t have flair. When you get your hands on Voice Preview Edition the first thing you’ll no­tice is its pre­mium-feel­ing in­jec­tion-molded shell, which is semi-trans­par­ent, just like your fa­vorite 90s tech. The LED ring is also re­ally eye-catch­ing, and you can cus­tomize it to your heart’s con­tent from full gamer RGB to sub­tle glow.

It’s hard to con­vey how nice the ro­tary dial is to use; its sub­tle clicks paired with LED an­i­ma­tions are hard not to play with. Most im­por­tantly, the dial lets any­one in your home in­tu­itively ad­just the vol­ume. The same can be said for the mul­ti­pur­pose but­ton and mute switch (which phys­i­cally cuts power to the mi­cro­phone for ul­ti­mate pri­vacy). We knew for it to work best, it needed to be out in the open, and let’s just say that Home Approval Factor was very front of mind when de­sign­ing it.

We also worked hard to keep the price af­ford­able and com­pa­ra­ble to other voice as­sis­tant hard­ware at just $59 (that’s the rec­om­mended MSRP, and pric­ing will vary by re­tailer). This is­n’t a pre­order, it’s avail­able now!

For some, our voice as­sis­tant is all they need; they just want to say a cou­ple of com­mands, set timers, man­age their shop­ping list, and con­trol their most used de­vices. For oth­ers, we un­der­stand they want to ask their voice as­sis­tant to make whale sounds or to tell them how tall Taylor Swift is - this voice as­sis­tant does­n’t en­tirely do those things (yet). We think there is still more we can do be­fore this is ready for every home, and un­til then, we’ll be sell­ing this Preview of the fu­ture of voice as­sis­tants. We’ve built the best hard­ware on the mar­ket, and set a new stan­dard for the com­ing years, al­low­ing us to fo­cus our de­vel­op­ment as we pre­pare our voice as­sis­tant for every home. Taking back our pri­vacy is­n’t for every­one - it’s a jour­ney - and we want as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble to join us early and make it bet­ter.

Many other voice as­sis­tants work with Home Assistant, but this one was built for Home Assistant. Unlike other voice hard­ware that can work with Assist, this does­n’t re­quire flash­ing firmware or any as­sem­bly. You plug it into power, and it is seam­lessly dis­cov­ered by Home Assistant. A wiz­ard in­stantly starts help­ing you set up your voice as­sis­tant, but crit­i­cally, if you haven’t used voice be­fore, it will quickly guide you through what you need to get the best ex­pe­ri­ence.

Get up and run­ning with Voice Preview Edition in min­utes with our new wiz­ard

This is not a DIY prod­uct. We’ve worked to make the ex­pe­ri­ence as smooth as pos­si­ble, with easy and fast up­dates and set­tings you can man­age from the Home Assistant UI.

If you have been fol­low­ing our work on voice, you know we’ve tried a lot of dif­fer­ent voice as­sis­tant hard­ware. Most avail­able Assist-capable hard­ware is bad at its most im­por­tant job - hear­ing your voice and then pro­vid­ing au­dio­vi­sual feed­back. That was re­ally what drove us to build Voice Preview Edition.

Voice Preview Editions mics and au­dio proces­sors ef­fort­lessly hear com­mands through loud mu­sic it is play­ing

Our Assist soft­ware could only do so much with sub­stan­dard au­dio, and its func­tion­al­ity is mas­sively im­proved with clear au­dio. The dual mi­cro­phones com­bined with the XMOS au­dio pro­cess­ing chip are what makes it so ca­pa­ble. Together, they al­low Voice Preview Edition to have echo can­cel­la­tion, sta­tion­ary noise re­moval, and auto gain con­trol, which all adds up to clearer au­dio. This com­bined with an ESP32-S3 with 8 MB of oc­tal PSRAM - one of the fastest ESP and RAM com­bi­na­tions avail­able - makes for an in­cred­i­bly re­spon­sive de­vice. This is the best Assist hard­ware you can buy to­day, and it will con­tinue to give a great ex­pe­ri­ence as Assist’s fea­ture set ex­pands in the years to come.

Assist can do some­thing al­most no other voice as­sis­tant can achieve - it can run with­out the in­ter­net 🤯. You can speak to your Voice Preview Edition, and those com­mands can be processed com­pletely within the walls of your home. At the time of writ­ing this, there are some pretty big caveats, specif­i­cally that you need to speak a sup­ported lan­guage and have pretty pow­er­ful hard­ware to run it (we rec­om­mend a Home Assistant sys­tem run­ning on an Intel N100 or bet­ter).

If you use low-pow­ered Home Assistant hard­ware, there is an easy and af­ford­able in­ter­net-based so­lu­tion; Home Assistant Cloud. This pri­vacy-fo­cused ser­vice al­lows you to of­fload your speech-to-text and text-to-speech pro­cess­ing, all while be­ing very re­spon­sive and keep­ing your en­ergy bill low. Speech-to-text is the harder of the two to run lo­cally, and our cloud pro­cess­ing is al­most al­ways more ac­cu­rate for more lan­guages (visit our lan­guage sup­port checker here).

Our goal is for Assist to run eas­ily, af­ford­ably, and fully lo­cally for all lan­guages. As some­one who has seen the rapid de­vel­op­ment of this tech­nol­ogy over the past sev­eral years, I’m op­ti­mistic that this will hap­pen, but un­til then, many lan­guages have a good range of choices that pro­vide strong pri­vacy.

We are shar­ing the de­sign files if you want to 3D print a new case… these ones were in­evitable

We’re not just launch­ing a new prod­uct, we’re open sourc­ing all of it. We built this for the Home Assistant com­mu­nity. Our com­mu­nity does­n’t want a sin­gle voice as­sis­tant, they want the one that works for them — they want choice. Creating a voice as­sis­tant is hard, and un­til now, parts of the so­lu­tion were locked be­hind ex­pen­sive li­censes and pro­pri­etary soft­ware. With Voice Preview Edition be­ing open source, we hope to boot­strap an ecosys­tem of voice as­sis­tants.

We tried to make every as­pect of Voice Preview Edition cus­tomiz­able, which is ac­tu­ally pretty easy when you’re work­ing hand-in-hand with ESPHome and Home Assistant. It works great with the stock set­tings, but if you’re so in­clined, you can cus­tomize the Assist soft­ware, ESP32 firmware, and XMOS firmware.

Connecting Grove sen­sors al­lows you to use your Voice Preview Edition as a more tra­di­tional ESPHome de­vice - here is it act­ing as a voice as­sis­tant and air mon­i­tor.

We also made the hard­ware easy to mod­ify, in­side and out. For in­stance, the in­cluded speaker is for alerts and voice prompts, but if you want to use it as a me­dia player, con­nect a speaker to the in­cluded 3.5mm head­phone jack and con­trol it with soft­ware like Music Assistant. The in­cluded DAC is very clean and ca­pa­ble of stream­ing loss­less au­dio. It can also be used as a very ca­pa­ble ESP32 de­vice. On the bot­tom of the de­vice is a Grove port (concealed un­der a cover that can be per­ma­nently re­moved), which al­lows you to con­nect a large ecosys­tem of sen­sors and ac­ces­sories.

We’ve also made it quite pain­less to open, with easy-to-ac­cess screws and no clips. We even in­cluded ex­posed pads on the cir­cuit board to make mod­i­fy­ing it more straight­for­ward. We’re pro­vid­ing all the 3D files so you can print your own com­po­nents… even car­toon char­ac­ter-in­spired ones. We’re not here to dic­tate what you can and can’t do with your de­vice, and we tried our best to stay out of your way.

The beauty of Home Assistant and ESPHome is that you are never alone when fix­ing an is­sue or adding a fea­ture. We made this de­vice so the com­mu­nity could start work­ing more closely to­gether on voice; we even con­sid­ered call­ing it the Community edi­tion. Ultimately, it is the com­mu­nity dri­ving for­ward voice - ei­ther by tak­ing part in its de­vel­op­ment or sup­port­ing its de­vel­op­ment by buy­ing of­fi­cial hard­ware or Home Assistant Cloud. So much has al­ready been done for voice, and I can’t wait to see the ad­vance­ments we make to­gether.

Home Assistant cham­pi­ons choice. Today, we’re pro­vid­ing one of the best choices for voice hard­ware. One that is truly pri­vate and to­tally open. I’m so proud of the team for build­ing such a great work­ing and feel­ing piece of hard­ware - this is a re­ally big leap for voice hard­ware. I ex­pect it to be the hard­ware bench­mark for open-voice pro­jects for years to come. I would also like to thank our lan­guage lead­ers who are ex­pand­ing the reach of this pro­ject, our testers of this Preview Edition, and any­one who has joined in our voice work over the past years.

The hard­ware re­ally is only half the pic­ture, and it’s the soft­ware that re­ally brings this all to­gether. Mike Hansen has just writ­ten the Voice Chapter 8 blog to ac­com­pany this launch, and this ex­plains all the things we’ve built over the past two years to make Assist work in the home to­day. He also high­lights every­thing that Voice Preview Edition was built to help ac­cel­er­ate de­vel­op­ment.


Read the original on www.home-assistant.io »

7 699 shares, 28 trendiness

LFGSS and Microcosm shutting down 16th March 2025 (the day before the Online Safety Act is enforced)

London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a com­mu­nity of pre­dom­i­nantly fixed gear and sin­gle-speed cy­clists in and around London, UK.

This site is sup­ported al­most ex­clu­sively by do­na­tions. Please con­sider do­nat­ing a small amount reg­u­larly.


Read the original on www.lfgss.com »

8 667 shares, 27 trendiness

Getting to Two Million Users as a One Woman Dev Team

Sorry, your browser does­n’t sup­port em­bed­ded videos, but don’t worry, you can

down­load it.

Nadia Odunayo has been so of­ten the smil­ing face on the door of this event, but did you know she’s the founder and (more im­pres­sively!) one woman de­vel­op­ment team be­hind The StoryGraph, a read­ing com­mu­nity of over a mil­lion book lovers. Her story is one of grit, in­sight and tech­ni­cal in­sights into what it takes to ex­e­cute on the one per­son frame­work”.

Nadia Odunayo is the founder and CEO of The StoryGraph, the app that helps you to track your read­ing and choose which book to read next based on your mood and fa­vorite top­ics and themes. She pre­vi­ously worked at Pivotal Labs as a soft­ware en­gi­neer and orig­i­nally learnt to code at Makers Academy in London. In her spare time she loves to take dance class and, nat­u­rally, read!


Read the original on brightonruby.com »

9 663 shares, 26 trendiness

anvaka/map-of-github: Inspirational Mapping

This is a map of 400,000+ GitHub pro­jects. Each dot is a pro­ject. Dots are close to each other if they have a lot of com­mon stargaz­ers.

The first step was to fetch who gave stars to which repos­i­to­ries. For this I used a pub­lic data set of github ac­tiv­ity events on Google BigQuery, con­sid­er­ing only events be­tween Jan 2020 and March 2023. This gave me more than 350 mil­lion stars. (Side note: Mind blow­ing to think that Milky Way has more than 100 bil­lion stars)

In the sec­ond phase I com­puted ex­act Jaccard Similarity be­tween each repos­i­tory. For my home com­put­er’s 24GB RAM this was too much, how­ever an AWS EC2 in­stance with 512GB of RAM chewed through it in a few hours. (Side note: I tried other sim­i­lar­i­ties too, but Jaccard gave the most be­liev­able re­sults)

In the third phase I used a few clus­ter­ing al­go­rithms to split repos­i­to­ries to­gether. I liked Leiden clus­ter­ing

the best and ended up with 1000+ clus­ters.

In the fourth phase I used my own ngraph.force­lay­out to com­pute lay­outs of nodes in­side clus­ters, and a sep­a­rate con­fig­u­ra­tion to get global lay­out of clus­ters.

In the fifth phase we need to ren­der the map. Unlike my pre­vi­ous pro­jects, I did­n’t want to rein­vent the wheel, so ended up us­ing mapli­bre. All I had to do was con­vert my data into GeoJSON for­mat, gen­er­ate tiles with tippeca­noe and con­fig­ure the brows­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

A lot of coun­try la­bels were gen­er­ated with help of ChatGPT. If you find some­thing wrong, you can right click it, edit, and send a pull re­quest - I’d be grate­ful.

The query that I used to gen­er­ate la­bels was:

To im­ple­ment a search­box, I used a sim­ple dump of all repos­i­to­ries, in­dexed by their first let­ter (or their au­thor’s). So when you type

a in the search box, I look up all repos­i­to­ries that start with a and show them to you with fuzzy matcher on the client.

Most of the time I like data pre­sented by this pro­ject bet­ter than vi­sual de­sign of the map. If you have ex­pe­ri­ence de­sign­ing maps or just have a won­der­ful de­sign vi­sion how it should look like - please don’t hes­i­tate to share. I’m still look­ing for the style that matches the data.

If you find this pro­ject use­ful and would like to sup­port it - please join the sup­port group. If you need any help with this pro­ject or have any ques­tions - don’t hes­i­tate to open an is­sue here or ping me on twit­ter

Thank you to all my friends and sup­port­ers who helped me to get this pro­ject off the ground: Ryan, Andrey, Alex, Dmytro. You are awe­some!

Thank you to my dear daugh­ter Louise for mak­ing a logo for this pro­ject. I love you!

Endless grat­i­tude to all open source con­trib­u­tors who made this pro­ject pos­si­ble. I’m stand­ing on the shoul­ders of gi­ants.

I’m re­leas­ing this repos­i­tory un­der MIT li­cense. However if you use the data in your own work, please con­sider giv­ing at­tri­bu­tion to this pro­ject.


Read the original on github.com »

10 636 shares, 25 trendiness

Futility Closet

Sophie Germain wrote, It has been said that al­ge­bra is but writ­ten geom­e­try and geom­e­try is but di­a­gram­matic al­ge­bra.”


Read the original on www.futilitycloset.com »

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